This is an art thread for everyone. No limits, No rules, just art. Can be in any medium and about anything thing. Only rule is that you did it….And of course you get extra points for meme related stuff. :)

Last posted
Jan 25, 2024 at 11:06AM EST.
Feb 24, 2012 at 01:06AM EST
1756 posts
285 users
This is an art thread for everyone. No limits, No rules, just art. Can be in any medium and about anything thing. Only rule is that you did it….And of course you get extra points for meme related stuff. :)
Here are the last two things ive worked on
Here is Idiot Nerd Girl in a Link outfit
Trying to make gifs.
Chen from Touhou and Chie from Persona 4 fusion.
Ran from Touhou and Yu from Persona 4 fusion.
Trying to get better with my tablet. =T
I did this for a project application. It wasn't supposed to be complete, so I didn't color the whole thing.
all da memes! lol did this a few months ago.
Something I made for Gespenst.
It's a reversed version of his second pic.
My newest work.
Liked how it turned out. Wish I was better at shading and lighting though. =T
Hong Meiling from Touhou and Chie from Persona 4.
Hreres a "one letter off" Movie poster i did..And you should finish coloring that Brawlerler, looks good.
This is a one-off from my webcomic.
Maxwell's my waifu… it makes sense in context.
Lich wrote:
My newest work.
Liked how it turned out. Wish I was better at shading and lighting though. =T
Hong Meiling from Touhou and Chie from Persona 4.
Oh lord, I didn't realize she was wearing pink underwear, I thought she was going commando!
Well I did art of my own.
I am working on a drawing of me meeting my alter ego right now. O.o
(I got up voted for this post then down voted for it, I am unsure what I am doing wrong).
Here is some more PhotoShop work ive done
This was made from 15 different pictures and using various effects
My inspiration has been shit lately.
This is what I recently drew.
My signature is a "J" with the end being an arrow.
Ric Tesla ---(I got up voted for this post then down voted for it, I am unsure what I am doing wrong)
Ox Doxon wrote:
Ric Tesla ---(I got up voted for this post then down voted for it, I am unsure what I am doing wrong)
Thing is I don't know. But it is not a big deal though, it's just one person. Just a karma troll I presume.
Ric Te$l@ wrote:
Thing is I don't know. But it is not a big deal though, it's just one person. Just a karma troll I presume.
is it karma trolling if you thumb up everything? cause I do that a lot.
Slendy wrote:
is it karma trolling if you thumb up everything? cause I do that a lot.
lol…You get a thumbs up from me just for saying that :p
Ox Doxon wrote:
lol…You get a thumbs up from me just for saying that :p
I +1 up everybody's post.
That is more of a karma raper…because you like to rape people…
(Now lets not get off track).
My last painting. Feels like such a long time ago that I made it…
Ric Te$l@ wrote:
I +1 up everybody's post.
That is more of a karma raper…because you like to rape people…
(Now lets not get off track).
Ok back on track….I might as well throw the rest or meme related stuff up while were at it.
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron wrote:
My last painting. Feels like such a long time ago that I made it…
love the coloring and the shading
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron wrote:
My last painting. Feels like such a long time ago that I made it…
Yep, it's an HoH creation alright.
Oh wow, this thread is going to become one of my favourites!
Anyways, here's the newest pic I uploaded to my dA. I already showed this to the guys at the pony general. But since most people like to steer clear from that place, I decided to show it here too, especially since there are Touhou fans around.
Anyways, it's all hand drawn with water soluble color pencils.
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron wrote:
My last painting. Feels like such a long time ago that I made it…
[Menstruation Joke]
muumi is good at perspective
I was on vacation for a week and it was boring, so I drew.
Here is another picture I drew.
(It was a humanization of me and the Slendy/Ric combo that was made by Silver Chariot).
I am making him my evil alter ego, influence of Slendy. :D
(Some tips about how I can or could of made the picture better would be nice too).
Raven from Tales of Vesperia with a beer hat.
Gif I made after watching Judge Dredd two days ago.
a piece i made for my Metroid fanfiction, Corruption.
So, since I'm slowly teaching myself digital painting, here are a couple of my works:
This is a wallpaper I made for Christmas for my webcomic.
And this is the logo for my website.
Konata cosplaying as Jack Noir from Homestuck.
I'll have something ready for this thread tomorrow.
Also I love this thread.
>here are my tools
For paper then scan
For digital
Wow great stuff everyone! This is getting me motivated! lol. Here some older stuff..Ill Have some new stuff soon…Just slowly throwing stuff up for now…Keep it up. :) i know you guys have more work…lets see it! :P
Slendy wrote:
My inspiration has been shit lately.
This is what I recently drew.
My signature is a "J" with the end being an arrow.
The more i look at this the more i like it. Every time i open this thread i catch myself looking at it…You should color it.
1st time using charcoal
Last old one im putting up..From now on..ONLY DA FRESH STUFF
When I made this, I had originally wanted to make my own reaction face.
Don't bump this thread! Bump me who bumps this thread!
GAR version of Nitori Kawashiro.
Lovely work everyone :3 I was working on this before the bedbugs came and ate my face. Now, after rushing to clean my apartment, I can't find it :c
First and last actual good pony drawing.
Looks more like a G1 pony or something…
(pony haters, just keep on scrollin')
An awkward thing that keeps getting more awkward every time I look at it.
Visual arts are not really my thing…
When I said I'd have something ready, I lied.
It's gonna take awhile.
Patina wrote:
a piece i made for my Metroid fanfiction, Corruption.
/\This inspired me to do this\/
Ox Doxon wrote:
/\This inspired me to do this\/
"hey honey look, a planet"
"Baby I hope you know that we're probably fucked.."
"oh shit, you're right"
Did the Internet finally find stars?
I really need to get a personal scanner. I have hundreds of drawings but I can hardly upload any of them!
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