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Mod Upgrade 12: asdfghjkl edition (Featuring Special Guests: Shijo and ProfRivers)

Last posted Jan 22, 2016 at 01:24AM EST. Added Jan 18, 2016 at 09:44PM EST
46 posts from 33 users

Only one upgrade this time, so no need for numbering:
Let's all give a round of applause to our newest media mod, Asdfghjkl! He's done a ton of image and video work to merit this upgrade, and I'm glad that we finally have a new, productive media moderator.

Supah Loli edit: We added Shijo and ProfRivers to our ranks.

Congratlations to them! And you better don't slack off or I will ask for a demod.

Last edited Jan 21, 2016 at 06:45PM EST

I know I've said this at least two times now, but congrats Asdfghjkl! I honestly think it's a little overdue :l Regardless, he really earned it, and by sheer levels of helping out with little to no bugging mods and admins about it.

Asdfghjkl+Jacob=Clean image gallery within a month. I'm sure of it.

Ex-Goat wrote:

Congrat Ashfdsfsdjgkl or however you spell it

You're pretty swell

If you have a Qwerty key board it's just the middle letters. You can literally just slide a finger over them from left to right and you'll have it.
Anyways, congrats Asdfghjkl

Not trying to insult just genuinely curious: what did he do that earned him the status? Like was it having a lot of contributions that put him over the edge or was it the edits or what.

Thepyrowasaspy wrote:

You were a bad enough dude to get to mod! But are you bad enough to defeat riff raff?

When it comes to Riff-Raff, the only winning move is to not play.

justThisFool wrote:

yeah yeah he's a mod now, but when does Jacob become admin?

Talking seriously, Jacob only needs to move to NY and present his CV at cheezburger for the job. I'm sure they will take him in.

Oh boy, another person to harass about moving images and proper tagging at 3 AM! Congrats asdfghjkl, I hope you're ready to be worked to death.

First Loli, Delta, and Jacob. Now Asdf, Shijo, and ProfRivers.

It's like picking my Jotho starters, except this time it's a gay love triangle.

Last edited Jan 21, 2016 at 06:48PM EST

66% of this update's new mods have Napstablook avatars.

In all seriousness, congrats to the new two as well. Rivers isn't much of a surprise, and while I don't know much about Shijo, apparently he has a ton of media edits. and also that I offed him in the last mafia game, pls don't suspend me for that it was nothing personal I swear

Step two of my 7 step plan to KYM domination is complete. Nobody can stop me now…

In all seriousness, I'm honored to be a mod, and I'll try to be a good one!

Last edited Jan 21, 2016 at 08:48PM EST

Woah, thanks for the upgrade, I'll try my best to keep helping around! I saw a bunch of wall post and though I fucked up something

Non-Adjectival Snickerway wrote:

and also that I offed him in the last mafia game, pls don’t suspend me for that it was nothing personal I swear

I though we had something special;_;

I didn't expect another mod upgrade that quickly. Nevertheless, congrats ShiJo & ProfessorRivers for the upgrade.

I guess I need to start cleaning up more then.

Last edited Jan 22, 2016 at 01:24AM EST

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