Zeeky Inc wrote:
Do you know what that meme is where it's basically a pic from South Park and it has the superhero saying "IF YOU DIDNT WANT THIS YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT!" is called? :/
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Zeeky Inc wrote:
Do you know what that meme is where it's basically a pic from South Park and it has the superhero saying "IF YOU DIDNT WANT THIS YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT!" is called? :/
Do we have an article for this guy? Seems notable enough.
I see it labeled in comics as "Conflicting Emotions" but I don't see an article anywhere here.
Iced Hot Chocolate wrote:
Do we have an article for this guy? Seems notable enough.
I see it labeled in comics as "Conflicting Emotions" but I don't see an article anywhere here.
Holy shit…
I have no idea.
Has anyone else seen these? They're fairly popular on Tumblr.
They might be solely related to Disney, but I think I've seen some non-Disney ones too.
Man I love these. I don't know if they have a name or anything, but they rock.
Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:
Man I love these. I don't know if they have a name or anything, but they rock.
troll logic problems son?
These name-changing memes are really widespread, but I have no idea where to start looking for these.
It's these bunch of people eating salad or yogurt or something. Help?
Nikolaki8 wrote:
It's these bunch of people eating salad or yogurt or something. Help?
Just a version of Awkward Stock Photos.
These are called "(Wo)Man Laughing with salad", it's one of the more popular varieties.
I think I've tried to use every phrase in this thing, but came up with nothing. It might not even be a meme, but I've seriously seen this type of exaggerated…salespitch?…branded on lots of things.
God dang it. I've tried several search terms but I can't quite remember the exploitable where there's a group of people, a troll hops in, makes a small, usually one-word statement, and then runs off while the group is either in chase or fighting among themselves.
Blobbeldy wrote:
God dang it. I've tried several search terms but I can't quite remember the exploitable where there's a group of people, a troll hops in, makes a small, usually one-word statement, and then runs off while the group is either in chase or fighting among themselves.
So you were on the right path.
Sorry for the double post, but seeing as I cannot edit a post after 30 minutes of creating it, and my image source crapped out on me, what is this meme?
(Also, I will delete my fail post) (Edit: No I won't, because THAT can only be done within 30 minutes too…)
Tomberry wrote:
Thank you good sir. My jimmies have finally become un-rustled.
I know it is pretty popular but i couldn't find the name of this one:
Seventies Man wrote:
I know it is pretty popular but i couldn't find the name of this one:
It's just a variation on the Rage Guy rage face.
It's called "Happy" in most of the code I've seen referencing it.
Does anyone know the name of this meme?
^ http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/5186/1275870970429.png
pug on toast wrote:
These name-changing memes are really widespread, but I have no idea where to start looking for these.
Same, I'd love to know where to find more of these or at least what keywords to use to search from them
BeNicePlz wrote:
^ http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/5186/1275870970429.png
pug on toast wrote:
Thanks Mister J….appreciate it !
what's the name of this face?
And there's another one like this, can someone post it?
maerki999 wrote:
what's the name of this face?
And there's another one like this, can someone post it?
BeNicePlz wrote:
^ http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/5186/1275870970429.png
You must be new here. I was going to make that picture work. Then I look at it… And then I saw MisterJ already said what it was. Then I edit my post. Then this post is pointless.
Wakshaani asks:
The Wheezer “Pork and Beans” video has a brief reference to it, but it’s one of the few videos that aren’t linked there.
Teh video features a guy talking about a new heavy metal video, which he likes, but he doesn’t like the singer. Or the music. Or the lyrics. So he re-sings the song, using his own lyrics and the “Cookie Monster” voice of heavy metal growling. The line I recall, due to his repeating it often, was “With his legs”.
The entire time, his roomate is in the background, eatting either cereal or ramen (Something in a bowl), he keeps bobbing his head along or mugging for the camera while his buddy sings.
I know it exists, but for the life of me, I can’t find the video anymore as teh keywords just don’t seem to click.
Anybody got this one?
Ah! Thank you, Olivia! I was going to repost that here, once you directed me to it.
(The video's been driving me crazy for a while. I've seen it before, but now I can't for thelife of me find teh correct keywords to dig itup again.)
What is this reaction face, and what's the origin of it?
Piano wrote:
What is this reaction face, and what's the origin of it?
I've seen this reaction face before, but I don't know what it's called. Are you sure it's a meme? :l
Anybody know the name of this one?
harperfan7 wrote:
Anybody know the name of this one?
It's an spin-off of the Rage Guy
How is called this meme?
Is it a meme in first place?
Hypercat-Z wrote:
How is called this meme?
Is it a meme in first place?
I wish my wife was this dirty: Dedicated to the art of wishing wives were as dirty as the grubby cars this is normally written on. And variations
It's a catchphrase writted in dirty cars. It have some spread.
I don't know if its any specific meme, but there's this comic of a guy inviting his friend over to play console games. When he gets there he only has 2 controllers. He gives his friend a MADCATz controller. Then it does a closeup of the controller with like all the useless shit on it.
I keep seeing different "You keep saying x, it does not mean what you think it means" with inigo montoya (name misspelling I know) from the princes bride. Is this documented yet in a entry?
Trash Boat is (spoiler) W.W. wrote:
I keep seeing different "You keep saying x, it does not mean what you think it means" with inigo montoya (name misspelling I know) from the princes bride. Is this documented yet in a entry?
If you think it needs to be undeadpooled, you're free to request editorship and work on it.
mfw I find out the news of its death.
I've actually been seeing some good spread of this. I feel like jack bower in season 2 getting a call to go back to work. If I edited would you be willing to cheat death for me?
What about this one? The "hahaha no" I've seen that around but no entry.
Becca wrote:
Same, I'd love to know where to find more of these or at least what keywords to use to search from them
I believe they are Name Puns.
Muffins wrote:
What's this?
I've seen it a lot but I have no idea what it is. Is it just a popular gif?
Part of this entry
Muffins wrote:
What's this?
I've seen it a lot but I have no idea what it is. Is it just a popular gif?
It's from this
RandomMan wrote:
Just a version of Awkward Stock Photos.
These are called "(Wo)Man Laughing with salad", it's one of the more popular varieties.
Those are called name puns in knowyourmeme:https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/name-puns
How is called this?
trying to find a meme/picture it had a political figure and the caption said something like
"you lied to them man, me, US" i've been trying to find this picture/meme for ages and i've seen it before on a couple of meme pages but cant remember which ones
Ah internet memes how you make my life much more enjoyable
Could you tell me how is this meme called? I've seen some gifs with replaced face with this one
Varrok wrote:
Could you tell me how is this meme called? I've seen some gifs with replaced face with this one
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