C'mon now guys, 4 on 1 isn't fair.
“They started it” is the argument of 5 year olds when it’s used as an excuse for your actions as to attempt to escape culpability, not when it states a cause and effect.
That's the implication, though. "They're being stupid, but those guys started it." That's basically it. Even if it was a fight started by someone pushing an ideology they disagree with, Farm Zombie admits the bills can be ridiculous. Remember, I'm criticizing the people pushing these bills. That's my point. To add on "but the Left started it with stupid stuff" is a tacit way of shifting responsibility.
This seems… off. Of all the religions well known to the general American consciousness, there isn’t one that I can think of that legitimately discriminates based on race
As mentioned later, LDS. I presume the KKK. Regardless, I don't think it actually need to be a religion with a name. If the point is "religious freedom", then it applies to anyone with any religious belief. Of course someone in the US has a religious belief that has them want to discriminate for race reasons – my very own (old) pastor, in the past, wanted to not do interracial marriages! If they truly want religious freedom, then it's for all people. Religious is all religion, not a small group of beliefs.
It’s a waste of ink and just makes the bill look worse for no reason.
Then it's not religious freedom. Either religious people are actually free, or only some religious people have the freedom. It's not religious freedom, it's freedom for people I'm cool with.
The fact that there are male and female bathrooms demonstrates that there was already a prohibition against someone that wasn’t of the sex that the bathroom was intended for entering the bathroom, or else there wouldn’t be a point of the signs and possibly the different functional interior designs. Of course they’ve done it for a long time, but that doesn’t mean that everyone was universally or even mostly alright with it, or that each establishment didn’t handle it differently. It’s not a scale back if the initial purpose of male/female bathroom designations was based on sex and never on gender identity-- it’s giving a tacit law legal teeth.
It was a non-issue, in reality. You looked like a girl, you got in. However, now there are concerns – and possibly even showing in real life – that people who don't "look" the way people expect for their gender will get harassed. People making a big deal out of this is causing more issues than it's solving.
I would call it cynical because it lies on the assumption that politicians are mostly, if not wholly self-serving and only act on the preferences of their supporting constitutents. I think it discredits the very real possibility that politicians may be altruistically motivated, but it’s not like transgender rights aren’t a valuable banner to hold to make yourself look better.
It was a broad statement which sweeps the entire American Left. Burden of proof is on him if he wants to argue that literally every American Left politician (or most) are doing this because of constituent beliefs. Transgender rights are not always a plus, I might add. I doubt Republicans would get much support over it.
I would call these imprecise methods.
(And everything after that)
I will elaborate more on this below, but for the moment…
Check this story out, if you didn't already. (Rehashing the same point I made.) A lot more like this will probably happen if suddenly the law says you'll get in trouble if you're transgender in a bathroom. Masculine females and feminine males (especially masculine females) would, logically, be singled out for questioning. About their genitalia.
…actually, it’d be unwise to not ask, such that you can go on a diatribe you’re sure is correctly directed.
I was hoping it'd end the discussion, but it seems I need to longpost more for that to happen.
Easy, pandering to their base.
Guess that works. I don't think the base that likes this pandering is right, though, so I still have an issue.
Republicans are concerned with protecting businesses which do not wish to take part in gay marriages.
…So, "freedom for people I agree with". They're okay with refusing service to gay people, but not okay with refusing service to black people. That's my point. It's not religious freedom if it's limited to a section. "Religious" doesn't only apply to some beliefs.
However, when 300 million+ people see things one way and 1.4 million see things another, the smaller group is inevitably going to be inconvenienced.
The rift is actually more akin to 150 million to 150 million. \ It's not transgender people versus the world. You seem to do this a lot – there's only a small number, people don't TRULY support them, and basically everyone else in the US disagrees. Except, none of that is true.
but when it comes to something like “the majority do not want biological males showering with biological females in a high school,” the minority is not going to get exactly what it wants.
Point rendered moot by above.
However, sympathy is not the same thing as telling someone they are right about everything.
Never argued it was.
Removing restricted access based upon nothing more than feelings is another.
You are aware feelings matter, right? Like, we aren't emotionless robots stomping around the world looking to optimize our dominion as a species. We have feelings and they actually mean something – as reflected in the 40% attempted suicide rate!
"They're just feelings" is a horrible argument.
Alright, the dozens of genders thing is more of a Facebook/Tumblr kind of thing, but it is “gaining ground”: http://live.att.net/news/read/article/the_associated_press-kansas_schools_libraries_offer_students_pronoun_pi-ap on college campuses as well.
But not the American left that's actually in power. That's what we're talking about here. Facebook and Tumblr and college campuses aren't the people passing non-discrimination bills.
Already, we are hearing about the occasional school controversy where a male wants to shower in the girls’ locker room and the faculty caves in. Many parents and students are not cool with this, even if the boy in question feels he is a girl.
The male is a female.
And if they can prove that they've consistently attempted to pass as that – why the fuck not? You still haven't answered that question. If they're actually, legitimately shown to be transgender, as schools can actually do, why not?
However, that does not mean the rest of society must agree with you and change its rules accordingly.
Once again, the rules regarding bathrooms were basically a non-issue. If you passed, you entered. It should've never become a point of debate, on either side.
It should be reasonable to assume that these people would still exist if gender non-discrimination laws were passed in their states, in which case they would have a legal defense.
Except peeping laws still exist.
Furthermore, if these laws included locker rooms, in which undressing in plain view is typical, I imagine it would allow said men to circumvent any alternate charges like “peeping”.
99% of the time, if you're trans, you aren't going to go into the women's locker room looking like this:

Trans people get harassed already in the bathroom when they're passing to some degree. None of us want to be fucked with even more.
So what is the mechanism for preventing incidents like this from occurring?
"Employees report that the man made no verbal or physical attempt to identify as a woman, yet he still cited a new rule that allows bathroom choice based on gender identification."
No evidence. No identification. And lastly, the point above applies.
You aren't gonna enter the women's changing room looking like a straight up dude. Nobody wants to get in trouble if they're innocent, and based on that report, there was an argument. What did he expect would happen? "The law gives me the right!" That's not how any trans person would do it.
The remedy for this seems to be your assertion that transgenderism is easily proven in a court of law. What evidence do you have for this? How does one conclusively prove gender dysphoria?
Family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, doctors, and anyone else who might know.
Once again, you aren't gonna enter like that because y'know what trans people wanna do? We just want to change without being harassed! If we look like a dude, we're going to go into the dudes changing room!