I'm sure there is, but I'm just going off the pacing of the anime after having read the manga. The only current season is gonna end next week or the week afterwards.

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I'm sure there is, but I'm just going off the pacing of the anime after having read the manga. The only current season is gonna end next week or the week afterwards.
Boku no Hero Season 2 Hype Train! Choo-choo, motherfuckers
I'm curious what they mean by different visual.
It will probably preview the sports festival. Gym uniforms or smth instead of the one we have now where they're all in costume. Not saying when yet huh, I hope it's not a year.
there's always furious ship wars in the meantime I guess
Hopefully this is the right place to ask this. It's just gonna be a quick question:
Seeing as how the amount of anime series produced is enormous, I just wanted to ask if there are some hidden (or not so hidden) gems an anime enthusiast SHOULD watch, regardless of genre.
Clearly it's a purely subjective matter, but there are definitely some series that are generally liked by a lot of people. These are the ones I'm searching for.
Unfortunately it's really hard to get any idea on what anime I should pick, considering how there's a vast sea of shitty cheap cash-in shows I have to wade through to find one or two good ones. I think I'm too old and jaded to waste my time on mediocrity anymore. There are seldom anime which hype me up quickly enough to get into them properly, like Kill la Kill & JJBA or, as a recent example, Boku no Hero Academia.
I just want more quality, REAL quality. The shows don't have to have the most fantastic visuals or production value, I can live with pre-2000 standards, no problem. They could be normal (Clannad) or batshit crazy (Panty & Stocking, Space Patrol Luluco). I don't mind fanservice, for example Symphogear was alright in that regard, Strike Witches and Highschool of the Dead (anime) were NOT. When it gets into the way of good story telling, it will piss me off. I just want a good story or at least give a fuck about the characters, anything that makes me FEEL or root for the protagonist/s. Also, the first episodes are essential for me since those should give you the right idea about the show and what it's going to be. Rough starts are a big no-no though. If someone told me that a series got continually better (after 20 episodes or so), I won't watch it. I'll settle for 3 to 5 episodes, but 20 is very exaggerated and it surely won't hold my interest for that long.
So, to reiterate, I'd watch a show if: 1) it was well-written, 2) if it was believable and engaging (unless of course if it doesn't take itself seriously to begin with as a comedy or parody), and 3) a good portion of the anime goes into character development so I may care about them.
What I don't care much about: 1) top-of-the-class animation and/or artstyle (I can stomach a few things) and 2) Genre (unless it's ecchi harem comedy, away with that!)
What I'd rather avoid: 1) TOO many clichés, 2) pretentiousness, Evangelion style (I just finished End of Evangelion, it was a hot mess of disappointment) and 3) obvious gratuitious fanservice and violence just as an excuse to either pander to hardcore otaku or to be edgy af.
Is there someone willing to give me some advice on a few good series I could invest my time into? I'd appreciate that very much!!
s2 visual
booo tbh not pretty/interesting enough to be a good poster.
My summer hype list so far~
Magical Boys 2
Cheer Danshi
New D.Gray-man
Hatsukoi Monster
Fudanishi Koukou Seikatsu
I haven't given a good look at the lineup yet, this is just what I know I'm watching :3
Keeping an eye on:
Honestly I might give more a chance but I'm like 2 years behind on my anime backlog so I'm not exactly going to be too keen on making the pile even bigger.
Binge watched the entirety of ReLife, a good watch, some minor flaws regarding tone, animation, and polish, but a very solid show and a great way to start off the summer season.
All 13 episodes are out, so I highly recommend watching it.
Oh right, I forgot the part of the season where I give last season roundup/new season plan-to-watch. Oops. I should do that
I’ll be quick on last season because frankly I was pretty unimpressed with a lot of stuff so I’ll stick to the stuff I saw through to the end and skip the ones I dropped/Put on-hold.
Concrete Revolutio was the best thing on. Solid for the entire run. Incredibly impressed. Gave it 10/10. It’s hard to get into but it’s so good when it clicks.
Ushio and Tora was also very good. If you’re a fan of old school battle shounen’s check it out. Gave it 9/10
Flying Witch was the first healing show I legit loved. Says a lot. Real good atmosphere and was a big help, especially as of late when my irl life hasn’t be stellar. Gave it 9/10
Kiznaiver I enjoyed probs more than I should. Writing could be pretty terrible but dammit I liked the characters and the direction was top tier the entire time. Gave it 8/10
My Hero Academia was super standard Shounen Jump stuff but I liked it. Wish it had a bit more meat to it but hey, I don’t mind this style of show now and again. Gave it 7/10
The Lost Village was beautifully crap, I’m convinced it was doing this on purpose. If it turns out this was all deliberate cheese to mimic the B-Movie style the director seems to love, then 7/10
I have more on hold that I intend to finish but I can’t really be bothered to list them so lets just talk about this season
Shokugeki sure was Shokugeki. I liked season 1 when it was in battle tournament mode, and this season seems exclusively that. I give it 3/5
Days was cute as all hell. I was hyped for Mappa sports and was not let down. Definitely fits in more with the Haikyuus and Baby Steps of the world, which is fine by me. Preferable, even. I give it 4.5/5
Sweetness and Lightning was fucking cute as all hell. I love this. May possibly be my fave thing so far. I give it 5/5
Orange was intriguing. The characters, animation and interactions were all stellar. Seems to be handling some serious, touchy topics, topics close to me heart right now. Excited to see more. I give 4.5/5
Cheer Boys was not was I was expecting. I was expecting cute guys, which I got, but I also got a super down to earth and surprisingly charming show. Apparently it's based on a true story? This fits with Free as one of those female-targeted shows that anyone could watch. I give 4/5.
Arslan was certainly more Arslan. I liked season one despite itself. The characters and setting I enjoy a lot but the individual stories and animation is so blargh. Hopefully with just 8 eps it'll be more focused. I give 3.5/5
Cute High Earth Defence Club Love Love was great, I missed this show a lot. Really funny parody of Magical girl shows, still as sharp as season 1. Somehow gayer than before. I give 4/5
91 Days was real good shit. If you like Baccano or Joker Game style period drama, you'll like this a lot. Animation is pretty average but this has a lot of passion and potential in it. I give 4.5/5
Thunderbolt Fantasy is very loosely anime but hey Crunchy count it as anime so so will I. It's a puppet show. Written by Gen Urobuchi. I know the puppet show part will put you off, it did me at first, but seriously give this a chance. This is shockingly solid stuff. I give 5/5
Ever since I started posting about anime on twitter it's gotten harder for me to be motivated to post elsewhere, but I will try. Quite a few more shows I want to watch, including two that have already aired (ReLife and Morose Mononokean) so I will watch those and post at a later date
What i am watching.
91 Days- Animation is decent and the the first episode was good, seems like a simple revenge story. my favorite this season.
Sweetness and Lightning- It's cute and I like cute stuff. However I might get bored of it.
Arslan- The first season was meh, but since this 8 episodes long i can make it to the end.
Days- First sports anime i will watch. I enjoyed it very much.
The Outcasts- I don't know how i feel about this one. it's not good but it's not bad.
JoJo DIU- Still from spring and still enjoying it.
Kono Biju- It's a romantic comedy that feels like it wont go anywhere, but i still like it for some reason
Nejimaka- Some light novel thing, it's decent so i will continue watching it.
Food Wars- yup it's food wars
Taboo Tattoo- It's okay
Tales of Zestiria X it looks really good in terms of animation, not sure if the story would be good'
I have a lot of anime that I still want to watch to. right now I am watching things of type moon such as Tsukihime, Garden of sinners, Canaan, and Fate/stay Night. so I will be back when i finish them and talk about what I felt about them
I am also watching Mob Psycho 100. The artstyle for the show is interesting and good. The story is Meh I will see where it goes
As said in previous post I have finished my other watch list, watching from oldest to newest. (note: I have never played the visual novels, and I don't care much about them unless someone gives me a good reason)
first is Tsukihime: The animation was decent. The story was okay not much to say other than few things unresolved at the end. The soundtrack was pretty good, so I give it a 5/10
next is fate/stay night: a lot can be said like the previous one ok animation, meh story, and good soundtrack, and also has the best opening songs from the rest 5/10
Canaan: I learned it is not Type Moon a well. animations ok ,but the story was boring at the most part. 4/10
next is garden of sinners: the animation is by ufotable so it is very good and is the same for the rest. the way the story was made was interesting since they weren't in chronological order. some parts were better than others and the soundtrack was very good. 6.5/10
fate/zero: It was pretty good when it came to the story, When it came to all the masters and servants in the war. 7/10
carnival phantasm: awsome fun 6.5/10
F/SN UBW: the story was okay at the most part not good and not to bad, however it did fell like it was lacking something. 6/10
and I'm done next I am going to watch uuuhhhhh….
oh maybe kill la kill amazing I haven't watched it
Season Two of Food Wars is pretty good. I don't know if it's because of tropy Tournament Arc style action or whatever, but it's nice. I don't know if half the culinary chemistry is applicable in real life. And it's not as heavy on the Ecchi as last season. When it is, you get both male and female ecchi.
heyo friendos
looking for some anime with unique art styles or attention to backgrounds, good stories would also be a plus, but right now i'm in the mood for some really good artsy stuff
also on the look for stuff that'd be confusing to watch/understand but would be interesting to digest/think about (ie Lain, Tatami Galaxy, Kaiba, Ping Pong, etc)
also hyped af for the LWA anime (whenever it comes out) and BNHA season 2
Minty wrote:
heyo friendos
looking for some anime with unique art styles or attention to backgrounds, good stories would also be a plus, but right now i'm in the mood for some really good artsy stuff
also on the look for stuff that'd be confusing to watch/understand but would be interesting to digest/think about (ie Lain, Tatami Galaxy, Kaiba, Ping Pong, etc)
also hyped af for the LWA anime (whenever it comes out) and BNHA season 2
Sorry for the late reply, but I may have a few shows for you.
For unique art styles, Bones especially have been doing a bit of that recently. The obvious example is this season's Mob Psycho 100, which is very unique and gorgeous and I think you'd get a lot out of it in that regard, but you may also want to check out last year's Concrete Revolutio which plays around with a nice pop art style, and has some great political ruminations in there too. It's quality is a lot more varied but the further you get into it (especially in it's second season) the more you'll find to love. For backgrounds, the pickings are honestly a little more slim. The two shows that come to mind are the ongoing 91 Days, a mafia drama, and Seraph of The End, a very by the books shounen that makes up for it's generic AoT style plot and characters and limited animation (mainly in season 1, season 2 is a lot prettier) with some just fantastic backgrounds, that look almost like a watercolour painting.
If you want something that maybe combines all these and is a bit more artsy, you may want to check out the shows from the Noitamina programming block. It's an anime block that is basically dedicated to showing things with a bit more of a niche appeal, and is where shows like Tatami Galaxy and Ping Pong first aired. I think you'll find a lot to love among their shows, especially some of the older ones. I have my own personal favorites, but to pick ones specifically for what you're looking for, I recommend Mononoke, Tsuritama, Kūchū Buranko and Wandering Son.
As for some more scattered recommendations, I also recommend the works of two directors by the names of Rie Matsumoto and Sayo Yamamoto, some examples of the rare female anime directors. They have a few shows between them, but I think you'd get the most out of Kyousougiga and Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine in particular, as they're some of the more artsy and visually unique of their shows, although special mention goes to their other shows, especially Matsumoto's Blood Blockade Battlefront which is one of my favorite anime like, ever.
I hope that wasn't too rambly, but there should be a few shows to your liking in there.
Mob Psycho 100 is downright amazing at the moment. I'm expecting AOTS from this thing. Also there's lots of fanservice next episode such as Bra and Panty shots.
I mainly want a continuation of the Sacred Blacksmith, like, I just love it. We also need an addition to the Rurouni Kenshin series. I want to know about the 10-year gap of wandering before he met Kaoru and after he stopped killing.
Battery is my anime of the season fooor sure. If you're looking for some tense drama to spice up your Thursday it really hits the spot. It's not your classic sports anime even though it's baseball-centric, more slice of life. Like the title implies, it's about the battery pair and their interactions with family/authority/peers more than winning a tournament. Episode 6 aired today and it was some quality stuff all around.
Gen Urobuchi is doing the story so this should be interesting
Evangelion Unit-03 (Bardiel) wrote:
Gen Urobuchi is doing the story so this should be interesting
From Horror to Action to Cosmic Horror. This shall be an interesting ride
Evangelion Unit-03 (Bardiel) wrote:
Gen Urobuchi is doing the story so this should be interesting
I predict a shit load of corpses by the time it's finished
^ I need a moment, for so many reasons
Food Wars is one of those anime where you assure someone that the protagonists have dynamic character development, it's hilarious, and the story is gripping, and they're ready to watch it, but as soon as you tell them the concept and outcomes of competitions, they all "nah, I ain't dirty-minded".
I am quite disturbed from the lack of Yu Yu Hakusho in this thread. For me, nothing tops the Dark Tournament Saga. I mean, that was just amazing.
Your Waifu wrote:
I am quite disturbed from the lack of Yu Yu Hakusho in this thread. For me, nothing tops the Dark Tournament Saga. I mean, that was just amazing.
YYH fucking rules. It's basically HxH before there was HxH.
Everybody and their hookers are watching Danganronpa 3, so I decided to start from the beginning. My god, they just suckerpunch you several times an episode.
>when the cinnamon roll is revealed to not actually be a cinnamon roll
>why are all the nice people dieing first!?
Freakenstein wrote:
Everybody and their hookers are watching Danganronpa 3, so I decided to start from the beginning. My god, they just suckerpunch you several times an episode.
>when the cinnamon roll is revealed to not actually be a cinnamon roll
>why are all the nice people dieing first!?
Just so you know, you're gonna need to play Danganronpa 2 before watching any of Danganronpa 3 if you want to enjoy it to its fullest. I would also recommend playing the first game instead of watching the anime since they had to condense a 15 hour game into a 12 episode anime, needless to say a lot of things were cut.
I guess you can technically watch the anime without playing either game but believe me, having played the games makes the accompanying anime 100 times better.
Crimeariver wrote:
Just so you know, you're gonna need to play Danganronpa 2 before watching any of Danganronpa 3 if you want to enjoy it to its fullest. I would also recommend playing the first game instead of watching the anime since they had to condense a 15 hour game into a 12 episode anime, needless to say a lot of things were cut.
I guess you can technically watch the anime without playing either game but believe me, having played the games makes the accompanying anime 100 times better.
Yeah, that's what I meant by my starting at the beginning, who would start off at the very latest entry in the series? :o
Freakenstein wrote:
Yeah, that's what I meant by my starting at the beginning, who would start off at the very latest entry in the series? :o
Just making sure, because I know some people who just didn't play the second game and went on the the 3rd animes.
*glares at Shijo*
Holy shit that episode of Mob Psycho 100
To some it all up Mob technically lost this fight as the opponent was able to make a get away while he was at 100% before the adult esper got his ass kicked.
The animation was hands down amazing and while the fight at 100% was quick it was very satisfying with no matter what the Esper was doing he couldn't touch him and even knocking him out didn't work as he just got back up again.
I'll say Mob Psycho 100 is AOTS for Summer easily. It's not AOTY though as that goes to either JoJo or RE:Zero.
Can we just talk for a moment about how awesome this season is? Everyone is saying it's a really bad season and Spring was way better but I really don't get it, this season just has so many A+ stuff. Mob Psycho, 91 Days, Thunderbolt Fantasy and Sweetness and Lightning are all must watches, Shokugeki and Cute High Earth Defence Club LOVE are both miles above their already great first seasons, and Cheer Boys and Orange are both consistently great too. Damn I don't want this season to end ;_;
Can someone explain the difference the original DBZ run on Toonami to DBZ Kai?
Watching this now, besides the change of the dubs and the screen ratio, how is it different from the original dub run?
Sadistic Pillow wrote:
Can someone explain the difference the original DBZ run on Toonami to DBZ Kai?
Watching this now, besides the change of the dubs and the screen ratio, how is it different from the original dub run?
From what I've been told, the Kai version cuts out a ton of the unnecessary fighting in which nothing gets resolved, i.e. two beams of light randomly smacking into each other in the distance while everyone stands around with a stupid expression.
Crimeariver wrote:
From what I've been told, the Kai version cuts out a ton of the unnecessary fighting in which nothing gets resolved, i.e. two beams of light randomly smacking into each other in the distance while everyone stands around with a stupid expression.
Edit: Whoops I misread it. That seems like a good thing, better than waiting 3 episodes for something to happen.
Anybody who didn't watch Servamp should. I hope it gets a second season, 12ep not nearly enough. Plenty of time to binge it for the last ep next week tho.
Here's a One Punch Man question(s):
Ok I'm at episode 10 of the dub. But how are those heroes S Rank? They look all average with big egos. Will Satima get to S rank soon?
Sadistic Pillow wrote:
Here's a One Punch Man question(s):
Ok I'm at episode 10 of the dub. But how are those heroes S Rank? They look all average with big egos. Will Satima get to S rank soon?
Most of them are quite powerful, Saitama just makes them look like shit because he's Saitama. Remove Saitama, and it's fine.
I don't think Saitama is going to get S rank soon, because that's not what the show is about.
The Sniper in White wrote:
Most of them are quite powerful, Saitama just makes them look like shit because he's Saitama. Remove Saitama, and it's fine.
I don't think Saitama is going to get S rank soon, because that's not what the show is about.
Understandable on Saitama and why he likely won't be in
I mean the only one I've seen so far was Purdi Purdi Prisoner and Genos. I mean they're ok, but I wouldn't call them top power heroes. Is there a episode I should look out to see the S Rank heroes fighting?
Sadistic Pillow wrote:
Understandable on Saitama and why he likely won't be in
I mean the only one I've seen so far was Purdi Purdi Prisoner and Genos. I mean they're ok, but I wouldn't call them top power heroes. Is there a episode I should look out to see the S Rank heroes fighting?
it's mostly at the end
Time for my anime ranking no one reads that I only make out of obsessive compulsion at this point. Not including things I haven't finished.
Last season:
Everything else I either dropped (Days, Seven Deadly Sins) or just haven't finished yet (Handa-Kun, Cheer Boys). As for this season, I'm mainly just excited for Yuri on Ice, which I am incredibly pumped for, but I'll spare the full list and just make mini first impressions as they air. So far I've only seen WWW.Working, which is just Working, so I'll skip the review for that. Interested in seeing Izetta though, hearing good things.
guess what day it is
with fall over here's a rundown of some the anime that have finished
Taboo Tattoo- it's probably one of the worst anime to come out of this season, and i have no idea why i stuck with it to the end. it may also have a second season (god hope it doesn't) 2/10
Kono Biju- Well i was right it was a slice-of-life comedy with a bit of romance that didn't go anywhere. the jokes where a hit or a miss for me, but it was decent. 4/10
Food Wars- It is pretty much the same as the first one, but focuses more on competition and improvement. nothing spectacular so it's the same as the previous 6/10.
Berserk(2016)- how can a good manga become something like this. I'm not really a fan of the cgi animation even though it got better later on. the story feels off even though it got better, it wasn't that great. 4.5/10
Sweetness and Lightning- it's a very decent slice-of-life anime, although i'm a bit mixed hat cooking is on of the main focal points of the show even though I understand why. it does have some great moments and episodes that kept me engage even though i was starting to get bored. 6/10
Tales of zestiria x- wonderful animation, but a average story. might change during second season. 5/10
Orange- I get that the themes of the story are about regret, depression, and suicide. it's just that i think that it was presented and/or executed the wrong way. the time travel was a okish plot device just to jump start the main story without focusing too much on it, but it's also its major problem. 5.5/10
Aldermin on The Sky. it had some interesting concept and premise as it was a fantasy war drama that had strategy, conspiracy, and religion. The problem is how the story actually was presented and told. 5/10
91 Days- I was right again! a revenge story that goes out of hand. this story has the same problems that i had with joker game, although it did it better (or maybe it's the opposite). it had an interesting setting and characters except for the main character who felt very bland, and tango who felt out of placed. i wish more was explored about the families and their interaction with each other, instead of this revenge story. 6/10
Re:Zero- I didn't like it..It just felt like any run of the mill stuck in another world anime with a few added violence, and plot twists. the story never intrigued me and all the characters feel one note (except Rem, who is in fact best girl). there were some decent moments in the show, but in retrospect feel lack luster. 4/10
Mob Psycho 100- Ya mob what do you want? This show is the best of the season. the story is standard fare but it was executed so well, that i love it. however it's an incomplete story, so that's a problem and i'm only looking at anime as a single piece of the whole.7/10
now for some backlog anime I watched in between.
Blue Exorcist- standard shounen fare. boring story and one note characters. 4/10
Another- Final destination, but somehow more ludicrous and funny. boring story and character and a meh mystery. 3/10
Kill La Kill- it was alright, nothing spectacular, but I can't see what all the hype was about. 6/10
Ghost stories(English Dub)- well it was funny, some jokes where a hit or a miss, but i can't complain they did a good job with the material they have. it does get boring since the humor is the only thing keeping me interested. 4.5/10
{ or just haven’t finished yet (Cheer Boys) }
literally don't bother. Bad enough to make me use literally wrong in exasperation. You'll just get mad by the end. Yaoi on Ice next new hope to be Free!'s rightful heir, and I might consider slitting my wrists if that manages to go bad with how the PVs look/sound. Third time lucky maybe???
My summer favs were Mononokean, Servamp, and Fudanshi KoKo. TsukiUta was also really good for being a long commercial, the CGI was actually good too, quality idol anime. Battery needed another 12 eps.
Clownfish! wrote:
guess what day it is
with fall over here's a rundown of some the anime that have finishedTaboo Tattoo- it's probably one of the worst anime to come out of this season, and i have no idea why i stuck with it to the end. it may also have a second season (god hope it doesn't) 2/10
Kono Biju- Well i was right it was a slice-of-life comedy with a bit of romance that didn't go anywhere. the jokes where a hit or a miss for me, but it was decent. 4/10
Food Wars- It is pretty much the same as the first one, but focuses more on competition and improvement. nothing spectacular so it's the same as the previous 6/10.
Berserk(2016)- how can a good manga become something like this. I'm not really a fan of the cgi animation even though it got better later on. the story feels off even though it got better, it wasn't that great. 4.5/10
Sweetness and Lightning- it's a very decent slice-of-life anime, although i'm a bit mixed hat cooking is on of the main focal points of the show even though I understand why. it does have some great moments and episodes that kept me engage even though i was starting to get bored. 6/10
Tales of zestiria x- wonderful animation, but a average story. might change during second season. 5/10
Orange- I get that the themes of the story are about regret, depression, and suicide. it's just that i think that it was presented and/or executed the wrong way. the time travel was a okish plot device just to jump start the main story without focusing too much on it, but it's also its major problem. 5.5/10
Aldermin on The Sky. it had some interesting concept and premise as it was a fantasy war drama that had strategy, conspiracy, and religion. The problem is how the story actually was presented and told. 5/10
91 Days- I was right again! a revenge story that goes out of hand. this story has the same problems that i had with joker game, although it did it better (or maybe it's the opposite). it had an interesting setting and characters except for the main character who felt very bland, and tango who felt out of placed. i wish more was explored about the families and their interaction with each other, instead of this revenge story. 6/10
Re:Zero- I didn't like it..It just felt like any run of the mill stuck in another world anime with a few added violence, and plot twists. the story never intrigued me and all the characters feel one note (except Rem, who is in fact best girl). there were some decent moments in the show, but in retrospect feel lack luster. 4/10
Mob Psycho 100- Ya mob what do you want? This show is the best of the season. the story is standard fare but it was executed so well, that i love it. however it's an incomplete story, so that's a problem and i'm only looking at anime as a single piece of the whole.7/10
now for some backlog anime I watched in between.
Blue Exorcist- standard shounen fare. boring story and one note characters. 4/10
Another- Final destination, but somehow more ludicrous and funny. boring story and character and a meh mystery. 3/10
Kill La Kill- it was alright, nothing spectacular, but I can't see what all the hype was about. 6/10
Ghost stories(English Dub)- well it was funny, some jokes where a hit or a miss, but i can't complain they did a good job with the material they have. it does get boring since the humor is the only thing keeping me interested. 4.5/10
The hype for Kill la Kill was the fact that it was an action anime that parodied fanservice and used it for satire when most anime was at a time bad and quite disappointing. Plus it was a show made by the people who made Panty and Stocking and Gurren Lagann so people would get excited. Honestly I think you might be really harsh on your rating system. If you love a show that shouldn't deserve a 7/10 if meh is only a 6. Just because it's incomplete (which is bound to happen if it's only 12 episodes) isn't that big of a deal. I think the anime concluded well.
Mameme wrote:
The hype for Kill la Kill was the fact that it was an action anime that parodied fanservice and used it for satire when most anime was at a time bad and quite disappointing. Plus it was a show made by the people who made Panty and Stocking and Gurren Lagann so people would get excited. Honestly I think you might be really harsh on your rating system. If you love a show that shouldn't deserve a 7/10 if meh is only a 6. Just because it's incomplete (which is bound to happen if it's only 12 episodes) isn't that big of a deal. I think the anime concluded well.
Oh I understand the whole parody fan service thing, and it didn't really bother me at all, but i don't see why that's the reason for hype. it does however have some good animation and music which i enjoyed a lot. looking back ya there were some bad and disappointing anime, but to use it as a reason why this one is better therefore a better score sounds like a wrong way to go around it. I know that people from trigger are originally from gainax and in fact gurren lagann is one of my all time favorites, but there previous accomplishments does not support this.
I don't think my system is that harsh a 5/10 is average 6/10 is above average and 4/10 is below average. 3-1 are just varying degrees of badness while 7-9 is the opposite, while a 10/10 is a masterpiece.
The anime(Mob Psycho?) did conclude well, but it showed that there was more to come afterward(i might read the source material later on anyway). I also look at the anime as only as it is and not from the source material.
Clownfish! wrote:
guess what day it is
with fall over here's a rundown of some the anime that have finishedTaboo Tattoo- it's probably one of the worst anime to come out of this season, and i have no idea why i stuck with it to the end. it may also have a second season (god hope it doesn't) 2/10
Kono Biju- Well i was right it was a slice-of-life comedy with a bit of romance that didn't go anywhere. the jokes where a hit or a miss for me, but it was decent. 4/10
Food Wars- It is pretty much the same as the first one, but focuses more on competition and improvement. nothing spectacular so it's the same as the previous 6/10.
Berserk(2016)- how can a good manga become something like this. I'm not really a fan of the cgi animation even though it got better later on. the story feels off even though it got better, it wasn't that great. 4.5/10
Sweetness and Lightning- it's a very decent slice-of-life anime, although i'm a bit mixed hat cooking is on of the main focal points of the show even though I understand why. it does have some great moments and episodes that kept me engage even though i was starting to get bored. 6/10
Tales of zestiria x- wonderful animation, but a average story. might change during second season. 5/10
Orange- I get that the themes of the story are about regret, depression, and suicide. it's just that i think that it was presented and/or executed the wrong way. the time travel was a okish plot device just to jump start the main story without focusing too much on it, but it's also its major problem. 5.5/10
Aldermin on The Sky. it had some interesting concept and premise as it was a fantasy war drama that had strategy, conspiracy, and religion. The problem is how the story actually was presented and told. 5/10
91 Days- I was right again! a revenge story that goes out of hand. this story has the same problems that i had with joker game, although it did it better (or maybe it's the opposite). it had an interesting setting and characters except for the main character who felt very bland, and tango who felt out of placed. i wish more was explored about the families and their interaction with each other, instead of this revenge story. 6/10
Re:Zero- I didn't like it..It just felt like any run of the mill stuck in another world anime with a few added violence, and plot twists. the story never intrigued me and all the characters feel one note (except Rem, who is in fact best girl). there were some decent moments in the show, but in retrospect feel lack luster. 4/10
Mob Psycho 100- Ya mob what do you want? This show is the best of the season. the story is standard fare but it was executed so well, that i love it. however it's an incomplete story, so that's a problem and i'm only looking at anime as a single piece of the whole.7/10
now for some backlog anime I watched in between.
Blue Exorcist- standard shounen fare. boring story and one note characters. 4/10
Another- Final destination, but somehow more ludicrous and funny. boring story and character and a meh mystery. 3/10
Kill La Kill- it was alright, nothing spectacular, but I can't see what all the hype was about. 6/10
Ghost stories(English Dub)- well it was funny, some jokes where a hit or a miss, but i can't complain they did a good job with the material they have. it does get boring since the humor is the only thing keeping me interested. 4.5/10
Fuck I actually meant summer….summer anime season is over…
I also forgot about two other shows because of there short run time
Relife- I didn't really like the premise, but i still went along with it. the story was okay and it developed quickly and nicely. 6/10
Arslan- just like the previous feels completely flat. it was mostly a prelude for what is to happen next season (if there is a next season). 4/10
Trickster also off to a good start.
New anime
Was going to watch Sound Euphonium, but Yuri on Ice got in the way and was more important. I imagine I'll feel no different to season 1, as in, very pretty and a lot of fun, but I'm not as in love as others seem to be. Guess I'll hold judgement until then.
I didn't mind Cheer Boys from what I saw, not as gay as I was expecting, but the writing was pretty decent. Ugly as sin though good lord.
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