Wait, which kinds of occasions would be able to justify a custom title?

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May 31, 2023 at 01:02PM EDT.
Oct 03, 2011 at 11:41AM EDT
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Wait, which kinds of occasions would be able to justify a custom title?
Texenox wrote:
Wait, which kinds of occasions would be able to justify a custom title?
"See something unique or strange? That's a custom title. Buy one at the title shop today!"- Title shop advertisment.
if 600 forum posts and 600 comments is enough to make some one a Conversationalist…
then explain THIS!
Patrick Star 3D Real wrote:
if 600 forum posts and 600 comments is enough to make some one a Conversationalist…
then explain THIS!
That was the before the update, now you need 1000 comments or forum posts to be Conversationalist.
Penny wrote:
That was the before the update, now you need 1000 comments or forum posts to be Conversationalist.
Texenox wrote:
Wait, which kinds of occasions would be able to justify a custom title?
After sucking RandomMan's dick you are able to chose your own custom title.
Loli wrote:
After sucking RandomMan's dick you are able to chose your own custom title.
I have to enjoy it btw.
But to give a serious answer, there are different ways. Most of these are probably out of reach for the average user. For example having a special position on the site can get you one. But this doesn't mean for example being a mod, it means special as in for example being a staff member.
The Thanks Awards are probably your best bet. These are handed out anually (although there was a discussion to make them more frequent) to users who shine in special areas of the site. Most of these are related to entry research (we are still a documentation website), but there are some special ones related to how you stand in the community. We might expand on these in the future.
The random ones without a connection though, don't bet on those. The ones that got those had extreme luck, and we kinda wish to avoid those nowadays because it makes users feel underappreciated. Your closest bet there might be hosting a big community project, by which I mean BIG (so no simple forum game), and succeeding with it to the end (most of these projects end up incomplete).
RandomMan wrote:
I have to enjoy it btw.
But to give a serious answer, there are different ways. Most of these are probably out of reach for the average user. For example having a special position on the site can get you one. But this doesn't mean for example being a mod, it means special as in for example being a staff member.
The Thanks Awards are probably your best bet. These are handed out anually (although there was a discussion to make them more frequent) to users who shine in special areas of the site. Most of these are related to entry research (we are still a documentation website), but there are some special ones related to how you stand in the community. We might expand on these in the future.
The random ones without a connection though, don't bet on those. The ones that got those had extreme luck, and we kinda wish to avoid those nowadays because it makes users feel underappreciated. Your closest bet there might be hosting a big community project, by which I mean BIG (so no simple forum game), and succeeding with it to the end (most of these projects end up incomplete).
Okay I suck your dick but just after you gave me the booty shake.
RandomMan wrote:
I have to enjoy it btw.
But to give a serious answer, there are different ways. Most of these are probably out of reach for the average user. For example having a special position on the site can get you one. But this doesn't mean for example being a mod, it means special as in for example being a staff member.
The Thanks Awards are probably your best bet. These are handed out anually (although there was a discussion to make them more frequent) to users who shine in special areas of the site. Most of these are related to entry research (we are still a documentation website), but there are some special ones related to how you stand in the community. We might expand on these in the future.
The random ones without a connection though, don't bet on those. The ones that got those had extreme luck, and we kinda wish to avoid those nowadays because it makes users feel underappreciated. Your closest bet there might be hosting a big community project, by which I mean BIG (so no simple forum game), and succeeding with it to the end (most of these projects end up incomplete).
I see. Thanks for the tip!
wait i'm a collector and yet i'm unable to edit images, the edit image button doesn't appear, why is that?
TripleA9000 wrote:
wait i'm a collector and yet i'm unable to edit images, the edit image button doesn't appear, why is that?
You need to have uploaded 100 images to be able to edit.
TripleA9000 wrote:
wait i'm a collector and yet i'm unable to edit images, the edit image button doesn't appear, why is that?
Also, the title you're confusing this with is "Scrapbooker".
oi oi m8 thx 4 dis mlg list i was wondrig wot mi nu titl off coletr ment butt nauw i nderstand, i gib dis 8/8 m8
Can scrapbookers/collectors/archivists move media between galleries?
No wrote:
Can scrapbookers/collectors/archivists move media between galleries?
Nope, only media mods can do that.
No wrote:
Can scrapbookers/collectors/archivists move media between galleries?
Jesus no, that would be awful.
And what muffin said.
What if I'm able to be ranked as a Conversationalist, but just want to be ranked as a Commentator?
MacPrice wrote:
What if I'm able to be ranked as a Conversationalist, but just want to be ranked as a Commentator?
There's nothing you could do about it. If you just want to stay a commentator, then just don't make more than 1,000 comments or forum posts.
Contribution titles are assigned based on your contributions. They aren't chosen by the user.
MacPrice wrote:
What if I'm able to be ranked as a Conversationalist, but just want to be ranked as a Commentator?
Then start over and create a new profile? ¯\(ツ)/¯
(But please don't.)
As muffin said, at the moment all titles are based on the highest level received.
So will Conversationalist ever be able to edit the tags on videos?
So… what's the hierarchy of titles? I've been a scrapbooker for ages and I just recently got to making decent articles and I was wondering why my title hasn't changed yet. Conversationalist seems to be the highest an average user can achieve, with scrapbooker next and commentator third in place (I should know I was a commentator back then.)
Onion Syrup wrote:
So… what's the hierarchy of titles? I've been a scrapbooker for ages and I just recently got to making decent articles and I was wondering why my title hasn't changed yet. Conversationalist seems to be the highest an average user can achieve, with scrapbooker next and commentator third in place (I should know I was a commentator back then.)
Basically (from OP) each level is a tier and Entry > Media > Comment. At least that's what I gathered from my previous titles. I was Jr. Researcher before they added Media and Comment titles, so I went from BNM to Gold to Jr. Researcher to Scrapbooker to Conversationalist to Sr. Researcher.
Onion Syrup wrote:
So… what's the hierarchy of titles? I've been a scrapbooker for ages and I just recently got to making decent articles and I was wondering why my title hasn't changed yet. Conversationalist seems to be the highest an average user can achieve, with scrapbooker next and commentator third in place (I should know I was a commentator back then.)
Actually, I don't think what cute master described is the case. The whole thing is pretty complicated, and there isn't any way of describing it with a three-title equation.
As for the title hierarchy as a whole, from what I can tell it works like this:
Brand New Member < Member = Lurker < Jr. Researcher < Gold Member < Researcher < Commentator < Scrapbooker = Collector < Conversationalist = Archivist < Sr. Researcher.
("=" in this list is representing titles that have equal status; you get whichever title you attain first.)
Thanks, I find it rather silly titles awarded through editing are some of the lowest in the whole hierarchy with the exception of Sr. Researcher, but I guess it makes sense when anybody can submit an entry that deserves to immediately be deadpooled.
Hey, I have a question. Say you get a title, but then you do another feat that gets a title as well. Are you allowed to switch titles, or are you stuck on one?
Yanmega wrote:
Hey, I have a question. Say you get a title, but then you do another feat that gets a title as well. Are you allowed to switch titles, or are you stuck on one?
Stuck with the one you got first, IIRC.
There seems to have been a big change in the way titles have been displayed, can someone preferably explain how titles have changed?
Apparently everybody who posted on the hitler thread is a pundit.
Loving the new title system. Makes users feel more special :3
shitposter title when
Just here to ask what's a Pundit? Just now I saw my title change and I was wondering why it changed and I don't know what it meant.
Tyler Bowman wrote:
Just here to ask what's a Pundit? Just now I saw my title change and I was wondering why it changed and I don't know what it meant.
It means you have at least 1,000 comments or forum posts; it's basically the new equivalent of Conversationalist.
Muffinlicious wrote:
It means you have at least 1,000 comments or forum posts; it's basically the new equivalent of Conversationalist.
Oh, So It's just a new name then, Thanks for the clarification!
So could we have an explanation or an update on what the new titles mean? I was utterly confused when I first saw it. For a sec I thought it was mod fuckery but then I came to the forums to check and I realized it was a new system. I kind of like the way it stacks for one thing. but yeah what are all of them? Were there any new ones implemented or afe they all name changes?
I now have the longest title I'd ever imagined, but I wonder why.
Is Orator some sort of high level conversationalist? I wouldn't be surprised, but then, why are many people Pundits?
I feel asking a lot will get us nowhere, so let's just wait for an explanation I suppose… (P.S. I'd rather have Conversationalist in the place of Jr. Researcher to be honest, it reflects my use on this site a lot more to be fair.)
New Titles Are As Follows:
Sleuth: 2 Entries and 20 Edits
Jr. Researcher: 5 Entries and 50 Edits
Investigator: 10 Entries and 100 Edits
Researcher: 15 Entries and 150 Edits
Sr. Researcher: 30 Entries and 300 Edits
Digital Archaeologist: 60 Entries and 600 Edits
Collector: 100 Images and Videos
Scrapbooker: 100 Images (Same as it is now, but can be changed once we’re more clear on the media edit titles.)
Cataloger: 500 Images and Videos
Archivist: 1000 Images and Videos
Curator: 2500 Images and Videos
Treasurer: 5000 Images and Videos
Commentator: 100 Comments and Forum Posts
Conversationalist: 500 Comments and Forum Posts
Pundit: 1000 Comments and Forum Posts
Orator: 5000 Comments and Forum Posts
Elocutionist: 10,000 Comments and Forum Posts
Scrapbooker: Default
Image Bus Boy: 100 Media Edits
Photo Chauffeur: 500 Media Edits
Collection Butler: 1,000 Media Edits
Gallery Housekeeper: 2,500 Media Edits
Media Maid: 5,000 Media Edits
Thank you Natsuru, you saved the day again.
Holy crap I'm (relatively) nearly an elocutionist
>be me
>find out that I'm apparently a pundit and a bus boy
>find out about new titles
>checks again and finds I'm a Media Bus Boy
>sees the title listed on the new list as Image Bus Boy
Things are still getting adjusted, for clarity in the case of Morning Star.
Everything should be finalized soon. (The plan is to also only have one title visible in the forums.)
Is there, or will there be a way to check how many media edits we have made so far? It seems like it could be added quite easily.
Ah, I was wondering why my title had suddenly been changed. I thought "Wait…do I seriously talk about a certain subject that much?" (I'll admit, I first thought that meant my post were mostly puns. That quickly changed after a google search)
My only problem is that "&" is used between every title instead of commas but at that point i'm just nitpicking.
Anyways, I think the new titles are cool. Gives me a (false) sense of importance.
Is there any way to check how many media edits we have made or is that still being worked on? At least I can see my Entry edits.
Marvelous Jared, Fluffy Tail Toucher wrote:
Is there any way to check how many media edits we have made or is that still being worked on? At least I can see my Entry edits.
As of your post, the contribution pie chart does not display Media Edits. I'm not sure if it is being worked on, however.
So how does Karma received/given work? Because I have received negative karma…
QuazzleTheQaz wrote:
So how does Karma received/given work? Because I have received negative karma…
Karma counts the upvotes and downvotes of your forum posts (not comments or images).
I don't think this is the right thread to ask this btw
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