^ oh…. I'll be honest, I'm not too keen on the idea of eroge with double amputees. Is it good?

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^ oh…. I'll be honest, I'm not too keen on the idea of eroge with double amputees. Is it good?
^ I was never good at reviewing so I'll be uber short.
IMO the "story branches" are well-written. Some paths are challenging (Emi's). It's overall atmosphere is good. And Kenji laughs the funny guy.
So, you should give it a go, you might get drawn in.
I will, I wanted to know how the sex scenes were though.
Dac wrote:
^ I downloaded Katawa Shoujo but haven't played it yet, is it eroge?
Also, Genry, you gotta tell us. You sound so shady right now.
I like S&M, hence why my avatar is Gama. I also like catgirls, I suppose. Oh yeah, and Zettai Ryouiki.
The problem is that my first reaction to any type of porn is "Eeeeuw, gross."
I'm not a voyeur. I don't like to watch people have sex. The build-up is nice and all, but the resolution is disgusting to watch. When it comes to hentai, I'd probably just close my eyes and listen to the cute little squeaky noises the girls make.
Oh dude, I like S&M and Zettai Ryouiki. you made it seem like you are into some weird ass shit.
It's seems like I'm more shady than you Genry, but I don't have weird tastes- I just have an open-mind and a strong stomach and… how I should put it? Sometimes I'm fasinated by how people can create those weird works. I mean I wonder at how people got the idea and such….
Ah great I'm officially weird now… maybe… a bit.
I myself prefer some good ol' vanilla. On that note, hail! Homunculus! Lord of the vanilla!
(my all time favorite artist; though off the top of my head I can only think of one other of my fave artists, ReDrop)
Dac wrote:
Oh dude, I like S&M and Zettai Ryouiki. you made it seem like you are into some weird ass shit.
The out-of-the ordinary thing about me isn't what I'm into; it's what I'm not into.
Genry wrote:
The out-of-the ordinary thing about me isn't what I'm into; it's what I'm not into.
true, but while we are on the topic Zettai Ryouiki.
Oh man, so hot…
So, I just saw the first episode of Ore no Imouto Blah Blah Blah Something Or Other,
this was the first post, but I felt like answering it. I kind of like that show, I'm on season 2 at the moment.
Ah, good ol' Gnalry… I love that show. I'm not normally into weird romantic comedy LN adaptations, but the simple fact that fucking Nyarlathotep is a cute anime girl pretty much completely redeems the series.
Genry wrote:
Ah, good ol' Gnalry… I love that show. I'm not normally into weird romantic comedy LN adaptations, but the simple fact that fucking Nyarlathotep is a cute anime girl pretty much completely redeems the series.
^ Then how would you feel about a cute anime girl who is actually a terrible torture device.
It's less the fact that a cute anime girl is Nyarlathotep and more the fact that Nyarlathotep is a cute anime girl.
^ How true.
IGN's list of the top ten Anime OPs of all time
What do you think about it? I was actually really happy to see elfen lied as number 2. I was planning to make a comment how it should be up there. It really is one of the best OPs of all time in my opinion.
Dac wrote:
IGN's list of the top ten Anime OPs of all time
What do you think about it? I was actually really happy to see elfen lied as number 2. I was planning to make a comment how it should be up there. It really is one of the best OPs of all time in my opinion.
Whoever made that is so heavily biased towards darker, gritter dramas I can't even take it seriously. That's not an insult on the shows themselves, but why call it the "top ten anime ops of all time" when it's really just "top ten drama anime ops of all time"? They clearly have no experience and/or interest in mainstream shonen, haremshit, moe girls doing moe things or the other common anime formulas that make up so much of what we see.
I'd be like if I gave my top ten vidya game soundtracks of all time and only listed Nintendo games because that's by and large what I play. The sample size was way too limited to be declared as the best overall when it's only for a set few categories.
I am AHO Right? wrote:
Whoever made that is so heavily biased towards darker, gritter dramas I can't even take it seriously. That's not an insult on the shows themselves, but why call it the "top ten anime ops of all time" when it's really just "top ten drama anime ops of all time"? They clearly have no experience and/or interest in mainstream shonen, haremshit, moe girls doing moe things or the other common anime formulas that make up so much of what we see.
I'd be like if I gave my top ten vidya game soundtracks of all time and only listed Nintendo games because that's by and large what I play. The sample size was way too limited to be declared as the best overall when it's only for a set few categories.
It's obvoiusly a list based on the writers personal bias. None the less, I do really like a good amount of the ones listed. Without prior knowledge of of anime, just about anyone can look at those OPs and say " those are pretty good".
IMHO that list should (or I should say "my list would") include Katayoku no Tori, Eden of the East and Guilty Crown, but that's just my liking for "shiny" Openings.
I would have included Gurren laganns third OP.
Akame ga kill is getting an anime
I started reading this manga recently. I like it, but god is it brutal.
Dac wrote:
I would have included Gurren laganns third OP.
I myself would have put in "We Are!" One Piece's first OP.
So…what does KYM senpais think about Nagi no Asu Kara?
Never seen it. Is it good?
@ Dac
If you're into drama, then it's great. It has good scenery and concepts, but it really dwells on different human issues like change.
Honestly, it made me cry.
Also the original character design is made by the artist of Haganai.
Need to Watch/Finish List:
~Tsukuhime (on Ep 7)
~Kara no Kyoukai (I am officially hooked on Ufotable)
~Attack on Titan (On episode 3)
~Space Dandy (Space Johnny Bravo… I am all in!)
~Kill La Kill (Hoo boy can't wait to see this one)
~Dangan Ronpa (On Episode 5)
~Free! (Been watching the Abridged Series, and now I got to watch the Real One)
~Working! (Have my eye on it because it seems different. Also since I worked in restaurants before I think I could relate to somebody)
~Sakura Trick (Because Yuri. Shameless I know.)
~Rozen Maiden Remake (I never finished the original Rozen Maiden. Primarily because I heard it deviated from the original manga at some point, so my past experience with Kampfer set off my NOPE alarms and I stopped watching. Since this this doesn't deviate from the Manga I think I will give it another go.)
~Fate/Stay Night 2014 (Again, Ufotable)
~Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 3 (Do I even need to explain?)
~The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki Chan (When I realized another season of Haruhi was on the way, EVEN IF it was a spin off, I think I laid an egg in excitement.)
Just finished Kara no Kyoukai…
This was Beautiful… it's hard to describe, but this did a LOT of things right.
It didn't let the gimick of the TypeMoon-Verse dominate the personalities of the characters. In short, they first introduced how the characters where Human over how the characters where Special. Because of this, I was actually able to relate to the characters. They where like Real People, and not just impossible role models.
As an added bonus, they didn't immediately shove the worlds mythology down your neck. In fact, they didn't directly explain a damn thing until Movie 3, around 3 hours into the series. It relied all on visual cues, and trusted the audience was smart enough not to need to know what a Ghost, Possession, or Telekinesis is, and I find it just awesome they managed to break the mold with that.
And lastly… the feels… They knew how to fucking play with your heartstrings without slapping on a tragic backstory to all the main characters. This was VERY well choreographed, and the pacing of one major encounter per movie gave the animators agency to make those touching moments without a "BAM, KISS! NOW FEEL GOOD AUDIENCE!" moment.
I am having trouble if I would consider it better than Madoka and Fate/Zero, my two all time favorite anime. It's just on that level where I can't properly put those 3 in any particular order.
Fate and Tsukihime Fans; drop what you are fucking doing and go watch Kara no Kyoukai. Ufotable did it again and it is marvelous.
Dac wrote:
Akame ga kill is getting an anime
I started reading this manga recently. I like it, but god is it brutal.
I'm farther along and honestly, part of me wants to just drop it. Not because its bad, but just because of its brutality. I cant drop it though because I really like the characters and also is just downright cool.
Honestly, I can see this anime becoming quite popular when it comes out. Its an action adventure set in what looks like an alternate version of the middle ages with advanced weapons and is brutal as hell, Kinda like AoT I guess. Not saying it was the first to do that, but Its the most recent, and Its popularity was unmatched last year. So far though, I'd say I enjoy the manga to Akame more than AoT. Better pacing, more likable characters, and the deaths actually get to me.
It seems like IGN has been mentioning anime a lot more than usual lately, as they just made another anime list, this time being a list of the top 25 anime characters
Let's just their choice for number one character maybe a bit controversial, since they chose a character that a lot of people (from my experience, at least) dislike.
I have a love/relationship with shinji, but I am somewhat ok with him being number 1. I still don't particularly like that list. You are right though about ign and the recent anime resurgence.
Yeah, while Shinji is an influential protagonist, I wouldn't exactly call him number one. Also, the lack of Rei Ayanami on that list greatly saddens me. :(
You know, considering the recent trend in anime, that being darker and more intense shows like Madoka Magica, Attack On Titan, and now Akame Ga Kiru, I wonder if the whole moe popularity that was high in the late 2000s is beginning to die off. Ever since Madoka started off the 2010s with a bang by attacking the whole moe magical girl concept quite viciously, and Titan wowed everyone with its more intense tone and action, I'm seeing a change in trends.
What say you? Do you see the popularity of Madoka and Titan as being indicators of what future anime will be like?
Who knows man, maybe. Just saying though, Akame ga Kiru blows those two out of the water in terms of its shear brutality. Even though I said earlier that it could become quite popular, I could see its intense brutality being a bit much for some viewers. The manga has some scenes that really disturbed me( one involed three girls, torture, and dog rape)
Based on what you are said, it sounds like I will really enjoy Akame Ga Kiru. >:D
I am hooked on it at the moment, you will probably like it. It's a kind of a strange series. Half the time, it seems like a fun, action adventure shonen, With humor and fun characters, but other times its dark as fuck. Kind of reminds me of Elfen Lied in that sense. At times, it seems like a lighthearted comedy with Nyu, other times, children are being slaughtered.
Dac wrote:
Who knows man, maybe. Just saying though, Akame ga Kiru blows those two out of the water in terms of its shear brutality. Even though I said earlier that it could become quite popular, I could see its intense brutality being a bit much for some viewers. The manga has some scenes that really disturbed me( one involed three girls, torture, and dog rape)
Shear brutality, huh?
Also, the infamous sci-fi horror manga Parasyte is getting an anime adaptation this October.
Yep, I think that the immense success of Madoka and Titan has led more studios to try making more violent and mature anime shows now. Not to say that there still isn't an influx of cute moe slice-of-life shows, but considering that just a few years ago that that was it, I am seeing a paradigm shift in the industry.
I just hope that this doesn't lead to studios missing the point of Madoka and Titan's appeal, and only focus on the superficial like how the comic book industry did it after the success of Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns.
I just hope that this doesn’t lead to studios missing the point of Madoka and Titan’s appeal, and only focus on the superficial like how the comic book industry did it after the success of Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns.
Honestly, I don't think Attack on Titan should be considered a benchmark. It's not a bad series, but It suffers heavily from poor pacing, one note characters, and a very unlikable protagonist. I'm up to date with manga, and those problems haven't gone away. If anything, I hope studios try to avoid making the same mistakes as AoT.
Reminds me of The Thing.
So if you had to pick, would you consider Madoka or Titan to be the stronger anime?
Also, yeah I got loads of flashbacks to The Thing when looking at shots from the Parasyte manga. Between this, Akame Ga Kiru, and surely more to come, shifts really are trending towards more mature-themed anime. I guess Madoka and Titan are to thank for it, again. What say you on that though? Do you want to see more anime like them?
Oh dude, Madoka is easily one of my favorite series, no comparison there( in my opinion).
I like my mature anime, but I will admit that I can tolerate watching more silly harem or slice of life shows. A little darkness can go a long way, especially with good ones. To answer your question, I am happy they are making an AGK anime because I love the manga (just one left for me and then I'll be caught up :,( ) but I am not necessarily excited to see a shift towards more dark and mature anime. One of my favorite things about AGK isn't how dark it is, but how good and downright fun the characters are. Also, you should probably check out deadmans wonderland.
Has anyone been keeping up with the Blazeblu anime? I tried two episodes but have put it on hold for the moment. Is it even worth watching?
Also, so Ive started reading the prequel for Akame ga kill since I've gotten up to date with the main series. Honestly, I really love this series, its fucking good.
I kinda dropped Blazblue after 3 episodes. Mainly because as a fan of Blazblue I overall felt REALLY cheated by it. In it's trailer they gave us some high quality footage of Ragna vs Nu but in the end didn't deliver that quality. That scene in the trailer wound up being from Cronophantasma, so it was outright false advertising.
Not to mention, it missed the point of what a fighting game's style can bring to the table. The highly strategic close quarters combat was simply ignored for over-the-top-but-cheaper-to-animate exaggerated strength. And it was kinda at that when I just said "I'm done with this trash" and moved on.
That pretty much sums up how I felt. There is much better anime for me to watch at the moment.
Taokaka show up in the anime?
Espurr wrote:
Taokaka show up in the anime?
Yeah, I don't know how prominent of a character she is though.
Personally, I consider Kill La Kill to be a better Blazblue anime than the actual one.
Fucking oriemo is a better blazeblu anime than the blazeblu anime … Somehow.
Just finished Tsukihime. Eh… an incredibly weak anime. And after the prep talk I was given over how this doesn't even follow the original visual novel that well I am overall disappointed.
It wasn't "Bad". It wasn't cringe inducing (except in the harem revenge episode, but that's a personal taste), but I didn't get that feeling of awe I got from Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, Fate/Zero, and Kara no Kyoukai. An overall weak start to the animated Type-Moon line.
There is a movie and music store I went to today that was selling tons of anime movies and boxsets for really low prices. ( I could get the entire Eva series (Including end of Eva) for about 6 bucks and Full Metal Panic was 3 bucks. The Movies are all legit, I don't know why its so cheap. I'm gonna go back tommorow with like 30 bucks and buy a ton of shit. Only thing I didn't like about the store? They had all those movies in their "Japanime" section, and Avatar Aang was the only character on the Japanime sign, lol.
Damn Dac, you lucky bastard! The one store that I know of that sells anime around where I live charges out the wazoo. Spirited Away by itself costs fucking $40. I think the cheapest thing I saw them selling was Redline for $15.
I'll try to remember to take a picture of what they have and the prices. It's unreal.
Well, I got Akira, Season one of slayers, and a couple godzilla movies for 20 bucks. not bad.
Anyways, I went into Bakemonogatari without knowing anything but the "Renai Circulation" deal.
I honestly thought it would be a happy go lucky anime. I'm 2 episodes in. Its good, just not what i expected. What do you guys think about the series?
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