Extremely large, unrealistic breasts and backsides are not attractive; in fact, at times, they can be somewhat revolting.

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Feb 20, 2024 at 04:59PM EST.
Oct 26, 2021 at 11:27PM EDT
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Extremely large, unrealistic breasts and backsides are not attractive; in fact, at times, they can be somewhat revolting.
Undertale is a good game…
But I would be saying lies if I said that its not mostly carried by its story.
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Undertale is a good game…
But I would be saying lies if I said that its not mostly carried by its story.
Yeah besides the cool story it is pretty lacking in content.
Combining rpg and bullet hell has a ton of potential…but is a potential only barely explored by undertale, there could be A LOT more rpg elements added gameplay-wise.
The puzzles are decent at least but even then there arent that many.
The story is really good though
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Undertale is a good game…
But I would be saying lies if I said that its not mostly carried by its story.
Yeah the gameplay is why I consider Deltarune to be better than Undertale.
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Undertale is a good game…
But I would be saying lies if I said that its not mostly carried by its story.
And the music.
No!! wrote:
Yeah besides the cool story it is pretty lacking in content.
Combining rpg and bullet hell has a ton of potential…but is a potential only barely explored by undertale, there could be A LOT more rpg elements added gameplay-wise.
The puzzles are decent at least but even then there arent that many.
The story is really good though
Another problem is its difficulty, apart from maybe two bossfights. Most of the battles are extremely easy.
And apparently this was done on purpose to "be accessible to everyone," and I am really not a fan of this decision because it sounds way too much like the arguments that modern game journalists love to throw around, and if anything, it just makes the case about this being "a story with a game" instead of "a game with a story" even worse.
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Another problem is its difficulty, apart from maybe two bossfights. Most of the battles are extremely easy.
And apparently this was done on purpose to "be accessible to everyone," and I am really not a fan of this decision because it sounds way too much like the arguments that modern game journalists love to throw around, and if anything, it just makes the case about this being "a story with a game" instead of "a game with a story" even worse.
I think reading that game is "be accessible to everyone" and thinking about game journalists is an unhealthy mindset tbh
And I couldnt find anything about that, I actually found a chat between Yoko Taro and Toby Fox and he said
"But nowadays in the U.S, there are a lot of people who like games that aren't too hard so people were saying that UNDERTALE was too hard even though its focus is on the characters and story. They said that there would be people who couldn't finish the game because of the difficulty. But I thought because this is my game I'm going to make it how I like. If this doesn't work for you I'm sorry…"
"As I said there was the opinion that the game was "too difficult" but I think that UNDERTALE is liked by most players. However to be honest I was surprised about that. UNDERTALE was made with hardcore fans of games in mind. I thought that people who play more story-oriented games wouldn't play this sort of game"
So it seemed like he had a difficulty in mind and just expected a certain kind of players to get to it, but it became such a hit that more people decided to try it, I never though the game as being advertised as challenging except for the genocide bosses which were supposed to be a surprise challenge.
Idk I think Undertale is one of those "more than the sum of its parts" game
Also to add an unpopular opinion to keep it rolling
If you have the vatican city flag on your name, your opinion counts less than anyone else, including bots
The worst opinions and takes I have ever seen have come from such people
Palworld will be forgotten in about a month.
Probably not that unpopular here but holy shit is it cringe to hear people unironically call twitter "x"
Sheeps44 wrote:
Palworld will be forgotten in about a month.
Don't think it'll be that soon but I don't really see it having too much staying power.
Then again apparently it's more like Arc and I don't know much about that and its playerbase.
I hate David Paulides and his Missing 411 tripe, I think he's a hack fraud, a charlatan. His books have brought forth a batch of conspiracy theorists that mirrors Flath-Earthers, but only slightly less retarded. They are a surprisingly large and prevalent circle among outdoor communities, or at least pretend to be, whenever a missing case rears it head inside US national parks.
Are a few of these missing cases strange and/or possibly nefarious? sure, but to chalk them all up to some ethereal boogeyman ranging from government abductions, serial killers, or fucking bigfoot as Paulides likely believes, is insanity. I really don't care what these people sincerely believe, but this is a horrible mindset to have about the outdoors. It downplays and misattributes the very real natural dangers these places are a host to and belittles the selfless efforts of S&R volunteers who risk life & limb to find missing cases.
Misspelled Tiger wrote:
I think reading that game is "be accessible to everyone" and thinking about game journalists is an unhealthy mindset tbh
And I couldnt find anything about that, I actually found a chat between Yoko Taro and Toby Fox and he said
"But nowadays in the U.S, there are a lot of people who like games that aren't too hard so people were saying that UNDERTALE was too hard even though its focus is on the characters and story. They said that there would be people who couldn't finish the game because of the difficulty. But I thought because this is my game I'm going to make it how I like. If this doesn't work for you I'm sorry…"
"As I said there was the opinion that the game was "too difficult" but I think that UNDERTALE is liked by most players. However to be honest I was surprised about that. UNDERTALE was made with hardcore fans of games in mind. I thought that people who play more story-oriented games wouldn't play this sort of game"
So it seemed like he had a difficulty in mind and just expected a certain kind of players to get to it, but it became such a hit that more people decided to try it, I never though the game as being advertised as challenging except for the genocide bosses which were supposed to be a surprise challenge.
Idk I think Undertale is one of those "more than the sum of its parts" game
Also to add an unpopular opinion to keep it rolling
If you have the vatican city flag on your name, your opinion counts less than anyone else, including bots
The worst opinions and takes I have ever seen have come from such people
>Reading game is "be accessible to everyone" and thinking about game journalists is an unhealthy mindset
Fair enough, I think the problem comes from how Game Journalists are incredibly incompetent at their Jobs to the point it is just cringeworthy.
>If you have the vatican city flag on your name, your opinion counts less than anyone else, including bots
Hot and unpopular take: Change that to people with LGBT/current political lanscape flags with pronouns on bio, almost every time I read their opinions it feels that these people allow their biases to cloud their judgement with poorly formulated opinions fueled by lack of infromation, to the point they deliberately lie and treat anyone who disagrees or refures their arguments as enemies that must be eliminated, you can have your opinions on the political landscape and support whoever you feel deserves it, but do your homework, be open to new information and to change your opinions based on that information(character development) and understand that people with different opinions have the right to have them and treating them with scorn will just make them double down out of spite.
Kitty Katswell wrote:
>Reading game is "be accessible to everyone" and thinking about game journalists is an unhealthy mindset
Fair enough, I think the problem comes from how Game Journalists are incredibly incompetent at their Jobs to the point it is just cringeworthy.
>If you have the vatican city flag on your name, your opinion counts less than anyone else, including bots
Hot and unpopular take: Change that to people with LGBT/current political lanscape flags with pronouns on bio, almost every time I read their opinions it feels that these people allow their biases to cloud their judgement with poorly formulated opinions fueled by lack of infromation, to the point they deliberately lie and treat anyone who disagrees or refures their arguments as enemies that must be eliminated, you can have your opinions on the political landscape and support whoever you feel deserves it, but do your homework, be open to new information and to change your opinions based on that information(character development) and understand that people with different opinions have the right to have them and treating them with scorn will just make them double down out of spite.
>Game Journalists are incredibly incompetent at their Jobs to the point it is just cringeworthy.
Yeah and thats why I dont think about em, ever.
>Hot and unpopular take: Change that to people with LGBT/current political lanscape flags with pronouns on bio
Thats a cold-ass take lmao, especially among any right-of-center person on twitter, and trust me I was including them in my comment, you can have any other country flag, lgbt flag, swastikas or whatever and your takes wont be as bad as people with Vatican flags and we dont bully em enough for it.
Unpopular opinion….eh, Youtube rewinds werent that bad, at least before the "So proud of this community" one, they were silly in a harmless way and they felt overhated.
Kitty Katswell wrote:
almost every time I read their opinions it feels that these people allow their biases to cloud their judgement with poorly formulated opinions fueled by lack of infromation, to the point they deliberately lie and treat anyone who disagrees or refures their arguments as enemies that must be eliminated, you can have your opinions on the political landscape and support whoever you feel deserves it, but do your homework, be open to new information and to change your opinions based on that information(character development) and understand that people with different opinions have the right to have them and treating them with scorn will just make them double down out of spite.
In a vacuum, not pointing fingers at any one group, I wholeheartedly agree with this, and I do not think many consider it a hot take. Anyone who pretends it isn't an issue with their own side is either painfully naive or a propagandist. A post like that only starts to become a "hot take" when the author doesn't hold themselves to the same standard as they expect from others and start passing judgment on people unprompted.
Jill wrote:
Kitty Katswell wrote:
almost every time I read their opinions it feels that these people allow their biases to cloud their judgement with poorly formulated opinions fueled by lack of infromation, to the point they deliberately lie and treat anyone who disagrees or refures their arguments as enemies that must be eliminated, you can have your opinions on the political landscape and support whoever you feel deserves it, but do your homework, be open to new information and to change your opinions based on that information(character development) and understand that people with different opinions have the right to have them and treating them with scorn will just make them double down out of spite.
In a vacuum, not pointing fingers at any one group, I wholeheartedly agree with this, and I do not think many consider it a hot take. Anyone who pretends it isn't an issue with their own side is either painfully naive or a propagandist. A post like that only starts to become a "hot take" when the author doesn't hold themselves to the same standard as they expect from others and start passing judgment on people unprompted.
Thanks for reminding me
I much prefer Tim Burton's Chocolate Factory from "05 to the Mel Stuart one from "71.
I would be perfectly fine with the characters introduced in Sonic SatAM being made exclusive to Classic Sonic's adventures if it meant they'd even return in the first place
Edgar Weebling wrote:
I much prefer Tim Burton's Chocolate Factory from "05 to the Mel Stuart one from "71.
Wait, liking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an unpopular opinion? Maybe it's just because I grew up with it, but that movie was awesome! I very much prefer it to the other 2.
BackAlleyWizard wrote:
Wait, liking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is an unpopular opinion? Maybe it's just because I grew up with it, but that movie was awesome! I very much prefer it to the other 2.
I'm pretty sure the unpopular part is saying you like Tim Burton's adaptation more than the 1971 film. I like both versions equally, but ask the general public what they think it seems most of the time you have people saying "nothing beats the original" (there's also a constant misconception Tim Burton's movie is a remake of the 1971 film when it's really not, it's a separate adaptation of the same source material, which is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl; even Gene Wilder, who played Willy Wonka in the 1971 film, erroneously called Tim Burton's adaptation a "remake"). You can even see this in the recent prequel movie starring Timothee Chalamet, as that movie opted to specifically act as a prequel to the 1971 film (as the Oompa Loompas in Wonka have orange skin and green hair like in the 1971 movie).
Whoops, yeah, I moreso meant preferring Tim Burton's adaptation over the other two movies than just liking it at all.
On a semi-related note, have they released any new Willy Wonka-themed candies recently? I vaguely remember them doing that to promote the other 2 movies with lukewarm reception, and I'm curious if they tried it again with Wonka.
zoomers would rather see someone who experienced personal growth offing themselves than actually changing for the good
Your carácter being the strongest in fiction Is arguably a BAD thing as it means he Is most likely partially a Mary Sue.
Most forms of extreme metal fucking stink. (Except Thrash that one can be kinda good some times) Not just because of its sound, but because of its "culture."
This obsession (or downright fetishization in some cases) with nonconformity just never stops making me cringe because it's not nearly as deep as they make it out to be. In fact, it is more self-absorbed and pseudo-intelligent than anything.
And black metal is the place where this stupid "culture" started. And I am still baffled by how it was born. "Oh, hey, a bunch of moral guardians are accusing our music of satanism. Let's outright become living embodiments of every stereotype we are accused of, but not as a joke; no, we are legit, we do indeed worship Satan, and we do indeed hate Christianity and the world." I like to say that black metal is an unironic black face for metal, and I fully stand behind that statement.
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Most forms of extreme metal fucking stink. (Except Thrash that one can be kinda good some times) Not just because of its sound, but because of its "culture."
This obsession (or downright fetishization in some cases) with nonconformity just never stops making me cringe because it's not nearly as deep as they make it out to be. In fact, it is more self-absorbed and pseudo-intelligent than anything.
And black metal is the place where this stupid "culture" started. And I am still baffled by how it was born. "Oh, hey, a bunch of moral guardians are accusing our music of satanism. Let's outright become living embodiments of every stereotype we are accused of, but not as a joke; no, we are legit, we do indeed worship Satan, and we do indeed hate Christianity and the world." I like to say that black metal is an unironic black face for metal, and I fully stand behind that statement.
I used to hate harsh vocals but now I don't mind them. Some forms like old school death metal, prog death and melodic eath are fine, but deathcore, slam and brutal death metal are nearly unlistenable.
"This obsession (or downright fetishization in some cases) with nonconformity just never stops making me cringe because it's not nearly as deep as they make it out to be. In fact, it is more self-absorbed and pseudo-intelligent than anything."
I really don't think Cannibal Corpse or Deicide try to be deep, they just try to be shocking.
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