nice meeting you all. . .
mary realtor[/url]
232,453 total conversations in 7,774 threads
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Feb 01, 2024 at 04:07AM EST.
Aug 20, 2010 at 11:28AM EDT
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nice meeting you all. . .
mary realtor[/url]^ Adbot fail.
Well ohai there. I'm Raxi, and not technically new but just now finding this thread, so yeah. >.>
Ohhiya, technically I'm Kayla, but on the internet I guess I'm eyessettokill.
What are you girls doing on the internet? Get back to the kitchen!
Not including me, I am a trap :3
My apologies, Ill get right on it, Masta. To zee kitchen AWAY.
Don't forget my sammich babe.
smacks Kayla's ass
Hurrr der,
Erm ar derp.
Ah, I mean… no, it's too late now.
Hello everyone.
Aristotti, Totti fan, and Peter Crouch fan of course.
^ Hi! You'll like this
And hold still, I need to burn you…(Don't worry, it's just protocol)
Aristotti is from France guise.
I am required to introduce myself. Why not? It is past six hours now. Do I still get cake?
I'm afraid it's a lie…and I burned it.
i belive in this religon
thanks for the post..
Hi, I'm jason24589 (24568 on YT). I'm joined 3 months ago.
Well hello everyone, I'm Stanley Bubbletrousers.
Is this where you keep your forks?
nice meeting you guyz. . :)
phillips short sale[/url]Nice meeting you, failed spambot, I thought we already banned you… No? Then let me be the first to report you. ^^
what is with these ads?
anyway, for all the newbs here, please report ad accounts here on kym to watcher. he is the officail watcher here. and he is not a furry.
(maybe) :D
get off of me internets.
Hi I'm Person Human but you can call me Minigun Rave!!! :D
I mean my name is just Minigun Rave O_O
the anons are hitting us hard
looks like well have to…>holds in tears<
…scroll down for longer
So, basically, you are a black anon?
Edit: One is more than enough, thank you very much.
repent, rocketboom, for making profit out of memes!
Edit: Hotlinking from Encyclopedia Dramatica is not allowed.
see this is why we need a forum mod that's on all the time…
This is why we can't have nice things.
everyone down vote the posts so we dont have to scroll
I think hes trying to troll.
Thank goodness for Adblock. One of the best weapon against trolls.
I've been around for a few months (*cough*lurking*cough*), but might as well introduce myself. Pachi's the name.
Hay! New here, names Michael. Zup?!
Welcome and here's your complimentary desu.
I'm new. I'm female and a Computer Science major, which pretty much alienates me from both of those social groups. My first interest listed on Facebook is "Klondike Bars", and I think microwaves and internet chess are cool.
Boxxy has supposedly donated DNA to an undisclosed advanced cloning lab, they're said to be close to project completion. They're working on a number of variants, including mutable Boxxys. Check the initial thread i posted on the subject that THEY don't want you to see.
Oh and I'm female and love kittehs.:/
nice meeting you all. . .its nice to be here in this forum. . .
Edit: Link removed. Please do not advertise on the forums.
^^ sick him watcher
Hello thar. I'm (the infamous) NyuChu. Nice to meet you all~ Nyu chu~ :3
hello NyuChu!
@bryan badaran
Hi Billy Mays Here Telling you to GTFO Off My Forums for Only 19.99$
But wait we will double the offer, not only cant you leave our forums, but you can get off the internet free.
I'm McDanutza aka Alex. Nice to meet all of ya!
Hi guys im tom!
My name is jelle. Nuff said.
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