First page get? I don't even know what this means. So, um… let's talk about comic Luna?

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Jul 06, 2014 at 11:32AM EDT
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First page get? I don't even know what this means. So, um… let's talk about comic Luna?
Page two and we're hijacking topics already?
I'm going to answer this one first:
why not have a best pony thread?
Oh look, I found both in the same image
That was easy, okay.
Now about comic Luna, where do we start?
BSoD wrote:
Now about comic Luna, where do we start?
Why the front page of course! Comic Luna for Best Luna!!!
The Cute Master :3 wrote:
BSoD wrote:
Now about comic Luna, where do we start?
Why the front page of course! Comic Luna for Best Luna!!!
How about Luna fighting Luna?
Oy, a new thread appeared! I can finally get back in w/o losing my place. :P
With the comics, EqG 2, EqA and Season 5, we got a ton on our hands for this place.
Where can i consume these comics immediately?
20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:
Oy, a new thread appeared! I can finally get back in w/o losing my place. :P
With the comics, EqG 2, EqA and Season 5, we got a ton on our hands for this place.
OOO yes now lets all sit down and get intellectually CRAAAZYYY
Comissar_skelus wrote:
Where can i consume these comics immediately?
At most book stores, comic stores, hot topics and other similar places. Also online if ya don't wanna go to a physical store.
Comissar_skelus wrote:
Where can i consume these comics immediately?
Immediately? YayPonies is your best bet.
Otherwise, use GrahamCrackers, as they let you choose your cover.
Welcome to Pony General, by the way!
I just noticed there was an OC discussion (kinda?) on the last page. That reminded me of one of my OC, Genero-blu Pone:
He's like every other blue earth pony ever, and he likes it that way.
Three bestpones here:
Jersey Jimmy wrote:
Three bestpones here:
Can I just take a second to say that Scratch looks damn good in a waistcoat?
Yes, yes, I think I can.
Platus wrote:
Can I just take a second to say that Scratch looks damn good in a waistcoat?
Yes, yes, I think I can.
Scratchie looks good in anything, mate. Like this scarf, for example:
So I was just thinking about OC ponies, and what Blue said about the personal aspects of having an OC pony really interested me, I mean I've drawn many many ponies by now, but strangely enough I've never made an original character, so I thought I'd give it a try real quick:
She doesn't have a name so if you have any suggestions then feel free to tell me.
- She likes puzzle solving and mysteries.
- She is meant to be teenaged rather then young adult or adult aged like most characters on the show since I wanted to create a more youthful character yet I didn't want to create a child, her age is roughly fifteen give or take a year or two.
I would have liked to spend more time on it but I've been rather busy with projects recently.
Well here is my oc if were doing this
Not drawn by me because I suck at drawing
Has no cutie mark but talent is singing and music (much like octavia and vinyl except he sings. And he likes other genres.) Eventually I plan his cutie mark to be a bowl of sauce with microphone in it. Sauce because it tastes good.
No name but i have thought of "SongScream" the scream part being based of my username.
Age is unknown but i think 15-18 is rather good.
Feel free to give me advice on how I can improve him
@Dr. Whooves: Maybe Miss Scarlett? (You know, like from Clue.)
Jersey Jimmy wrote:
Scratchie looks good in anything, mate. Like this scarf, for example:
We might as well post nothing but Vinyl Scratch, because there ain't no other pony like a Vinyl Scratch pony.
Go ahead. Argue with me. Any of you. I will lay down very scientific facts about why Vinyl Scratch is the best pony.
QWERTY Warrior Stevo said:
So, um… let’s talk about comic Luna?
>discussing the comics
Alright, if you want to enter into that area, we can.
I don't have an OC as the thought of inserting myself into the show makes me cringe. That said, I use "original characters" quite a bit in my fanfics, as my first post ever on the pony forum shows.
It seems as though there's a big disconnect in the meaning of "OC." It almost always means someone's "avatar" and the secondary meaning of "characters you created" is almost entirely overwhelmed to that first meaning.
^I kind of know what you mean, I really wouldn't want to be a Pony either. To be a pretty heavy degree actually.
@Comic Luna:
That's about all I have to add, since I haven't read the comics.
@Vinyl Scratch:
CrashGordon94 wrote:
I always like it when my edits are posted by other people in this thread, even the little ones like mouth inversions.
@↑↑↑: That arc was my favorite. Coincidentally, that was the last comic I have read/bought.
@OCs: I had an OC once…
Ginger Snap was a trap and I could never figure out a cutie mark for her. Made her back when that Hub pony creator first came out. They didn't have white or red as actual colors, so I colored her in paint. lol. Kinda wish I could get a plushie made for her. That and maybe an actual art commission. My friend once did a rough sketch of her sleeping that coincidentally looks like this:
When QWERTY posted that, I about flipped because I thought the sketch (that was in my room and in my folder) had been stolen and colored. hahaha.
Do you like it, I spent over an hour on it
a new thread? haha, why don't i just like, you know, post? who cares if it's off topic, i'm just a cool brony mod.
I can't write a novel out from these so I figured that I'll do this after I finished school. As a silent comic.
Oh, and from left to right, Fiery Heart, Nero and Rai-jin.
Give me karme I've won the Autism Championship.
I actually like drawing pony OCs, based on real people or not.
Here's my own little self insert OC that I just drew on my tablet in about 20 minutes
There's nothing really hugely developed about her past the design, I just based it off of myself. I would really love to have a plushie of her. Some day, maybe if I ever get into plushie making, I'll make my own. Some day…
Crimson Locks wrote:
I actually like drawing pony OCs, based on real people or not.
Here's my own little self insert OC that I just drew on my tablet in about 20 minutes
There's nothing really hugely developed about her past the design, I just based it off of myself. I would really love to have a plushie of her. Some day, maybe if I ever get into plushie making, I'll make my own. Some day…
Huh It looks like the little mermaid which is cool and cute, good work :3
Sqee noise
this is in new Transformers movie
Derpy Vaz wrote:
this is in new Transformers movie
:D are we going to talk about the my little websurfers comic? Tis a good one:
V-Vinyl thread? A Vinyl thread?! Aww, kick-fucking-ass!!
@Comic Luna: GOTTA GO FAST M8
@Oh-Cees: I already show you Ace. I show you Anne Capony now.
Some OCs I like that weren't posted yet
Chrome Pony is best Pony!
@OCs once again
I have one (If you can't already tell), working on a backstory, but it's irrelevant thus far. I just want a small plushy made once I have the means of paying. Any ideas where I could get that done?
Usually don't like showing my work around, I'm rather ashamed of it… ( ..)
I remember when I used to have a red and black Alicorn OC
I don't want to remember, but I do
There are so many OC's that look like mine. Blue coat with a black frizzy mane. Kinda makes me feel awkward for being part of that bandwagon, even though I had no idea how common it was at the time.
Well I still say I have an excuse. I chose my OC's color scheme to fit his theme. Not to be edgy or whatever. I have no idea what everyone else's excuse is.
….stop looking like meeeeee!
BSOD: You will always be the original in my eyes
Bronies, I need to tell you something and I'm sorry if this is off topic. About five or six months ago, I posted this on the My Little Pony entry here on KYM.
''I remember hearing about you ‘Bronies’ a few years back. I just kind of thought it would die out in a few months, but you guys are still here.
It’s not something I’m ever going to get into. I don’t think I’ll ever watch My Little Pony, I’m just not into things like that…''
Well, that statement was true up until yesterday evening. I saw the show on Netflix and decided to try it out because I was bored. What I saw was not what I expected. I expected to only watch a few minutes of it, but I couldn't stop. I watched the entire first season and I'm definitely going to start the second one today.
They're all just so gosh darn cute! I don't usually obsess over cute things, but this is on a whole other level! I think I've got the brony bug.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite. She reminds me of my youngest aunt.
OCs, eh?
Well, time for me to roll this baby out again.
Always had a thing for good old fashioned medieval armour, so I designed him around that. The guy doesn't have much story or personality attached, though, since he just served as my avatar.
Too bad I've got me a new one, although he's largely based on the old one, heh.
The basic gist of it is that he's based on a little horse plushie I had as a wee lad. Since I lacked creativity even back then, I named him Ruskeaharja (which is just Finnish for Brownmane), as a sort of homage to the The Silver Brumby which was on the telly at the time. They had, as Finnish dubs often do, translated the name wrong, calling it Hopeaharja (Silvermane) instead, and since my plush had a brown mane, well, you can probably guess.
Since I've been more interested in doing anthro than pony lately, I figured it's time for a little redesign. The basic ideas crystallized in that sketch in my last post (I'd like that critique now that it won't be buried under good-bye-thread posts, please) which I've been refining. Here's the end result.
I seem to have developed a liking for badass longcoats. I can trace the seed of that to images of 18th century highwaymen, and the realization of "oh man, that looks good enough to want" to this video. What can I say, I've got a soft spot for long, flowing things.
I wasn't entirely happy with the initial design, though. Felt it was lacking, somehow. Didn't put too much thought into it until a bit later when I stumbled on a little show called Sherlock Hound and saw this. Can't go wrong with a generous shoulder cape, heh.
Looks more like an outlaw than a knight, though. Ah well, I've liked that sort of character ever since Garrett way back in the days of the original Thief games. Which influenced me a great deal, it's downright scary how much I can somehow trace back to them. Hell, even found one of my favourite bands when one of their songs was in a fan mission.
Heh, guess the show's still got that magic touch. Welcome to herd, brony.
TheZombieFiend wrote:
Bronies, I need to tell you something and I'm sorry if this is off topic. About five or six months ago, I posted this on the My Little Pony entry here on KYM.
''I remember hearing about you ‘Bronies’ a few years back. I just kind of thought it would die out in a few months, but you guys are still here.
It’s not something I’m ever going to get into. I don’t think I’ll ever watch My Little Pony, I’m just not into things like that…''Well, that statement was true up until yesterday evening. I saw the show on Netflix and decided to try it out because I was bored. What I saw was not what I expected. I expected to only watch a few minutes of it, but I couldn't stop. I watched the entire first season and I'm definitely going to start the second one today.
They're all just so gosh darn cute! I don't usually obsess over cute things, but this is on a whole other level! I think I've got the brony bug.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite. She reminds me of my youngest aunt.
Your face when ponies 3 years late.
Welcome aboard.
TheZombieFiend wrote:
Bronies, I need to tell you something and I'm sorry if this is off topic. About five or six months ago, I posted this on the My Little Pony entry here on KYM.
''I remember hearing about you ‘Bronies’ a few years back. I just kind of thought it would die out in a few months, but you guys are still here.
It’s not something I’m ever going to get into. I don’t think I’ll ever watch My Little Pony, I’m just not into things like that…''Well, that statement was true up until yesterday evening. I saw the show on Netflix and decided to try it out because I was bored. What I saw was not what I expected. I expected to only watch a few minutes of it, but I couldn't stop. I watched the entire first season and I'm definitely going to start the second one today.
They're all just so gosh darn cute! I don't usually obsess over cute things, but this is on a whole other level! I think I've got the brony bug.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite. She reminds me of my youngest aunt.
Yay! Welcome to the heard! Let's derail the thread and throw a party!!!!!!!
Party time!
In honor of my return, a brand new thread, and a new brony in our midst to boot:
I found some rubber gloves for Lyra and she wanted to show them off.
Speaking of things found at the convention:
<div class=spoiler title="This was out in the hallway">
It's our good buddy Calpain!
(On the left. That thing on the right is… no one… Yes, no one.)
For those unaware, he started out here as a regular KYM poster (and mod, if I'm not mistaken) before eventually moving on to essentially be second-in-command of EQD.
I talked to him for a couple minutes and he still has fond memories of our little sector of the internet that began his pony career.
I did him to promise to come visit sometime so prepare your "Why did you abandon us?!" posts now!
<div class=spoiler title="Scootaloo getting high…">
Scoots got a little closer to the sky yesterday at the top of the Seattle Space Needle!
(Sorry for having her inside, but no way was I getting her anywhere near that edge. I'm rather scared of heights myself and paranoid about losing things so… nah.)
Funny story: That older guy in the hat gave me an extremely enthusiastic thumbs-up when he saw me pull Scoots out of my bag.
I have no idea who he is or why he did that, but that was just about the last reaction I thought I would get.
And now for the most important part of any post-convention story:
<div class=spoiler title="THE HAUL!">
Yeah, so if anyone is wondering why this seems so small, it might be because the airline decided that it just didn't feel like putting my bag on the plane last night.
This is all that I had in my backpack that I brought with me and everything else is still sitting on some cart back in Seattle Airport.
They are telling me that it should be coming in around 4:00 today and I will give a further update at that time.
Until then, I will be retreating to my little cocoon of worry since I know what is in that bag and I really don't want anything bad to happen to it.
I do have a few more stories and things, but I will spread those out as to not bog this new thread down with a gigantic post.
Have some convention Luna, though.
People liked to doodle in the staff lounge.
TheZombieFiend wrote:
Bronies, I need to tell you something and I'm sorry if this is off topic. About five or six months ago, I posted this on the My Little Pony entry here on KYM.
''I remember hearing about you ‘Bronies’ a few years back. I just kind of thought it would die out in a few months, but you guys are still here.
It’s not something I’m ever going to get into. I don’t think I’ll ever watch My Little Pony, I’m just not into things like that…''Well, that statement was true up until yesterday evening. I saw the show on Netflix and decided to try it out because I was bored. What I saw was not what I expected. I expected to only watch a few minutes of it, but I couldn't stop. I watched the entire first season and I'm definitely going to start the second one today.
They're all just so gosh darn cute! I don't usually obsess over cute things, but this is on a whole other level! I think I've got the brony bug.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite. She reminds me of my youngest aunt.
Wow, you've only been "in" one day and you're further ahead in the show than me…
In any case, welcome to the thread and fandom, hope you enjoy your stay!
^For whatever reason the font on the green bars in the Luna photo reminded me of the infamous boxart for "The Mystery Of The Druids"… No clue why whatsoever.
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