I really want to punch in the face whoever abbreviates "For Real" online

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Feb 20, 2024 at 04:59PM EST.
Oct 26, 2021 at 11:27PM EDT
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I really want to punch in the face whoever abbreviates "For Real" online
I cannot fucking stand people using "yikes" in a serious conversation
The scene from the Pokemon Movie where Ash "dies" is not sad and it honestly tries too hard to be emotional, I saw that movie when I was 6 and though it was dumb them and still think that now, and this was a kid that cried when he though Pikachu was going to stay with the other pikachus in S1
Boomers arent exactly wrong about the internet
I dislike NFTs as much as the next person but people should just let UkinoJoe's failed attempts at NFTs go already, it's honestly kinda annoying to see how often it gets brought up in his comment sections with people acting like it's still ongoing. Like all he did was shitty NFTs that failed anyway, he didn't commit murder or sext kids (in fact Joe actually got vindicated in a way, he told people years ago that RicePirate/Mick Lauer was engaging in some pretty sus things but people didn't believe him, but now Mick's outright confirmed he did in fact engage in some pretty bad behavior that cost him his friendships with people like Chris O'Neil/OneyNG).
People will be more forgiving if you admit to being wrong and proven to be so, but far, FAR less forgiving if you end up to be correct and proving them wrong.
Mistress Fortune wrote:
I dislike NFTs as much as the next person but people should just let UkinoJoe's failed attempts at NFTs go already, it's honestly kinda annoying to see how often it gets brought up in his comment sections with people acting like it's still ongoing. Like all he did was shitty NFTs that failed anyway, he didn't commit murder or sext kids (in fact Joe actually got vindicated in a way, he told people years ago that RicePirate/Mick Lauer was engaging in some pretty sus things but people didn't believe him, but now Mick's outright confirmed he did in fact engage in some pretty bad behavior that cost him his friendships with people like Chris O'Neil/OneyNG).
people that freak out the most about it have zero understanding
by the way
One unexpected thing I have found after reading a bunch of manga is that Japan is surprisingly backwards in a number of things. The fact that a mother having a career is considered the exception rather than the rule that it is most Western countries, feels so bizarre. (Granted, I assume that stay-at-home mothers are still more common in fiction, but it's still crazy how many married women in manga are just homemakers.)
Oddly enough, the expectation is that manga gives people an inflated opinion of Japan is not always true. I feel like it depends on which ones one reads (and non-fiction sources help too.) I'm not sure how unpopular this take is, though.
Japan…just kind of sucks as a place to live tbqh. Terrible working conditions
No!! wrote:
Japan…just kind of sucks as a place to live tbqh. Terrible working conditions
That too, but it's also a very stiffing society and overtly prudent on conformity. Maybe thats why Isekais are such a popular genre in anime? a crying plea of escapism.
First to chime in on the above: We're at a point where even stuff made in Japan like Aggretsuko is directly spelling out just how bad things are for the average salaryman, most likely once the post-WW2 baby boomers stop being the main people in power the country can see some huge changes to its work culture and there will be less of an emphasis on things like "never question authority" or conformity (ironic that a country where conformity is viewed as the societal norm is also the country where the main character in a lot of anime stands out like a sore thumb because of their lack of confirmity). Similarly I'm hoping for the same in the US once boomers and the stereotypical "apathetic gen X" people aren't the main ones in government, millennials and gen z are especially sick of boomers trying to revert things back to the fucking 1950s in some states.
New unpopular opinion but one that's pretty mild: Half-Life's HD models are honestly fine and in fact I even prefer some of them, like I genuinely think Barney's HD model looks better, and is also more consistent with HL2 given in HL2 he doesn't simply look like Don Knotts anymore. I wish Crowbar Collective didn't scrap their plans to also add the "HD model" variants for weapons into Black Mesa, but oh well I guess.
Mistress Fortune wrote:
I dislike NFTs as much as the next person but people should just let UkinoJoe's failed attempts at NFTs go already, it's honestly kinda annoying to see how often it gets brought up in his comment sections with people acting like it's still ongoing. Like all he did was shitty NFTs that failed anyway, he didn't commit murder or sext kids (in fact Joe actually got vindicated in a way, he told people years ago that RicePirate/Mick Lauer was engaging in some pretty sus things but people didn't believe him, but now Mick's outright confirmed he did in fact engage in some pretty bad behavior that cost him his friendships with people like Chris O'Neil/OneyNG).
At this point I've become numb to it all that I'm just going to let bygones be bygones. Personally I feel that having Crypto be a payment method for commissions is better than doing NFTs but that's not so much of a hot take than something nobody here thought off I think.
Also Square Enix should've sold the elements of Mario RPG that they own like Geno and Mallow off to Nintendo when they were selling their western stuff to fund their ventures into NFT's. They weren't doing jack-all aside from the Geno Mii costume in Smash.
Speaking of Geno, this point was brought up by a user on Twitter (Dee Dude) but if Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, and Ness weren't in Smash, I'm sure their fans would be in the same boat as Geno.
It's painful to hear people baby talk their pets.
It's one thing with a baby since that'll help them learn the language (and you know, they're actual humans). But with pets what you're speaking is gibberish to them no matter what you say. You just look dumb doing it.
Don should have testified at the tiktok hearings.
But that would imply he would have created a national security issue by brutally mogging every single human being present at capitol hill.
Big name/large follower count people should be able to absolutely dunk on smaller accounts in social media if they're ripping on them.
There's like a weird mindset of people thinking games, anime, idol, etc. having an "all-female cast = they're lesbians" thought because there are no men present in the big spotlight. You can think of Love Live, Bocchi the Rock, or Hololive. But in my case, it's Honkai Impact 3rd.
Like no shit the reason why there's an all-female cast is that fans will commit terrorism or some shit if a male character is dating one of the main cast. I've seen these types of ppl in Japan and even in China. Honkai Impact 3rd's fans are insufferable seeing their reaction to Adam.
The word 'fascism' today is meaningless, nobody actually understands the word and is extremely quick to label anything they either don't like or is mildly authoritarian fascism, even if when the person who is making the accusation is embodying the tenants.
There are various really popular memes that I don't really like. There are wojaks, which are popular to hate and therefore don't generally apply, but I think I hate them far more than the average hater does. It seems that the average KYM user doesn't hesitate to upvote a wojak meme that they agree with, but there are very few that I won't downvote (the only time I consistently just leave one be is when it's a wojak hate meme, and even then only when it doesn't involve wojak gore). I have yet to upvote anything containing a wojak.
I also don't like Gigachad. People act like he's some sort of godlike ideal that all should strive to embody, but I don't dig the kind of masculinity he's supposed to be a paragon of, and I think his facial structure looks weird and creepy. It really doesn't help that he's associated with wojak memes and occasionally other bad takes, like this one that seems as if it was made specifically to defy my sensibilities:
CoD WW2's campaign was fine, honestly, as silly as it could be, the hate it earned was wholly undeserved, plus they did keep it varied.
Actually, thinking about it, so was Infinite Warfare, think of it, side missions in a CoD campaign.
People who put slowed down low energy beat songs in RAGE phonk playlists are the worst human scum and should be lowest on the ration list when the water wars start.
I don't mind people getting old entries trending if the week/month has been slow or stagnant.
I'll take talking about surprised pikachu again over tiktok [literally kill yourself challenge #579] or some artificial nontroversy
Since I left the discord and didn't plan on rejoining plus more people on this site has more knowledge with Pokemon battling, I might as well do it here.
If you ask anyone about Smogon, they will respond will many possible answer, but I think one of the biggest problem regarding Smogon is vocal minority. One example that comes to mind is Dynamax in Doubles OU, it's just as abusive in that format, yet the anti-ban players are very vocal on the thread about it even though Dynamax was eventually banned. But to their credit, they are experienced players, so I'm moving on to another subject that everyone can comprehend – Terastallization in OU, and it was a fiasco.
After concluding its suspect test with no actions taken, a user that didn't even receive req to vote for it blamed the 'vocal minority' and threw a fit over Terastallization not being banned which eventually got them banned and sprouted some copypasta from the mess. I will admit it, it was hilarious for a while, but I can't help but feel like a part of me died inside. It's a shame though, they do dedicate to past generations, but what can I do.
I really dislike this whole black-and-white thinking of "either you hate something or someone completely, or you love them completely." Like I can dislike the higher ups in a corporation but still not hate the corpo in its entirety because I know there's a lot of people lower in the totem pole who are just doing their best.
Like I know the cliched go-to for me specifically is Nintendo because by now it's so, so, so extremely over played how Nintendo is maybe THE most polarizing company on the entirety of planet Earth but hey it's for good reason. I can dislike the stupid business decisions made by the higher ups like how they handle fan games or YouTube videos showcasing mods, but I can never bring myself to dislike the developers and studios working for Nintendo because it's the DEVS who create the stuff that makes me like "Nintendo" as a company, and going back to the "higher ups" they're also probably some of the only "higher ups" I can give genuine kudos to when they do something right, as unlike other "AAA" game companies Nintendo has yet to do shit like close a studio they own when a single game flops (Nintendo didn't own Alpha Dream, they were always a third party studio, so no their closure doesn't count).
But to use another example, Gearbox. Do I dislike Randy Pitchford? Yes I do. But do I let my dislike for ol' greasy Randy translate to a hatred for all of Gearbox? Absolutely not, because I know the actual devs are doing the best they can to make fun games, and Gearbox's publishing arm is also doing a decent job so far helping out smaller studios, like Hopoo Games with Risk of Rain.
Sanakan_ht wrote:
There's like a weird mindset of people thinking games, anime, idol, etc. having an "all-female cast = they're lesbians" thought because there are no men present in the big spotlight. You can think of Love Live, Bocchi the Rock, or Hololive. But in my case, it's Honkai Impact 3rd.
Like no shit the reason why there's an all-female cast is that fans will commit terrorism or some shit if a male character is dating one of the main cast. I've seen these types of ppl in Japan and even in China. Honkai Impact 3rd's fans are insufferable seeing their reaction to Adam.
love live is an interesting sample because LL fans will commit a felony the moment they see a fanart of nico yazawa having a boyfriend
George Carlin is overrated and he was basically a proto-redditor. I liked him in my edgy teenager phase but his kind of humor has aged poorly.
Please note the following opinions are coming from someone who does game on a PC and also is NOT "anti-emulation" :
1. I admit I'm stealing this from elsewhere (just can't remember who it was who said it first) but PC elitists are the vegans of the gaming world, they never shut the fuck up about how they always feel they're superior to people who prefer to play games on consoles. If you prefer playing games on PC or console then hey that's all fine and good, but displaying a superiority complex is typically a guaranteed way to make people hate you.
2. If you emulate MODERN console games on PC (meaning I'm referring to games that are readily available to purchase right now, not stuff that's not being sold) then just own up to how you just wanted to play something for free and quit acting like you're doing it for some moral reason, we both know that's bullshit.
The Warhammer setting is bland and overrated. I don't get the appeal.
Warhammer fantasy is just real world stereotypes mixed with fantasy elements.
Oh, Bretonnia is Arthurian legends, the Empire is the Holy Roman Empire, Kislev are Kievan Slavs, Sylvania are Transylvanian vampires, Norsca are Norse vikings, Tomb Kings are ancient Egyptian mummies, Cathay are Imperial Chinese…? Please tell me more about your creative, original worldbuilding.
Warhammer 40K is just the same stuff except IN SPACE with a hefty dose of Ow the Edge + muh grimdark + pauldroncore mixed into it. "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war…"
There is a planet literally called Krieg, German for war, which apparently exclusively produces armies of WW1-style Kaiserboos, or Vostroya, a planet of fur hat wearing, moustached Slavs.
I cringe everytime I'm reminded that Warhammer isn't some edgy teen's homebrew setting, but a major franchise.
Was Age Of Sigmar an up or downgrade in your opinion?
Greyblades wrote:
Was Age Of Sigmar an up or downgrade in your opinion?
I'm not big into Warhammer in general and my knowledge of AoS is even less than about Fantasy or 40K, so my opinion on that holds little weight. From what I get AoS is the sequel to Fantasy after the victory of the forces of chaos, and apparently it wasn't well received by Warhammer fans for deviating too much from the original Fantasy lore, which is an understandable complaint; the least thing you want as a fan of a setting is to see its lore get fumbled by some mediocre sequel.
Even if the sale of overpriced Warhammer Fantasy models dried up, at least the original Fantasy setting still has Total War: Warhammer going for it, which is still a popular game series among Warhammer and Total War fans alike. Can't say the same about AoS.
Nigel the treasure hunter wrote:
I'm not big into Warhammer in general and my knowledge of AoS is even less than about Fantasy or 40K, so my opinion on that holds little weight. From what I get AoS is the sequel to Fantasy after the victory of the forces of chaos, and apparently it wasn't well received by Warhammer fans for deviating too much from the original Fantasy lore, which is an understandable complaint; the least thing you want as a fan of a setting is to see its lore get fumbled by some mediocre sequel.
Even if the sale of overpriced Warhammer Fantasy models dried up, at least the original Fantasy setting still has Total War: Warhammer going for it, which is still a popular game series among Warhammer and Total War fans alike. Can't say the same about AoS.
To be fair to Warhammer 40K, it has probably the most entertaining incarnation of orcs.
When it comes to games, often times people will assume cut content is inherently better, this is most obvious with Half Life 2 Beta, because it's 'darker'
Valve originally designed it, it's very likely they threw it out for a reason.
@Ergonomic Chair
I can agree in most cases people saying something would have inherently "been better" had it stuck to the original beta ideas is dumb, though there are occasions where I do hope some cut concepts could be revisited. For example in one of the RE4 betas one of the big ideas was most of the enemies Leon would encounter would have been hallucinations brought on from him being infected by a virus, and somehow said hallucinations could harm him (best theory: the more the hallucinations harm Leon, the more the virus takes control until it can either fully control him or kill him). I thought this was such a neat idea that despite the fact I do absolutely adore the RE4 we did get, I have been wanting Capcom to revisit this concept for a later RE.
As of now Capcom has revisited the idea for Village (both the main game and the Rose expansion), but only for shorter segments rather than as a full game (like the sequence involving the Beneviento house).
MisterZygarde64 wrote:
If we ever get a T-Rated Pokemon game, it should be more akin to Earthbound than the likes of Pokemon Reborn.
Basically don’t make it darker and edgier and instead ruder and cruder.
Seeing as Crookey Man isn’t around to bury the thread in nonsense, I’d like to bring up this opinion again.
I feel as though a T-Rated Pokemon game should be more akin to Earthbound is that I think it’d be a much more interesting approach to doing a more adult story for Pokemon than just making things darker and edgier like what Pokemon Reborn and other fangames do. Plus maybe we could get more out there Pokemon.
youtube was better when they give no shits about monetization and appeasing advertisers, appeasing advertisers ruined youtube forever.
This is weirdly idealistic of me to say but "Virtue Signaling" is mostly NOT an actual thing, people often care about the shit they say they care.
No!! wrote:
This is weirdly idealistic of me to say but "Virtue Signaling" is mostly NOT an actual thing, people often care about the shit they say they care.
In the case of normal people stating their beliefs online, sure.
In the case of politicians, maybe. There is probably at least a grain of truth to what they claim to believe, even if they go out of their way to appease people at the cost of honesty (which doesn't seem highly unlikely to me, considering that politicians are competing for power, and people get corrupted by power and the pursuit thereof).
But if a corporation claims to support something that has nothing to do with it as part of an advertising campaign, it probably isn't worth considering the corporation to genuinely be a part of the cause. As we all know, corporations care about very little besides making money. The bigger they are, the less likely they are to care about anything else.
Going off his performance as Bowser, I think Jack Black would do a good job voicing Wolverine.
Oh boy I will regret this
Anime is not only kinda bad at horror (common take) but they are kinda bad at comedy too
Misspelled Tiger wrote:
Oh boy I will regret this
Anime is not only kinda bad at horror (common take) but they are kinda bad at comedy too
No regrets, I can understand that.
I can't shore up any defense for horror anime since its not something I really watch, but comedy can be hard to get across due to cultural clashes between East and West. Humor is hardest thing to translate between barriers. Even I find this difficult as most rom-com and s-o-l anime typically bore me, but there are standouts I legitimately find funny. Nichijou, Cromartie, Daily lives of Highschool boys, Konosuba, I'm Sakamoto, and sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to name a few. I suppose it helps since they all have a absurdist bent to them that's easier to digest for universal audiences.
Wilm210 wrote:
No regrets, I can understand that.
I can't shore up any defense for horror anime since its not something I really watch, but comedy can be hard to get across due to cultural clashes between East and West. Humor is hardest thing to translate between barriers. Even I find this difficult as most rom-com and s-o-l anime typically bore me, but there are standouts I legitimately find funny. Nichijou, Cromartie, Daily lives of Highschool boys, Konosuba, I'm Sakamoto, and sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to name a few. I suppose it helps since they all have a absurdist bent to them that's easier to digest for universal audiences.
Im very fond of SZS, unironically one of my all time favorites, can vouch for it
I wish dubs akin to Funimation's Lupin III: Part 2 dub from the 00s were still a thing. I get complaining about poorly shoehorned social commentary in dubs (like I still cringe remembering how the initial dub of Prison School included a reference to Gamergate of all fucking things), but I feel there's nothing wrong with having at least some fun with a translation, aka "Woolseyisms" (named after former Square localizer Ted Woolsey, who did the first translation of Final Fantasy VI on the SNES and gave characters like Kefka his sort of Joker-like personality). Nowadays though it seems so many weebs online bitch and moan about the smallest of changes in localization that most dubs are just straight translations rather than dubs that have a little fun with the script, and I miss when comedy anime dubs in particular (like the aformentioned Lupin III) would do things like "change a reference to something only Japanese people would understand to a reference that foreigners would actually get" (like be honest you're only going to notice a reference to something like "Bakatono-sama" if you're a level 99 hopeless weeb like myself, but I guarantee you a more casual viewer won't get the reference at all, but a silly joke referencing a similar show like Mr. Bean is something they would get).
So you want unpopular opinions, huh? Ok, here are some.
-Detroit: Become Human was a damn fine game.
I still can't take most of the negative criticism around it seriously because it mostly relies on the "booo AI rebellion; this has been done before." Sure, it may be true that the AI rebellion concept may not be that original in itself. But how many other stories do you know of dealing with said subject matter that have you heading that rebellion and, at the same time, give you the choice of ending it peacefully? Personally, I've never seen anything like that before. Another thing that I loved about Detroit Become Human was that it is a "Your Choices Matter Game," where your choices actually fucking matter, which is something that cannot be said about some others (looking at you, Tellatale games).
-The MCU should not be cancelled.
Instead, it should be put on hiatus for some years and then revived at some other time.
Square Enix's "HD-2D" style is a jarring clash of visuals and nowhere near as pleasant to look at as regular 2D SNES games.
Edgar Weebling wrote:
So you want unpopular opinions, huh? Ok, here are some.
-Detroit: Become Human was a damn fine game.
I still can't take most of the negative criticism around it seriously because it mostly relies on the "booo AI rebellion; this has been done before." Sure, it may be true that the AI rebellion concept may not be that original in itself. But how many other stories do you know of dealing with said subject matter that have you heading that rebellion and, at the same time, give you the choice of ending it peacefully? Personally, I've never seen anything like that before. Another thing that I loved about Detroit Become Human was that it is a "Your Choices Matter Game," where your choices actually fucking matter, which is something that cannot be said about some others (looking at you, Tellatale games).
-The MCU should not be cancelled.
Instead, it should be put on hiatus for some years and then revived at some other time.
Really? Most of the criticism I heard of the game was that it was a really trite and paper thin allegory for slavery and the civil rights movement. "Le androids stand at ze back of ze bus," and all that.
Testament and Overkill are better than Anthrax and 90% of Metallica and Megadeth's discography.
I'll admit maybe it's because I have an ear wax problem, but headphones are better than earbuds. Sure, headphones may not be as reliable at letting other noises pass through, which means that people calling you have a harder time, and you get into unwanted trouble. But headphones generally provide a better audio experience, don't build up a wax residue, and aren't as uncomfortable as earbuds.
Ron DeSantis's presidential announcement has to be one of the worst presidential announcements in modern American history. I know that presidential announcements aren't typically the highlight of the presidential campaign, but what was Ron thinking having Elon Musk be part of this announcement? Did he not realize that having Elon Musk, one of the richest people on the planet, would possibly indicate to some crucial voters that he would serve the interests of the ultra-wealthy rather than the interests of the average paycheck to paycheck worker?
Overrated =/= Bad
Mid shouldnt be used so derogatory or frequently cause if its mid it aint bad…its mid. People use mid when they mean bad and the word looses all meaning.
Mid is just a zoomer equivalent of saying "meh".
I honestly prefer "bad" movies and games to mediocre ones because those can be at least funny and amusing to tear apart while with meh ones there is not much to talk about and they get quickly forgotten.
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