The boobs rotted away silly

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Nov 17, 2010 at 08:35AM EST.
Sep 22, 2010 at 07:53AM EDT
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The boobs rotted away silly
"The boobs rotted away silly"
that is the most terrifying quote I have ever heard…
Haha! I have to agree with Lanthus, karnella. That is pretty creepy.
Though, I made one picture a long time ago that I meant to be "Deadpool-tan" but it was beaten ultimately with your version so I didn't bother to post it anymore. Though, I guess it would be okay now to use her picture for one of the tans. It's really old so the drawing is pretty meh.
I'll post the pic later on when I have the time after school.
So… was my drawing rejected? Cries in a corner
tell me,would making tans for all of the different board be taking it a wee bit too far?
but will we stop?
oh lookit
he's not actually moe or a kid thou. >:(
but you can redraw him in a more moe style if you want to!
forget the tan, chan, kun whatevers!
senpais are sexy!
I love the smexy design and the incorporation of Cool Dog as the designated pet.
Well, as for that old drawing, I found it. I realized I didn't give her a special tie but it's old so naturally the tie theme was still unknown to me.
If someone was able to make a digital version of this and maybe change it into some other non-taken role, that would be lovely.
Since it's rather blurry-ish I've taken a snap of the base drawing as well:
But, then again, that's blurry too… Oh well. Here's a close-up of the head ornament. Bonus points if you know what that is.
I am really bored and lazy today. Wonky minimalist fanart is good enough.
attempted a more moe character
he's afraid of invalid-tan
ps. I'm waiting for those deadpoolxSumi pics now
Dammit Jostin.
Since you stole my shit, now I have to make something original.
You bastard.
Also to hold you over until then:
I stole this from Brad Kim.
I stole something too.
Hey Can I b a KYM TAN 2?
It wood really hlep with my votz advertsing.
Here goes.
Captain blubber, ftw.
@Captain Blubber
We need a picture of CB, just pure motherfucknig win man, I always liked him more than mellow anyways.
CB, I bow down to your greatness
That is the most I have laughed in a looong time blubber.
CB, I love you so hard right now. This is freaking hilarious.
awww my poor deadpool
aw man, I laughed so hard. saved.
Obligatory save.
Captain, I love you man. You're the best story-teller I've ever seen.
But, is it possible to have everything in a single long page ?
It's a little off centre, but you can't really notice.
You are my hero, Blub' !
That makes me think :
Blubber, you should do your own webcomic. Seriously.
I'm somewhat conflicted with that idea. Though I would love to read a webcomic by Blubber because it will be undoubtedly awesome, I fear that if he continues that string of comics too frequently, he'll run out of jokes to tell around on the site or on the comic per se which would be horrible.
Blubber has now made this thread VERY AMAZING.
@the webcomic idea
It's unlikely that I would run out of jokes if I only post say, a comic a week.
The problem is, I'm so computer illiterate, that website design is out of the question.
Also, I'm not a big fan of sites that makes websites for you.
alright, alright blubber is awesome, back on subject!
now I do like Takesu's submission-senpai, but we are gonna have to see other's interpretation of Submission-whatever before it's Final.
That's how we did it with Kym-tan that's how we'll do it with all of them.
Fair enough.
Though, since I still love Takesu's Submission-senpai idea, I built around that and decided on a whim to change the clothing format from lab coats to dress shirts and created this stud of a dude in a couple o' minutes and, badabing badaboom, here's my design:
Though, if you guys feel that he should still have a lab coat, that can be easily fixed by, I don't know, giving him a lab coat.
I just realized I stole the basic design for the hair of my original design for KYM-tan…
1337 Bowtie FUCK YEAH!
You people are more wapanese than me.
That's saying something there.
how have a male and female counterpart for the sumbission series.
my original design was the boss of kym tan, but she doesent listen.
and the oldr brother of deadpool kun but she is terrified of him.
I wanted to draw KYM-tan too D:
The only way I would be able to scan it is if I bring it to school, and I didn't want to wait n_n
Here's my crappy picture.
^ actually, that's pretty good
Than long cat turns into a Japanese tentacle monster.
I love your drawing style! That is awesome fanart. You should make one of DP-kun.
Introducing FEATURED-MAN!
Who needs -san or -tan? Go home, anime morans! Were called MAN or SIR or MISTER here!
He embodies everything awesome, while also embodying Featured Memes.
(Yeah, I know. The Picture sucks. DEAL WITH IT.)
LOL! That is great. It's not bad art neither, so don't beat yourself for it.
I actually love how you drew the FGM frog there in the corner. That is skill.
This is just a rough quick sketch of Deadpool-kun I did in a couple of minutes coz I was bored. I didn't know how to draw his hair when his head was tilted back so this was the end result. I don't really like it but it's accurate-ish.
BTW, if you can't read my funky handwriting on the side, it says:
You wish you were as sexy as this
-----► [Drawing of Deadpool-kun]
EDIT: D'oh! I just realized I forgot the NSFW tag on his lab coat. You would still be able to see it even from that angle. Bah, oh well.
I can't draw at all but if I can get my head around blender I'll try something IN 3D gasp
and an Orthos of her as a reference would be nice… but I'll manage.
Deadpool-kun! :3
Featured sama looks a little bit too much Like KYM-tan.
Unless…they are mother and daughter…
did i just sayyyy that……………………………
i said she is the mother of KYM-TAN…………
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