not new, just never posted myself to this topic

232,453 total conversations in 7,774 threads
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Feb 01, 2024 at 04:07AM EST.
Aug 20, 2010 at 11:28AM EDT
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not new, just never posted myself to this topic
site very nice
very based lol
Hullo.. new here so I'm posting in this thread.
Kizarny wrote:
Hullo.. new here so I'm posting in this thread.
Welcome i hope your experience here be pleasant
Hi everyone :)
I've been visiting kym for years but I made an account only recently to stop seeing the new ui. I'll keep lurking.
Hi I'm a Brand New Member
Hello. I exist.
sup everybody im Lin1 and i hope we can get along
im pretty new here
SO, been lurking on this site for years, made an account a couple months/a year ago maybe? Time is weird. Mostly lurk, occasionally attempt funny comments, I upvote things relevant to my interests which on this site is often TnA
No thanks.
I've been lurking this site for years, but was too anxious to make an account.
Finally decided to make an account here to share some old memes, and more importantly, some artworks I made (I'm LiquidFrogStudios on DeviantArt).
beep beep
Hi, I'm a Checkpoint Flag I guess. I've gone by other names, likely will go by others
Hello everybody, I'm Bunnykins7. Live in the UK, retired but not tired of life. My interests include, listening to classical music, family history, and the Paranormal.
Hello! I'm Daring_Steel. If this works, thanks very much to speakingcode on the discord.
Hello, I am Latino! Something memero and lover of good entertainment. I'm looking for the truth. / Hola, soy latino! Algo memero y amante del buen entretenimiento. Busco la verdad.
hey im carly, ive lurked for around two years
i try to be funny but im usually not
I joined because I had enough of seeing half the image gallery being Wojaks and Reddit reposts by the bot ; I thought you could block users and thus hide the spam.
I was very wrong,but then I found the script.
hi lol!
hey guys :)
hey everyone. decade+2 lurker (remember Lez and when the cringeworthy gallery was still open?) and recently thought i might as well make an account
This place has a forum!?!??!
i like memes
that is why i am here
-walkingcake (circa 2022)
Hi, my name is Hassan
Hi, my name is Hassan
hey guys its me chartersamster from tiktok
Ehh, just stumbled in this forum so I might be shy so here I am,
I'm yuki_momoiro722, a newbie meme observer for KYM community.
Hello to everyone. Just joined. Have been visiting the Site for years so thought I might as well take the next step. Gotta love dem Memes !!!!
I wish to learn what young 'uns find funny nowadays.
humor me
new here, never made an account here cuz idk but now it feels weirdly nostalgic so i made one
Hi guys :)
I’m xtreme.enigma.360, nice to meet you all.
I’m fascinated by memes and think of it as a fun way to express ideas, thoughts, and show one’s sense of humor.
hello there
new here, but been making and research memes for a while!
my favourite templates at the moment are:
But that's none of my business
when I need a quick meme generator, I've been liking meme better!
do people post their own memes on this forum or its more about researching the trends?
nice to meet you folks!
Hello! I am Frank the Inventor.
I really like this website. I have been visiting this website for years, and I finally made an account. I plan to make contributions to the website.
I used Know Your Meme as a source for an essay that I wrote in college and got an A.
I love Internet memes. Internet memes from the 2000s and early 2010s are really good.
Hello there, I am Crookey Man!
I wrote my name based on the Word crooked. I chose it because of how skinny I am and my bones know to crack rarely.
As for this site, I want to post memes I think they are fine.
Also, do you guys like pancakes? I do!
WHO IS crosgelpozell he messaged me on my alt account
I’m just a funny man
Hi there.
Hello, I'm the Milk Man
I delivered milk to your house about (your current age) years ago
I am Brand New Member
Hello, KYM, I am NIKOLA, a watamote fan
Hi there. I've been lurking around here for ages, might as well make an account, right?
heyo. technically im not new but i dont think me making a shitty entry almost a decade ago really counts for that.
so uh, hi. i personally lurk here a lot and got the urge to make an account, though i dont think ill use it for long. hopefully i can spread some positivity around or somethin. have a nice day everyone.
Far from new, but I might as well post here.
I am just some guy who shitposts and posts his opinion on topics. Probably going to be significantly more active here since the social media sites I used to regularly use decided almost collectively to go down the shitter
Like the last few posters I never introduced myself here so, better late than never, right?
I've been lurking for a few years as I enjoy pointless arguing about stuff no one cares about and laughing at funny pictures, so I feel at home here. I hope to see you all around.
Hello Guys!
Hello there!
so cool
I've decided that after years of lurking to officially make an account.
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