7/10 Catchy, but my favorite song of theirs is "The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret"

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Jan 16, 2024 at 01:53PM EST.
Aug 02, 2014 at 01:37AM EDT
1761 posts
203 users
7/10 Catchy, but my favorite song of theirs is "The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret"
Lets see:
-Good beat [X] Check
-Confusing Lyrics/Metaphors [X] Check
-Simple, and yet, very clean production [X] Check
(The only thing I didn't like was the singing voice.)
The legend says no one knows how the hell did Jamiroquai the special effects on the musical video and that a secret he'll keep 'till his death…
0/10 I can't see the video.
I can dig it
Everytime the Doctor finds a solution to the situation.
Actually, I liked the orchestra arrangement it really fits with the atmosphere of suspense and imminent shock. And that cover with Tenannt on it…
Apparently my response was to slow so I'll try to fix for the sake of this thread.
Everything's better with orchestra…
(The embed option is disabled on this one, so sorry about that)
6.5/10 I dig the beginning and midsection, but the ending is a bit of a letdown compared to the rest of the song.
Sexy-ass bass guitar.
6/10 It's god, but I prefer other songs of theirs.
7.0/10 damn that hair
The music video slayed, lol.
Listen to that solo; you're welcome. Not a fan of lyric videos, but, this one had the best quality.
wow so eclectic, very patrician :^)
I really like it. I've heard the band name before, but never actually listened to them, so this is a good start.
cookie crumble
5/10 It's more different than their other songs (I've heard my brother has played Ghost Love Score waaaay too much), but it's still not interesting enough for me.
I liked the atmosphere, the clumsy, dark atmosphere of the song and the singing voice just fits very very well.
7.5/10 S'nice.
The dude has nice flow.
Enjoy the atmospheric, organic sound of these guys.
5.7/10, not my thing
?/10 not my thing
0/10 Definitely not my thing
8.5/10 Stop stealing songs out of my library!
Sick beat, yo.
The beats are fascinating and the atmosphere is very comfortable however the song feels kinda same-y. Granted it's just a chill hip hop beat. So with that in mind I'm rating this: 8/10
8/10 Game of the Year -IGN
6/10 Autotune [shudders]
I'll admit it's a nice and catchy tune. 8/10
8/10 would headbang again
The instrumentation is FUKKEN great and the depressing lyrics work.
And now…
6.5/10 eeh
13/10 would drank purple drink
Gr8 m8 I r8 it 8/10 cuz it's hilarious
7/10 It was interesting.
7.8/10 awesome, feel like dancing to it.
7.8/10 awesome, feel like dancing to it.
0/10 fak GEMA
(song 5/10 it ok )
Song most definitely not my thing. Beat was pretty bland and just seemed boring. Video was somewhat amusing in a birdemic kind of way.
9/9/ Turn me on dead man/Turn me on dead man
In all seriousness 2/10, avant-garde can only go so far
wat 6.0/10
5/10 not my thing, lyrics were somewhat interesting, beat was meh
^ It's a nice, joyfull and happy song, but for some reason I'm thinking this was made for a commercial, and I'm not sure if this is a good thing… 8/10
And speaking of commercials:
The following song is brought to you thanks to stereomood.
Turn you mood for what!
Okay, this slogan sucks, so anyways here’s the song:
8/10 This song will go nicely for the long road trip I'll be going in next Friday.
9999999/10 i cannot express hard enough how much i love this song
6/10 It was entertaining, and the video was amusing, but I don't think it's something I'd listen to more than once or twice.
6/10. Not bad, even if it isn't really my genre
7/10 it was good
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