This thread may be just about dead, hell this whole site sure feels that way, but I’m not, yet. Still pulling through, and through a miracle I’ve taken the time to do a little something special. Perhaps that’s not the word, more so, ridiculous. Dig in if you even remotely care what I have to say, because this is going to be a long trip. Plenty of scenic views along the way, I promise.
It’s a little late, or rather, an entire damn full cour late… but a new season means a whole lot of shows to see and to review. This was meant to be posted 3 months ago when the first wave of episodes came out, but then I got busy and caught up with real life, and it just kept expanding in text and images, but now, it’s here, it’s finally here.
Doing a things a bit differently than last time, I moved the previous season’s comments to the top, and I’ve decided to scrap that silly color coded rating system, because it’s not better than a number grade that I hate so much. The best way to convey how I feel about shows is through writeups, not a line or two slapped alongside a number or color. Of course, that’s how I do things, how everyone else rate and review their viewings are just as valid. And also, I’ve included a segment on other shows I’ve been watching and want to bring up.
I’m still not exactly sure how I’m going to do these writeups, and if I’m even going to keep doing them, I’m still experimenting with format, and I have an idea for a blog… but anyways, who cares about that, on with the thoughts.
All screenshots should be in at least 720p, if not 1080p. Nine times out of ten the subtitles should be removed, otherwise I forgot to disable them or kept them on for context. Each shot is resized for formatting purposes, but they should be in the highest quality I can obtain, at least with vlc’s screencap feature. If I’m honest, this whole writeup is an excuse to showcase my screencapping addiction.
Summer Season Thoughts and Reflections

I can’t tell if I subconsciously turn my brain off when I watch this show or I’m genuinely confused and bored and baffled that I force myself to keep going out of obligation to finish.

There’s a lot of issues I have, and it trails on and on. I’m not invested in the main character, I don’t follow the storyline or internal logic, and can’t stand most of the creations. In particular, I think it was a mistake to bring the dating-sim girl as a Creation. Each and every one of her scenes felt goofy and gratuitous, and her Creator made me so uncomfortable. Their jokes added nothing to the viewing experience, instead it took away from any tension or drama or key story development.

Even this manipulating sadist girl got on my nerves, with her scenes in particular being frustrating and pandering.

Altair isn’t bad, but I don’t exactly follow her motivations, her ambiguity, her smug face, and her over-the-top spiteful persona. What she comes off as is a villain, plain and simple. These days I ask for more, but the bare minimum face value isn’t a shut off either.

Other characters like this brainless knight also take away from my enjoyment. Not every scene she’s in makes me upset, it’s just that when the story moves along, the actual problems and entanglements that turn into conflicts are so… uninteresting and pedantic for me.

Early on during the first cour I was pleasantly surprised to see the magical girl blow up half a city block. I foolishly thought that maybe this would be a real show with actual consequences. But never again did I feel any weight to the action happening on screen. I have no sense of danger of the world breaking. I think it has to do with the presentation, as it never got serious and it probably never had that intention in the first place. Aldnoah at least had a sense that the Vers Martians could deal destruction onto Earth. Here, it felt like a pretty excuse to bring a bunch of light novel tropes into a duel of the titans scenario.

I have a silly theory that any show Hiroyuki Sawano composes for won’t work with me. His music is nothing but great, alleviating action scenes and fueling my heartbeat to racing speed. Problem is, the genre of shows he’s involved in, action, adventure, fantasy, scifi, I think I’ve grown out of this appeal. Never has it been the first genre I go for anyways, but when it’s done right it can be so memorable. I’d name something like Gundam Thunderbolt or Unicorn as a concrete example, a fantastic showcase of polished animation, acting, writing, synergy, and emotional investment. When too many anime tropes are thrown in my face, I’ll shy away. There needs to be a balance, and I look out for worldbuilding, story consistency, and more mature characters. These are not mature characters:

I’ll just say it. I hate this second cour. All this pandering, all this repetitive, meaningless action. Sometimes I wake up from this fever dream of wasted time killing and reassess what I’ve been doing for the past year of my life and contemplate-

Wait holy shit did you say female voice actress? Wait hold up who voices this guy again? WAIT when was Sora Amamiya in re:creators and how did I miss this? WAIT YOU MEAN WE GET TO ACTUALLY SEE TEN-CHAN IN ANIME FORM AND-

Oh my god. They did it. They actually did it. They inserted goddess Ten-chan into the anime. Sora Amamiya is voicing dudes now. Sora Amamiya is an anime character now. This show is great. aots. No, AOTY.

Ey holy shit, I just realized this show reunited Sora Amamiya and Inori Minase from Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda. And I kind of hate that movie, well the ending at least. At least that film employed the excellent singing voices of the two aforementioned seiyuus, Re-Creators decides to utilize such talent for… a bishonen and a deadpan. Oh how I hate and love this.

My brain physically hurts trying to picture Sora Amamiya voicing Kanoya. Like, I can just barely hear her voice, and there’s definitely a noticeable connotation and edge to her voice, but like, it sounds so fundamentally different from all her other roles, and it’s driving me crazy.

Now that any credibility from my critical standing has been stripped away, let’s get serious again. I will concede that I wouldn’t mind watching the actual shows of Blitz, Mirokuji, and maybe Kanoya. I find them slightly interesting, perhaps even a little more than the main show itself.

The show can be fun at times, especially when it handles the principal of the creations’ conflicts with their new world. Blitz in particular had a decent arc, and Mirokuji’s scenes were somewhat fun, especially if Kanoya was involved.

Unfortunately, my issue just lies in how many times this show has frustrated me. I find the pacing to be way too inconsistent and pandering. When it takes time to explain the world’s physics and inner logic, I just didn’t follow it or it was presented in such dry, bland, or dialogue heavy scenes, that left the viewer without anything engaging to chew on. The setup for the action felt convoluted and just dragged out, with so many founded on misunderstandings that just frustrate and alienate the audience. When it actually did get to the action, I felt it was just as uninteresting, as in I don’t care for who comes out alive and why they’re even fighting. The resolutions to these are either so sudden and jarring or so contrived and out of nowhere.