Kommando looked to his sides to see if anyone was watching him and upon finding that he was alone, took his chansaw arm out of Soup King Prime's helmet and slashed another fissure into the air. Upon finishing he put his chainsaw back into Soup King Prime's helmet and began whistling nonchalantly.
Suddenly a massive spaceship appeared in the atmosphere above the battlefield along with smaller landing craft of some kind. From the landing craft emerged squads of various units, some appeared to be older teenagers in uniforms while others were in hard, metallic mechanical armor that quickly turned invisible and they were accompanied by divisions of massive, 9-foot tall suits of robotic armor. They all poured forth into the battlefield and began shooting on sight any Soup King robots and Circle Cultists they found.
(Ok, I threw in the Sci-Fi units. Introducing the USCAA Military, from 10,000 years into the future.
Interdictors: Students of various military academies that have reached fighting age and volunteered to enter a form of military service either out of a desire to make the world a better place or as a beginning to a larger military career. Primarily aimed at containing and combating insurgency, defections, terrorism and suppressing radical groups that tend to be poorly equipped, their weapons are usually lighter than the other branches' and armor components of their uniforms are usually limited to the standard issue frequency armor generator and an energy armor generator, making them immune to conventional gunfire and similar projectile weapons and resistant to energy weapons. (If you're wondering, yes, Kitty, Pinky and Dusty are Interdictors.)
Cosmorines: The Naval infantry units of the USCAA Military, they prioritize the efficacy of each and every individual Cosmorine with all of them being required to be excellent marksmen, versatile combatants and master tacticians. Their armor suits are an armored robotic exoskeleton that greatly magnifies their natural strength and can also turn invisible to not just the human eye, but also to complex and sophisticated cameras and sensors, in addition to the standard-issue armor generators. Their weapons vary greatly from the standard carbines and rifles to more specialized and unusual weapons meant for certain situations.
Soldiers: The typical soldier of the USCAA Army is a pilot operating a 9-foot tall robotic suit of armor capable of not only the same strengths, invisibility and protections as the Cosmorine's, but is also usually equipped with a 1.2-inch autocannon on it's right arm and a rotary gun on it's left, with space for a variety of tertiary weapons on the top of it's torso. Tertiary weapons include but are not limited to: Radiation Casters, Lightning Cannons, various types of Missile Launchers and Artillery Weapons, Burrowing Lasers and various types of Air Defense Systems.
Also, their guns are either railguns that fire rocket-propelled darts containing various types of explosive warheads that detonate once inside the target's body, usually dismembering them, or laser guns that, similar to real life, fire an invisible beam of light that burns through whatever is in it's way.)
"Thank you for attending my TED Talk."