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NSFW Guidelines (Updated 2/17/17)

Last posted Nov 09, 2022 at 06:09AM EST. Added Nov 27, 2012 at 12:52PM EST
234 posts from 83 users

Mameme wrote:

Alright so the video is gone but because Adam posted content against NSFW guidelines shouldn't that mean he gets sent back to normal user and gets demoted or even suspended? Otherwise that seems quite bias.

We are all human here. Everyone tends to mess up at some point. It's not really fair for Adam or anyone in this case to get demodded the moment they fuck up something even if it something trivial as this case. I think a warning at best should be more than enough to not mess up again.

Let it be recorded that on November 5th, 2016, a Saturday, an admin put porn on the frontpage.

Further, let us dub this day "Slutty Saturday". We shall celebrate it every year by never letting the admins forget about it.

Last edited Nov 05, 2016 at 06:20PM EDT

Mom Rivers wrote:

Let it be recorded that on November 5th, 2016, a Saturday, an admin put porn on the frontpage.

Further, let us dub this day "Slutty Saturday". We shall celebrate it every year by never letting the admins forget about it.

Remember, remember the Fifth of November.

Mameme wrote:

Alright so the video is gone but because Adam posted content against NSFW guidelines shouldn't that mean he gets sent back to normal user and gets demoted or even suspended? Otherwise that seems quite bias.

I dunno if you're aware of this my dude, but the admins are actually the employees of Cheezburger who run the site, rather than the voluntary "neighbourhood watch" scenario that is the case with mods. Ain't no demotion gonna happen, lol.

>tfw Adam can upload all the benis and take home a pay cheque for it

ballstothewall wrote:

I dunno if you're aware of this my dude, but the admins are actually the employees of Cheezburger who run the site, rather than the voluntary "neighbourhood watch" scenario that is the case with mods. Ain't no demotion gonna happen, lol.

>tfw Adam can upload all the benis and take home a pay cheque for it

That's actually pretty fucked that he can break the rules all he wants and not really have to deal with too many issues.

Mameme wrote:

That's actually pretty fucked that he can break the rules all he wants and not really have to deal with too many issues.

From what I have observed, that is the treatment everybody gets here, not just staff members. You break the rules once, worse case scenario, you get suspended for a while. That is even written somewhere in here, if I recall well.

Except for the "all he wants" part, because no, repeated infractions, specially of the same kind, are met with bans, no matter who does it. You simply do not see that happen for staff members because, obviously, they are staff members for a reason, right..? They were not chosen just because their profile picture looks pretty: there was a process behind the decision, and that process involves proving they can be trusted. Therefore, you OBVIOUSLY see regular users getting mauled more often than staff members, not because of some unfair privilege, but because staff members know better and have more to lose if they fuck up, so they are more careful, whereas regular users may more easily not know the rules and even purposedly want to break them, and have virtually nothing to lose if they fuck up/do so on purpose.

Adam frontpaged NC content once. All that proves is that he is an imperfect human like all of us and can fuck up occassionally. It does not, by any means, prove that he deserves punishment for it. That would be like grounding your kid if he gets a 9 out of 10 because he could have gotten a 10 (we are all thinking of the same meme, I bet).

And no, I did not make any of this up. I was a staff member of a site's forum once, so I know how the internal process works and how rules are discussed among them. Either the admin and EVERYONE is corrupt, or nobody is, and we should really not start any conspiracy theory about the former. There is simply no such thing as "staff privilege": that is as valid as the "My kid isn't dumb, it's just that the teacher has a grudge on them!" argument.

I am not even sure why you seem so fixated on this, as if you actually wanted him to be punished. Nobody was harmed in any way for that mistake, no..? So, why go witch-hunting mode on him, then..? Mistake was fixed, lesson was learned, things will be better from here on out. Is that not the best result we can get from all this..? Leave the enforcement of justice for crimes, not mistakes.

robepriority wrote:

What is the article he was trying to associate this with?
I can form opinions based on that rather than just "it was porn"

There was no article it was associated with. He uploaded to no video gallery then frontpaged it.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

What was it? Was is softcore, nothing showing just lewd, or did it have explicit nudity? If nothing was showing, it's technically allowed.

It apparently had something to do with this image that Derpy linked above:

…so, yes, seems like it was, indeed, explicit enough.

robepriority wrote:

So an uncatagorized dickslap image.

On the front page.

Which probably is the first thing a non-user would see.

Does someone have to give him a list of actual pornsites or what?

He found it on a Tumblr blog, which is surprisingly not a dedicated porn blog.

On other notes, have this:

Last edited Nov 08, 2016 at 12:58AM EST

ScreamingMidgit wrote:

So would something like this be NSFW or NC? Because I feel like this one is right on the fence with so many rules it's not even funny.

Asked a moderator on the IRC for you and he said that it's fine.

edit – another moderator also replied saying that it's fine:

Last edited Nov 14, 2016 at 02:33PM EST

OK, so I need help with this one.

I recently uploaded a NSFW image. Specifically, this one. But it was removed a few hours after. I thought it was OK since we also have THIS image which, by all means, is basically the same concept and equally as explicit, and it never got removed. I would normally not ask why it was removed since we usually get an e-mail with the details of why an image is removed. Except… I got no such thing this time. Nor does it seem my account got any kind of "strike", something I suppose would also be told via e-mail, unless it was also handed silently, which is just not right.

So… what exactly happened..? What makes the Pokemon image be too NSFW compared to the Dark Souls one..? I have read the NSFW guidelines at least 3 times now, and I find nothing as an answer. If we are not told, how are we supposed not to accidentally break the rules again..? I believe we had a guy banned for that selfsame reason before ("David the NSFW Guy"). Like… if I wake up to see my account banned some day, the least I expect is being given a reason for it. It is not like anyone is purposedly breaking the rules here, you know…

Nedhitis wrote:

OK, so I need help with this one.

I recently uploaded a NSFW image. Specifically, this one. But it was removed a few hours after. I thought it was OK since we also have THIS image which, by all means, is basically the same concept and equally as explicit, and it never got removed. I would normally not ask why it was removed since we usually get an e-mail with the details of why an image is removed. Except… I got no such thing this time. Nor does it seem my account got any kind of "strike", something I suppose would also be told via e-mail, unless it was also handed silently, which is just not right.

So… what exactly happened..? What makes the Pokemon image be too NSFW compared to the Dark Souls one..? I have read the NSFW guidelines at least 3 times now, and I find nothing as an answer. If we are not told, how are we supposed not to accidentally break the rules again..? I believe we had a guy banned for that selfsame reason before ("David the NSFW Guy"). Like… if I wake up to see my account banned some day, the least I expect is being given a reason for it. It is not like anyone is purposedly breaking the rules here, you know…

Simple answer: Mods are fags
long answer: I've been fighting this for years now and even though one mod can know the rules and let that stay, another will "iinterpret" the rules by his own standards and delete it. Only thing you can do is find out what mod deleted it and why.

Also the first link I was getting an error code

new link to pic

Last edited Nov 26, 2016 at 07:00PM EST

Nedhitis wrote:

OK, so I need help with this one.

I recently uploaded a NSFW image. Specifically, this one. But it was removed a few hours after. I thought it was OK since we also have THIS image which, by all means, is basically the same concept and equally as explicit, and it never got removed. I would normally not ask why it was removed since we usually get an e-mail with the details of why an image is removed. Except… I got no such thing this time. Nor does it seem my account got any kind of "strike", something I suppose would also be told via e-mail, unless it was also handed silently, which is just not right.

So… what exactly happened..? What makes the Pokemon image be too NSFW compared to the Dark Souls one..? I have read the NSFW guidelines at least 3 times now, and I find nothing as an answer. If we are not told, how are we supposed not to accidentally break the rules again..? I believe we had a guy banned for that selfsame reason before ("David the NSFW Guy"). Like… if I wake up to see my account banned some day, the least I expect is being given a reason for it. It is not like anyone is purposedly breaking the rules here, you know…

Yeah. Mods are being fags again. Even some of my images were hidden. Some of it doesn't even look as NSFW as the others.

For Example

Also, I got absolutely NO warning messages. If you guys want to delete an image, at least warn the uploader first. Is that so fucking hard?

Beatrice Santello wrote:

Yeah. Mods are being fags again. Even some of my images were hidden. Some of it doesn't even look as NSFW as the others.

For Example

Also, I got absolutely NO warning messages. If you guys want to delete an image, at least warn the uploader first. Is that so fucking hard?

I believe the problem is caused by this bullet point in the rules:

"Borderline NC content that may be considered explicitly sensual or provocative in nature."

Not only can this mean literally anything from person to person, but also, more than half of NSFW images could easily be considered this since, you know… that is the entire purpose they were drawn, to begin with.

Nedhitis wrote:

I believe the problem is caused by this bullet point in the rules:

"Borderline NC content that may be considered explicitly sensual or provocative in nature."

Not only can this mean literally anything from person to person, but also, more than half of NSFW images could easily be considered this since, you know… that is the entire purpose they were drawn, to begin with.

that is the goal

we must remove all lewd to appease the google overlords to get non shit ads

Simple answer: Mods are fags
Yeah. Mods are being fags again.

…or, it could be a miscommunication about interpretation and application of the rules.

We were going through some talks and not everyone was up to date on the whole story. It happens. It's not faggotry.

You realize that this is absurd, right? You're calling people fags for removing your Pokemon BDSM images, when the reason for it was miscommunication.

Next time, try some civil conversation, or PM a moderator. Your Pokemon bondage has been brought back to the site.

I would normally not ask why it was removed since we usually get an e-mail with the details of why an image is removed. Except… I got no such thing this time. Nor does it seem my account got any kind of “strike”, something I suppose would also be told via e-mail, unless it was also handed silently, which is just not right.

Like… if I wake up to see my account banned some day, the least I expect is being given a reason for it. It is not like anyone is purposedly breaking the rules here, you know…

Unless you set up your email to delete messages from KYM, you're going to get messages from KYM regarding warnings, suspensions, and bans. It is literally impossible to do otherwise.

Also, about the removal without a message, that is an option, but it's supposed to only be used when it's part of a batch where one or more of them already had a message (e.g. if a user mass-uploads NC), the uploader is deactivated/banned, and/or if it's old. That removal was part of the miscommunication.

Now, about the image you specifically uploaded, and the one you referenced: Both seem like they shouldn't be on KYM. It seems another moderator agrees with me on that point, so it's not just me. The other image has been removed as well.

>Now, about the image you specifically uploaded, and the one you referenced: Both seem like they shouldn’t be on KYM

Well give the damned details. You're just implying you removed the images for personal opinions, not based on the rules. Do mods even read the very rules at all? Christ.

>Now, about the image you specifically uploaded, and the one you referenced: Both seem like they shouldn’t be on KYM
Well give the damned details. You’re just implying you removed the images for personal opinions, not based on the rules. Do mods even read the very rules at all? Christ.

I see you've ignored my request for civil conversation.

Knock it off. Act like you have some level of maturity.

I was the primary writer of these rules. I'm also one of the most active media mods on KYM. I know the rules. I spent hours writing them, and spent many more applying them.

Borderline NC content that may be considered explicitly sensual or provocative in nature

And also for the Cynthia image:

Crotch and female nipple bulges in a sensual context

Now, do you want to have a conversation? I'm all up for it. So far you're just making passive aggressive stabs.

Mom Rivers wrote:

>Now, about the image you specifically uploaded, and the one you referenced: Both seem like they shouldn’t be on KYM
Well give the damned details. You’re just implying you removed the images for personal opinions, not based on the rules. Do mods even read the very rules at all? Christ.

I see you've ignored my request for civil conversation.

Knock it off. Act like you have some level of maturity.

I was the primary writer of these rules. I'm also one of the most active media mods on KYM. I know the rules. I spent hours writing them, and spent many more applying them.

Borderline NC content that may be considered explicitly sensual or provocative in nature

And also for the Cynthia image:

Crotch and female nipple bulges in a sensual context

Now, do you want to have a conversation? I'm all up for it. So far you're just making passive aggressive stabs.

Well if you add some extra rules for the moderators like warning uploaders of any file deletions, then I'll be more than happy to have a civilized discussion.

…fair enough, I think..? Still seems like the rules are quite subjective, but at least I see now what the problem is/was. I would normally ask for greater, more clear detail, but honestly, I am not going to fucking die because some image I uploaded was removed, so whatever, not a big deal as long as I know no ill intention was behind it all. If anything, it is more of a loss for others more than to me.

mod logic

Post meme about Hitler gassing jews SFW = no problem no one can get fired for that right?

Post a fully clothed, drawn, anime girl showing cleavage NSFW = OMG WHAT IF MY MOM MY BOSS SAW THAT!??

Last edited Nov 26, 2016 at 09:55PM EST

Okay, so a couple of things.

First I've been a bit absent for a few days (traveling from another state to get to 3 family get together and a funeral during a holiday weekend will do that) but I'll try to give a good-ish answer the best I can.

Asdfghjkl wrote:

we must remove all lewd to appease the google overlords to get non shit ads

this (kinda) but lemme give an actual explanation

There has been some discussion about updating the NSFW rules. Now before you all get about how we just want it to be a "Christian site" this has more to do about the site ads. It's partly the reason that even censored porn is cracked down on. The more NSFW google sees the images on the site, the worse the ads are, and the more likely the ads are to make the site unusable annoying. There has been discussion of if trying to make the rules have different definitions on what is allowed would have a positive effect or not. In addition (and more importantly) there is discussion about how the rules can be made more clear.

But that having been said. At this point it is still in discussion. I would please like to remind other mods that, while it is fine to keep these things in mind, until this rule revision occurs, we need to go by the current rules, as there is literally no way for users to know what the mods have as a new set of rules, especially given that it's not in a finished state for even mods to make 100% clear decisions on.

Zegorykz wrote:

I thought it was OK since we also have THIS image which, by all means, is basically the same concept and equally as explicit

Alright, so, for future reference, I would hesitate to use the argument "well this is as bad, and it wasn't removed, therefore it's okay". I'm not saying that you should never bring this up (mods are more likely to go easier on you if that was why you uploaded something) but mods cannot see everything on the site at all times. Mods are going to miss things. As much as I would want only rule following stuff on the site, with over one million images, many of those on the site longer than I've been here, stuff is going to fall through the cracks. Similarity, while things like "unless necessary for research purposes" should be clear for most people, I have no doubts that people will still upload legit porn and say the Daily Dose entry has worse, therefore I thought this was okay.

Zegorykz wrote:

Still seems like the rules are quite subjective, but at least I see now what the problem is/was

You are not the only one. This is the other reason that we're trying to rewrite the rules. While I think the current NSFW guidelines are better than what we had, there are still problems. This biggest issue is the balance between covering the most, but is also a length that people are actually going to read. Due to this, every little thing cannot be covered. Personally I would think that some common sense like using the site to upload memes and not treating the site as a softcore porn dump would go far for some users, but at the same time, I've personally uploaded some images that other would find questionable (albeit, I considered them relevant for documentation purposes).

Zegorykz wrote:

I am not going to fucking die because some image I uploaded was removed

To emphasis this point: as I was saying, mods will always miss something, and that that even we can see how some images that most mods think shouldn't be on the site are not literally explicitly spelled out how it is rule breaking. We try to give the users a little bit of a break. Generally, if an image has been up for a month or more and a mod missed it, it's kinda on us for not addressing the issue earlier, so I don't really think marks are a user's permanent record should really apply. Similarly, while I would think that images that fall into "Borderline NC content that may be considered explicitly sensual or provocative in nature" should be relativity obvious to most, as Zegorykz said, the definition will inherently vary from person to person (anyone else remember Melonlord? If you think the mods are bad, keep him in mind).

That having been said, Agreeing with Delphox. If it's a recent upload, try to provide some indication (hide message if you think warning would be too harsh) of why the image was taken down. I know that this is generally a rule and this was an exception, but try to limit exceptions for old images or users who have deactivated/been banned. First problem is users like Delphox have no idea why there image was removed and hate arbitrary changes without a given reason. Second problem is that other users will just assume that the image they uploaded didn't upload correctly and just upload it again. While some users will continue to try and upload until they are suspended, most actually do try to pay attention to this stuff.

Last edited Nov 26, 2016 at 10:18PM EST

Since the subject of disappearing images is being brought up, I submitted this image a few months ago and within hours of doing so, it vanished. I didn't even get a message about it. Since I didn't think it was a big deal, I let it go, but I still didn't get why something that would barely be considered NSFW would be removed as NC.content

Just a few days ago another user submitted this image and within two days it gets removed. Although it's definitely NSFW, I fail to see how it's NC. According to the very Guidelines enforced by the moderators, this image isn't NC. So why did it get removed?

What is the standard here?

Edit: I'm not trying to be hostile in any way, I'm just curious.

Last edited Nov 26, 2016 at 10:21PM EST

I do remember Melonlord, Jacob. He seemed to be quite obsessed with following the guidelines, but that drove him to harass users who have uploaded images that might have broken the rules. Knowing how he was, I highly doubt he was doing this for the ads.

But back on topic. Given that there's over a million images on the site, the mods are bound to have missed more than a few images that would not have been allowed. That is why the Image Cleaning thread exists.

I've been paying attention the the guidelines for a while now, and so far, I hadn't had the same miscommunication or confusion as what I've been seeing in this thread.

What have I started…… I just wanted to know if I did something wrong when I uploaded an image…

Well… thanks, Jacob. Now I know what the deal is, so, no doubts or complaints on my end.

Last edited Nov 26, 2016 at 10:49PM EST

Mods are fags.

The options are simple: More NSFW and more malicious ads that destroy site useability, or less NSFW and acceptable ads.

Given how many keep complaining about our awful ads, your cartoon hotties is what you'll be sacrificing.

I am not going to fucking die because some image I uploaded was removed

You'll be amazed how many folks somehow lose their purpose in life when they can't upload NSFW to a memesite.

Derpy Vaz wrote:

Simple answer: Mods are fags
long answer: I've been fighting this for years now and even though one mod can know the rules and let that stay, another will "iinterpret" the rules by his own standards and delete it. Only thing you can do is find out what mod deleted it and why.

Also the first link I was getting an error code

new link to pic

And exactly how were the mods being "fags" for enforcing the rules? That image was removed for a reason as it broke the rules on nipple bulges (which are part of the NSFW guidelines).

Coming from the OP of this very thread under "NC (not cool) content" in the third section of the bulleted list:

Crotch and female nipple bulges in a sensual context (example 1, example 2) or when clothed in a bodypaint-like style in those areas (example).

The image was removed by a moderator due to said image having nipple bulges in a sexual context, not because he/she [the moderator] was being a "faggot".

We all know that you disagree with the rules that were put in place but they're there for a reason.

The reason? We don't want any pornographic ads on this site.

You may disagree but this is the cold, hard truth.

Last edited Nov 27, 2016 at 08:39AM EST

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

Since the subject of disappearing images is being brought up, I submitted this image a few months ago and within hours of doing so, it vanished. I didn't even get a message about it. Since I didn't think it was a big deal, I let it go, but I still didn't get why something that would barely be considered NSFW would be removed as NC.content

Just a few days ago another user submitted this image and within two days it gets removed. Although it's definitely NSFW, I fail to see how it's NC. According to the very Guidelines enforced by the moderators, this image isn't NC. So why did it get removed?

What is the standard here?

Edit: I'm not trying to be hostile in any way, I'm just curious.

An update to my previous post: I talked to Jacob in the IRC chat about the first image and he cites the nipple 'bulges' as the reason for it's removal. If the Guidelines said no nipple bulges at all, I would understand, but the Guidelines say no nipple bulges in a sensual context. There's nothing sensual about the image, so I'm afraid we're back to square one. Still no explanation for the removal of the second image.

Can't abscond, bro. You made this bed, now you must lie in it.

@Derpy Vaz
Chill, fam.

♪Cash rules everything around me: CREAM, get the money! Dollar, dollar bill y'all!♪

Anyway, here's a word of advice for those who regularly submit NSFW content to the site. If you find the content arousing enough to potentially masturbate to, don't submit it. You'll likely save yourself a lot of trouble.

the Guidelines say no nipple bulges in a sensual context

Okay, so lemme try to give a better explanation, or more"the spirit of the rule".

When writing the rules, we wanted to avoid things like nipple/crotch bulges and camel toes in general. However, we also knew that some images may happen to have these features but the focus of the image wasn't fanservice. We didn't want to have to remove an image that was, for lack of a better term "not-sexy" but happened to have these features. However, it's tricky to write a rule this way.

This is the type of image we wanted to keep.It is a crossover, which has more value in showing spread than just something attractive, and the "problematic" bit isn't that pronounced or the focus of the image. There is also stuff like this that, while you could argue does have visible nipple, again, it's not why we created the rule. A different way of trying to explain the spirit of the rule: No nipples is default, but if it has covered nipples and the focus of the image is not fanservice then it's not automatically unallowed.

The (ram girl) image in question: Is kinda borderline, but again, let me explain on that. If it was uploaded into most galleries, I would not really have any objections to removing it, as it has a clear nipple bulge, and with the image focus, level of detail, it's primarily meant as fanservice. However, I'm about 99% certain you uploaded it to Keyhole Turtleneck, a meme entry that is inherently NSFW, and of similar nature. As such, we generally are a little more lenient on how the rules are interpreted there. Because of this, I'm kinda mixed on the image in question. Similarly, there is the issue of other users seeing it in one gallery and saying "well, if something like this is allowed here, then it must be okay for me to upload something that's similar to a subculture gallery."

As for the second image:
If it's as recent as you said it was, I'm not finding a warning/ suspension image about it. It's possible that the user received a hide message, but as I said, I've been gone for a few days. I'll try to look into it a it, but if I had to guess, it probably has to to with wanting to enforce rules that have not been entirely spelled out yet.

Thank you, Jacob, for giving the best explanation you could. I have no more inquiries regarding the first image and I'll keep in touch with the second image. However, there's still the underlining problem with the subjectivity of these Guidelines.

I know this won't be popular, but I suggest stricter Guidelines in regards to SFW entries. Not too strict, but strict enough too eliminate most of the gray areas in the current Guidelines. Honestly, should we really be submitting bondage to the Pokemon gallery just because it has Mewtwo in it? There's a massive difference between a sheep girl in a keyhole turtleneck being posted in a NSFW gallery and a zangoose in a sex dungeon being posted in a SFW gallery.

I don't get your idea of the fact that more NSFW ads (Even though they're clean compared to most sites) = more pornographic stuff. While that's true to an extent Danbooru doesn't have ads like that anymore despite it hosting a shit ton of porn and Reddit can get way worse than us and has no pornographic ads that I've seen, not even in the NSFW subreddit. Realistically the same amount of NSFW should keep the ads to not be pornographic in nature.

Lycanroc got it slightly off, although the idea holds.

Apparently, from what we've been told, the NSFW content on-site makes it harder to get higher quality ads (read: stuff that ISN'T this redirected-to-appstore, "you're the 1,000,000th visitor!!!!!1", autoplaying crap). We still need to talk it over more and get more details, especially about what we, the moderators, should be doing. That's the direction things are heading, though.

And yes, if it is a choice between ads that aren't this horrendous (2/5 satisfaction based on my surveys) and half-naked ahegao-faced anime girls, we're gonna go with the better ads.


@Mangy Black Sheep


Mods have always interpreted the rules how they see fit. There is no set black and white, right or wrong. There is only when a mod gets a hair up his ass to act like he's important. Admins do what they want and post what they want even if it goes against rules laid down by Admins and changed many times over by mods and the mods don't do or say a damn thing about that. The "dick slap" was the first time in my 5+ years here that I have seen actual porn being posted, and that was by an admin and was front paged.

So go ahead and look into my uploads and you won't find a rule violation. I follow the rules. I just hate when one mod wants to challenge me to a pissing contest over shit I know is within rules and even more so when other mods and admins would agree with me.

This site isn't even about memes anymore it's about advertisements now, huh? Let me somewhat quote you "This site is for meme research and documentation only, not for…" google ads

Last edited Nov 27, 2016 at 11:04PM EST

This site isn’t even about memes anymore it’s about advertisements now, huh?

"NSFW fandom stuff is about memes because I like it."
- You

It's about site useability. People have tabs freeze, unwanted downloads, and the site redirecting to apps and other sites. Mobile browsing has become russian roulette at times.

That is what we wish to fix, but after we get the finer details on it. We know NSFW causes it, but need to look into the best fix. Your cartoon hotties are save for now.

Last edited Nov 28, 2016 at 11:20AM EST

Huh. I just had a thought.

If Google really cares that much about how much any given image contributes to documentation VS how explicit the images are, would we not be allowed to upload practically anything on the Online Pornography gallery and pass it off as documentation..? Or, at least, have the rules be a lot more lenient, like on the Hentai Quotes gallery..? The entry is not even confirmed, after all. Are the "Google overlords" stupid enough to fall for it, or would they still give shit ads even if the explicit images are uploaded there..?

Just a curious thought that crossed my mind. I know it says "PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD X-RATED MEDIA" when hitting "Add an Image", yes, but still… not all images removed are exactly "X-Rated", when you think about it.

Last edited Nov 28, 2016 at 11:36AM EST

Hey,what if someone uploads a picture of a statue where the lower parts are exposed?Is that against the community guidelines?Like David di Michelangelo for example

Last edited Dec 13, 2016 at 02:25PM EST

Duke Bruh wrote:

Hey,what if someone uploads a picture of a statue where the lower parts are exposed?Is that against the community guidelines?Like David di Michelangelo for example

IIRC, I am pretty sure that's an exception.

"Both modern and classical art containing nudity and mild gore are allowed without a NSFW tag."

If you are still unsure, check the OP.

Last edited Dec 13, 2016 at 02:45PM EST

Taneera wrote:

IIRC, I am pretty sure that's an exception.

"Both modern and classical art containing nudity and mild gore are allowed without a NSFW tag."

If you are still unsure, check the OP.


Hey I need a response here.

I don't know if this is NC or NSFW, it only shows a tiny bit of the Areola and it's hard to see because the image in grayscale. No female nipples shown at all so I feel like this quite borderline.
it only shows a tiny bit of the Areola

Then don't upload it. ;)

I'd personally say that's definitely NC. Always ask yourself "would my boss chew me out for looking at this in the office?"

KYM should generally be viewable on my lunch break. (Who even is that and what relevance do they have to memes, by the way?)

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