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KYM Guide To Textile

Last posted Apr 09, 2020 at 09:44AM EDT. Added Nov 07, 2011 at 03:27PM EST
280 posts from 151 users

<p class="closed nb"> This user has been deactivated and their posts are no longer visible. </p>

Allows you to fool others by making them believe you deactivated your account. The text can of course be altered to create a center type of effect.

This user has been deactivated and their posts are no longer visible.

NOTE: It works with just class="closed". The "nb" class specifies the font weight, but the "closed" class overrides that and makes it bold. That makes "nb" redundant, I don't know why KYM still adds it to deactivated posts.

Last edited Mar 18, 2012 at 12:35AM EDT

When I put in &autoplay=1in the video url the video dosen't play at all
What did I do wrong?
As well as posting images from google and adding the ! on both ends.
Bacon image dosen't appear?

SweetAndDelicious wrote:

When I put in &autoplay=1in the video url the video dosen't play at all
What did I do wrong?
As well as posting images from google and adding the ! on both ends.
Bacon image dosen't appear?

Can you give me the code you used for the vid?

As for the image, you forgot the http:// at the beginning. You have to copy the entire code for it to work.



< iframe width="400" height="225" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
This is the code (added space)
Heres what I did.
But it came out like this:


I've tried adding autoplay and loop to embedded videos myself, and the same thing happened to me. I've had that problem with making it play in HD by default as well using a change to the URL as well.

It may work better with the old embed code, but I have no idea how to work that one.

Alright, now I see what's wrong. You have to put a questionmark behind the URL, not an ampersand. An ampersand is for if you want to add multiple features. Here's the correct code:

<iframe width="400" height="225" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

On a side note:

I have edited my second post (with the youtube vids), it should be easier to read now and explain everything better.

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 01:31PM EDT

I'm posting this in here because Random told me to. It's related to autoplaying videos.

YouTube changed its terms and conditions for embeds. As far as I’m aware, videos before the change are unaffected, but ones made after have a minimum width requirement of 400 and minimum height requirement of 300.

Basically, make sure the width is at least 400, and the height is at least 300. I know, it sucks.

Though I said that videos before the change is unaffected, some might be. Maybe they're still applying the change to all the videos. I don't really know.

I'm also making a note here. Autoplaying videos behind spoiler buttons are now playing through the button (They autoplay as if they weren't behind a spoiler button.) So you can put it behind a text link with vague language to induce curiosity, then bam. Hit 'em with the Rickroll.

But seriously, it's against the forum rules to autoplay videos outside of your profile page, so please keep this in mind. Thanks.

Verbose wrote:

I'm also making a note here. Autoplaying videos behind spoiler buttons are now playing through the button (They autoplay as if they weren't behind a spoiler button.) So you can put it behind a text link with vague language to induce curiosity, then bam. Hit 'em with the Rickroll.

But seriously, it's against the forum rules to autoplay videos outside of your profile page, so please keep this in mind. Thanks.

May I ask what browser you're using? I checked out what you said, but spoiler buttos still work fine here. The autoplay starts as I open the spoiler and stops when I close it, nothing new.

I'm using Firefox.

Bruno the Rustler wrote:

I'm having problems in posting videos on the forums. I copy/paste the embed URL but it only shows a blank space

If you just try refreshing the page, it should work fine. That usually works.

I owe my LIFE to this thread.

There is this little nice site that shows all HTML Colour Names. Not that useful when you look at it, but it's useful if you want a variety of colours, not just colours you only know of.
HTML Color Names
Last edited Aug 05, 2012 at 02:37AM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

May I ask what browser you're using? I checked out what you said, but spoiler buttos still work fine here. The autoplay starts as I open the spoiler and stops when I close it, nothing new.

I'm using Firefox.

Chrome (sorry, didn't know you replied). I've heard that from other users as well though. As I was reading through here, I think a Coldplay song was playing through a spoiler.

So if it's something specific to browsers, then perhaps that's a coding problem that isn't translating across all browsers, but a lot of people use Chrome.

Right click the image you want to use and then "Copy Image Location" on Firefox or "Copy Image URL" in Chrome. Paste the image URL between two exclamation points, and it should work.

Becomes this.

First off, welcome to the site.

Secondly, please don't double post. And it's not preferable to test multiple things on this thread. Try it on your wall. That way, you can easily delete any mistakes you make at anytime (I don't think there's a time limit for your profile, which you can get to by clicking on your avatar or your name by your posts. You can also get there by going to the top of the page where it says "Yo, your name").

Third, this is what you entered:

<img src="">

And prior to that, you posted this.


When you want to post an image, make sure you're grabbing the actual image URL. The ones up there are the URLs to the page. You cannot embed a page (although I'm sure you weren't trying to :P)

So here's the image you want, yes?

One way to do it is to just copy and paste the Textile Embed or HTML Embed links off to the right of that page.

So this:


or this:

<a href=""><img src="" /></a><br />See more on <a href="">Know Your Meme</a>
Alternatively, the code you used works, but again, you just need the image URL and not the URL of the page.

In Google Chrome and in other browsers (e.g. Firefox probably and in Opera,) you can just right-click on any image and click "Copy Image URL" or something close to that. If you don't get that option (probably Internet Explorer,) then you may have the option to "Open image". That should let you see the image on a page by itself. When you see that image by itself, just copy and paste the URL (the web address in the bar thingy at the top of your browser,) into your post.

Then you can:



<img src="PutItInTheHTMLTagThingy.jpg">

If you do it right, then either one should give you…


If you have any questions, then shoot me a PM, wall post, or ask Random, because he don't do crap anyway (don't ask Random, he's on vacation, but anyone who knows will help you out if you post in this thread or in the New Member Question thread.)

Last edited Aug 07, 2012 at 12:27AM EDT

Bruno the Rustler wrote:

Is there any way to don't show a Autoplayin video? I mean make it "invisible"?

Just make the height and width of the vid super small, like 1 (0 doesn't always work). This will make the video appear as a dot, basically making it invisible.

So for example:

<iframe width="1" height="1" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As the forums automatically make vids a bit bigger, I can't give an example here. But don't worry, this works on profile walls.

I looked through the thread, and this wasn't listed on here, so:

Enter in your text.
Push enter two or more times.
Do three dashes (the button to the right of 0)
Enter two or more times
Enter text, post, and you get this:

And that's how you make a magical bar of science. It's useful for breaking up longer posts that address multiple points.

Last edited Aug 21, 2012 at 10:31PM EDT

i think the autoplaying videos need to be limited to only 1

since Zalgo Caffiene ( Docta Caffiene in halloween mode ) Posted 3 – 4 AUTOPLAYING VIDEOS ON MY DAMN PROFILE!!!!!!

Gashadokuro wrote:

i think the autoplaying videos need to be limited to only 1

since Zalgo Caffiene ( Docta Caffiene in halloween mode ) Posted 3 – 4 AUTOPLAYING VIDEOS ON MY DAMN PROFILE!!!!!!

He's banned though, so it's all good for now! :D

I'm actually having problems today with autoplaying videos-my coding is correct, but no glorious music is coming out of my speakers. :/ How am I supposed to jam to 2112 if there's no 2112 to jam to?

Gashadokuro wrote:

i think the autoplaying videos need to be limited to only 1

since Zalgo Caffiene ( Docta Caffiene in halloween mode ) Posted 3 – 4 AUTOPLAYING VIDEOS ON MY DAMN PROFILE!!!!!!

Just delete the comments, there's a reason you can delete all comments on your own profile wall.


Certain vids won't play anymore once the player gets too small. I am unaware what vids have this, so perhaps someone else can help you on this.

Try to make the vid 150×150 or something similar, this allows you to check if it blocks itself for being too small.

RandomMan wrote:

Just delete the comments, there's a reason you can delete all comments on your own profile wall.


Certain vids won't play anymore once the player gets too small. I am unaware what vids have this, so perhaps someone else can help you on this.

Try to make the vid 150×150 or something similar, this allows you to check if it blocks itself for being too small.

That explains the silence on my profile! :/ How big does it need to be exactly?

Just one question, how do I change the size of an image? I'm having trouble with it. I tried putting in width = the size I want and height = the size I want with > at the end with spaces on the image I'm trying to shrink or grow. Can someone help me with that?

HorribleGhost wrote:

I can't use the < center > tag without making the entire entry centered and tiny. How should I use it to center an image?

place < /center > at the end of the section you want centered.

The tiny text might be the result of starting with a space, for some reason that causes small text.

TripleA9000 wrote:

um i was wondering how to post these because i’ve seen people do it before

If you're looking to post a picture from KYM, then you can just click on the picture on the image page to get the image by itself (via image URL.)
So first go to the link you posted.

Once you're on the page, just click on the image. With Google Chrome, at least, it should open up a new tab with the picture by itself. Go to the URL/address bar and copy that link. For the image above, it will be this ↓↓↓:
Put that between two exclamation marks, like this ↓↓↓:
The result on most pages on KYM (i.e. comments, forum posts, and wall posts) will be this  ↓↓↓:

Alternatively, go to the image page, and copy either the HTML Embed or the Textile Embed text (on the right side of the page). Then just paste that into your post. You won't have to add any tags or exclamation marks with that method.
Now if you want to post an image from another site, then (for most Web browsers) just right-click on the image, and find something that says something about copying the image URL.

  • Firefox will say "Copy Image Location." Click on that.
  • Chrome will say "Copy Image URL". Click on that.
  • Opera will say "Copy Image URL." Click on that.
  • Internet Explorer will have an option called "Properties." Click that to see the Properties' "General" tab. In that, underneath "Protocol" and "Type," you'll see "Address (URL)." That's the image URL. Highlight and copy the text there by right-clicking on what you highlighted and hitting "Copy."

I can't tell you what Safari or Netscape Navigator or other browsers would say about copying an image URL, but I'd wager they work like one of the four above.

Once you have the image URL copied, then just put it between two exclamation marks, and the picture should show up in your post.
Note that an image URL will never end in .com, .org, .net or any other site ending like that. They should end in something that indicates the URL is for an image. Usually:

  • .gif (A lot of moving images are .gifs
  • .jpg (A bulk of your images will be .jpgs)
  • .png (I tend to find that these are very large image files, and some are animated like .gifs.)

So if you try to put !! in between exclamation marks like I just did, you'll get a bad image embed.
Also, this information is on the front page of this thread in the very first posts. So if you have questions, be sure to read over RandomMan's info. Some things are a little more complicated, so feel free to lurk and find out a user who will be nice enough to help you out with those things.

TheOpt1onal.2.0 wrote:

Alright, how do I post an image that isn’t online?

You'll have to upload it somewhere online and then get the Image URL like I gave instructions for above. You can upload it to your own gallery here on KYM though:

( Go to your Profile > Go above your wall and find the Images tab > Go to the red button off to the top right of your gallery that says "Add an Image" > Click the gray Computer button" > Get a free computer > Pick the image you want from your own drive )

From there, fill in the rest of the information. You can add it to an already existing gallery if it's suitable for that entry. If you want it in your own gallery, then just leave the Entry line blank.

You can also use sites like Imgur to upload and then embed images.

Last edited Aug 14, 2013 at 06:57PM EDT

While I'm here I notice that nobody here has mentioned how you can resize your images nicely and easily with just HTML. So that's what I'm gonna do.


Cheap Image Resizing 101 with BSOD


Let's say you have a HUUUUUGE image like this one here

How does that look when you put it into textile?


Kinda takes up a lot of space doesn't it? Seems like a waste when you only want to add like one line under that and it's not like we need your macro to be the size of the screen to get the message. We don't need people quoting that entire massive thing either. Thats even more of a waste of thread space

Plus big images like that can slow down people's browsers. So what do we do? Save the image, edit it and re-upload? That's too much effort. There's gotta be an easier way.

Well good news: there is! With the magic of HTML:

<img src=""/>

This is the HTML code for images. It's a little more complex than Textile, yes. But more powerful. You will notice the link must go inside a 'SRC' property wrapped in quotes. But you can add other properties to the code as well. Two such properties include 'WIDTH' and 'HEIGHT'. Lets see how that looks when I add the WIDTH property:

<img src="" width="300"/>

Note that the number I put is in pixels so the image will be locked at 300 pixels in width rather than assuming the images natural size. Lets see how that looks:

Much tidier and more compact. All it took was a little extra code. Note that the height was also changed relative to the width. When I specify only one width or height property, the aspect ratio is preserved. Here's what the HEIGHT property looks like:

<img src="" height="300"/>

Which gives us:

I can also add both:

<img src="" height="100" width="500"/>

But that breaks the aspect ratio:

However its still a neat easy way to control how much space your images use

Last edited Sep 07, 2013 at 01:46AM EDT

mer-on wrote:

anyone know how to post offline picture?

You’ll have to upload it somewhere online and then get the Image URL like I gave instructions for above. You can upload it to your own gallery here on KYM though:

( Go to your Profile > Go above your wall and find the Images tab > Go to the red button off to the top right of your gallery that says “Add an Image” > Click the gray Computer button" > Pick the image you want from your own drive )

From there, fill in the rest of the information. You can add it to an already existing gallery if it’s suitable for that entry. If you want it in your own gallery, then just leave the Entry line blank.

You can also use sites like Imgur to upload and then embed images

Welcome to the mad, mad world of documentatering memes. Was this what you wanted? Would you like anything else from the fridge while I'm up?

Last edited Oct 28, 2013 at 02:33PM EDT

The quoted post has been deleted.

Well your first problem is you only included <img src="http:"> in your code.

I don't know why you cant post the image though. Works fine for my code.
Some websites won't let you embed their images in other websites since it still has to download and use their bandwidth. That's why you'll get images seem to be fine on their website, but produce a . You also might get this if the image has been deleted from that web address or if it was moved.

Also, I would like to mention that you can use a double equal (==) to have textile ignore certain things. I recently started having problems where surrounding a word using *word* ; was still resulting in the word being bold faced so i guess the html is converted before the textile is applied so I stumbled across the double equal option. The @textile@ works as well though, so whatever your preferences are. Maybe one works when the other doesn't. Though the <code> tags seem to be a little more tricky. (they wouldn't ignore my * and using @s gave me &#42; while using = gave me the correct code seen above.)

edit: it appears I don't know what I am doing/talking about as usuall. So here is an article talking about escapement that might work on KYM or might not. And here is which has a huge textile database explanation. Again, their code might not work for everything here.

Last edited Nov 02, 2013 at 04:38AM EDT

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