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Last posted Apr 29, 2023 at 09:58AM EDT. Added Mar 02, 2010 at 06:44AM EST
63 posts from 57 users

datoneguywholovesmemes wrote:

what is karma?

Karma is basically your indicator on how much people have agreed/disagreed and approve/disapprove with you and your actions on the forums
A good chunk of the users here believe that Karma means basically nothing since you can score positive and negative scores for any reason, but you might find some who believe it's a valid indicator of someones reputation or credibility

Hi, I've decided to make a new entry and wrote it all, but it doesn't let me upload it and just gives me
"loading" !file:///C:/Users/Expert/Downloads/!

Last edited Jan 23, 2021 at 08:06AM EST

Leop7 wrote:

Can I post memes from another country in another language? I think that this would help the growth of the community

I'd say go ahead. They won't be too popular probably, but I don't see a reason not to

1ik wrote:

what happens if we get banned?

If I’m not mistaken, when you get banned, you cannot post, comment, upload, vote, or do anything else that requires an account, and alternate accounts are also banned.

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