FL4ym3 wrote:
Porn isn't allowed.
Suggestive content is allowed.
Fuck this website.
No one will miss you while you're gone. If you want to look at porn then go to Tumblr or Reddit or a fucking booru.
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Nov 27, 2012 at 12:52PM EST
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FL4ym3 wrote:
Porn isn't allowed.
Suggestive content is allowed.
Fuck this website.
No one will miss you while you're gone. If you want to look at porn then go to Tumblr or Reddit or a fucking booru.
Twist wrote:
Ok i was the one who hid that image and i'm pretty sure i send you a message. Now lets see the image "Two underage girls (Akko is 16) naked on a bed, while one of them sucks the other nipple and the other moans" I dunno but that sounds pretty NC to me.
Now the broken rule
- Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature.This one not so much since they seem a bit aged up.
- Sexually suggestive images of characters or people who appear underaged.I suggest you to check your emails (or spam folder, i had a few emails from kym marked as promotions) since i'm sure i send you the reasson the image was hidden.
anyone wanna see a mod backtrack on his words?
Now lets see this image “Two underage ponies (it's canon that most ponies are in highschool 16) naked on a bed, while one of them suckles up to the others chest” I dunno but that sounds pretty NC to me. Who uploaded that? Twist did of course and under the rules as he interprets them: in a sexual or porny nature I have found quite a few in his uploads that fall under that rule and this rule – Sexually suggestive images of characters or people who appear underaged.
now let's see what other rules can be broken on kym
Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature.
cropped porn anyone?
and I could keep going with this
and you know I will
and we've tried having this discussion many times over
and mods always have some excuse as to why they are right and you are wrong
but hey MODS = GODS right?
I see the butthurt has begun less then 10 minutes and my first -1
Is what I'm saying untrue? That the way the rules are written they can be interpreted how you see fit. I have tried to tell mods to simplify it for us (no nipples, no genitals) but they wont for some reason. they want to leave in the very vague description "in a sexual or porny nature" well that describes all of twist's uploads. Am I wrong?
Derpy, the problem is that you are quoting the rules that serve your argument while ignoring the ones that discredit it.
- Ponies are not human or human-looking, so the "underage" rules do not apply to them the same way as it would human characters. Also, one is Luna and the other is Derpy. One is clearly adult and the other is a background character with little to no story elements set in stone, and mostly everything about her is "fanmade", even the name, so her canon age is who-knows-what years old. Same applies to the image below it: not human-looking, so the character does not "appear to be underage" by default.
- Sure, they are "naked", but again, they are not human or human-looking, and rules DO specify that "fur can replace clothing". That rule has been here since the very beginning.
- They are just snuggling in bed. While there does seem to be a "lewd" artistic intention, this is hardly NC-worthy. Even mother and son in real life can snuggle, and that does not make it porny or suggestive by any means. It actually says more about you than it does about the image if you think it is too NC.
This is uploaded on an entry that allows exceptions, and the intention is comedic, not porny. Again, both of these rules have existed since always.
Absolutely everything on the Hentai Quotes gallery can be cropped porn and allowed via exception, as long as no nipples or genitals are visible. There is a section of the rules that SPECIFICALLY says so for that gallery, very hard to miss.
So, yes… but no. You are, in fact, wrong, and Twist proceeded according to the rules properly.
And no, I am not a mod.
check my uploads. The ratio of memes to "sexual nature" fan art is about 80/20 and I've been here for six years and I've been labeled as someone who posts porn. So tell me how a mod who uploads more "sexual nature" fan art is saying that a pic of "sexual nature" fan art, that isn't showing any genitals or nipples, against the rules?
- Ponies are not human or human-looking, so the “underage” rules do not apply to them the same way as it would human characters.
not true over the 6 years being here I've had many a mod say otherwise. Twist opened the can of worms by saying the character was 16. Now we can open that discussion and see how many "Underage Characters" (ponies included) that are posted in a "Sexual nature" on this site if you want.
Seeing as you've been here only a year and probably haven't seen all the times Ive argued with mods about the rules and content, I'll recap when I've made threads to discuss it maybe 2 mods would actually discuss it. Most people here think I just wanna post porn and that's why I'm fighting it. That's actually furthest from the truth. I wanna see a fun site that people enjoy being on and posting on without stupid rules (that even mods don't follow 100%). I'm fighting because I feel what's happening is wrong and with most people here wanting to post lewds you need clear cut rules not grey area rules or rules that only apply when they see fit.
Look, Derpy… Rule enforcement's main motivation is not any personal whim of any one person on the site. They work this out based on what the sponsors of this site would find to be objectionable content. You probably know about KYM's "quality adds" issue. Well, all of that comes from the NSFW images uploaded here, and mods are fighting that with these rules. Which is why human-looking characters are more heavily moderated than anything else: sponsors heavily frown upon that, while not really caring much about other types of characters, since the line is too grey for them.
"B-but what about the Pokemon gallery? It's full of underage human characters in lewd drawings"
But they do not LOOK underage, you see. That choice of word is not accidental or meaningless by mod's side. When it comes to fictional characters, sponsors only care about looks, not context, and since none of the Pokemon girls uploaded here "look" obviously underage, then those can pass by.
"Ok, but the girls on my image didn't "look" underage either"
But there was direct sexual interaction between them. I already checked: no image on the Pokemon gallery has that. Girls are usually portrayed alone posing in some suggestive way, which is allowed.
Case in point with an image I myself uploaded:
- Fictional character.
- Ghost-looking, not human-looking.
- Clearly not child-looking, despite the character's context.
- No sexual interaction happening, just sexy "posing".
- No nipples or genitals visible.
=Therefore, NSFW, not NC.
Not that hard to understand, really, although it did take me quite a few reads of the rules to fully grasp. I certainly do not need to have 6 years in here to get it, though. I have had a few images removed a few times, and the reason e-mailed to me has never been wrong so far.
Rule enforcement’s main motivation is not any personal whim of any one person on the site.
I was banned for week for posting this
Real reason: arguing with another mod because he deleted someone else's post because it showed a Luna in lingerie no nipples no genitals. like I said before kid not my first time arguing it.
Right now you have 8 mods all in Discord jerking each other off, playing video games, etc. they know about this and I even tagged Twist about it. not a single mod wants to comment here. par for the course.
They work this out based on what the sponsors of this site would find to be objectionable content.
not my problem what deals they make with advertisers. what is my problem is trying to be on a site that's about memes and having fun when someone comes along and says "you can't post that" b…b..but mod senpai you post that shit all the time? "Yes but I do it within the rules". b…b..but mod senpai I did it within rules too? "NOPE"
Not that hard to understand, really
> "Real reason: arguing with another mod"
> "Right now you have 8 mods all in Discord jerking each other off"
If your "argument" with the other mod had any language similar to the second quote, then I am honestly not impressed you got banned for a week. Since when and where has confrontational language and lowkey insulting earned ANYONE any sympathy..? Do not expect mods to be friendly to you when you cannot keep composed and word your thoughts calmly. That is basic community etiquette pretty much on any site where user accounts are a thing.
We are users, not customers. We are not paying for anything here. Mods are not obligated to whistand any user's tantrums, as we users are not obligated to disable our ad blocking software to be here. As you said, par for the course. Mods get shit talked to them: they ban. We get shit talked to us: we can just leave and not produce clicks/views anymore. Almost no content on this site is exclusive to it, anyway.
And no, the sponsor thing is not a "deal". A "deal" has agreeable terms that are discussed and established first. This is a service. One in which the sponsors pretty much have full power on how things work. That is the simpliest way to earn ad revenue on any site, and their terms cannot be argued or disputed. They dictate what content is OK and that is all, no questions allowed. KYM has their hands tied on that regard: they comply, or just earn no ad revenue at all. If anything, you should be thankful that you can AT LEAST complain about things and expect something to get done, because that is more privilege than what KYM's staff has regarding their superiors.
You are sort of barking at the wrong dog here, and you should not even be barking to begin with, since talking is what will get people to listen to your cause. Or what, you think I myself have not personally talked about this with mods, too..? As I said, I also had images removed, and of course I asked for an explanation, and it sounded logical after reading the rules myself, so I accepted it, and since then, I have not had issues about that.
We both had the same situation and resorted to the same solution, but only one of us is satisfied. Is that not, then, the unsatisfied person's problem more than the entire system not working..?
Link to mods jerking off
If you think our mods don't you really don't know our mods. This isn't a christian chat so telling mods to suck my dick is kinda the norm around here
I never asked for sympathy, I really don't give a shit about fake internet points and I turned down being a mod because I'm here for fun not work. just goes to show they'll ask anyone to be a mod.
That… kind of validates my suspicion, though. This seems to be more about you disagreeing with mods and NSFW rules rather than you thinking rules are not being exercised correctly. And, to my knowledge, even mods between themselves have that issue constantly, with or without user feedback, due to NSFW rules' ambiguous nature.
Maybe that is why you cannot reach an agreement with them..? If they cannot agree among themselves, even less will they fully agree when faced with more points of view to consider. If anything, it only adds up to the confusion, unfortunately.
Just came here upon seeing a bit about "tactical censoring." I presume it encompasses instances where the naughty bits are covered only by a conveniently placed object as a result of perspective or pasties or light glares. Are there any other types that fit?
Cold Hard Crash wrote:
Just came here upon seeing a bit about "tactical censoring." I presume it encompasses instances where the naughty bits are covered only by a conveniently placed object as a result of perspective or pasties or light glares. Are there any other types that fit?
Yes. Deliberate bad anatomy. When you make a nipple or such out-of-place or remove it entirely so you can upload near hardcore porn but it doesn't break a rule. Example:
@tactical censoring
It is nearly the same as censored porn (be it through cropping or black bar/ pixelation etc.) but the orginal image was made to look like censored porn. Basically, if it "feels porny" and isn't a meme, don't force mods to have to do a bunch of research to determine if it is actually censored porn or isn't and have to explain to users why their actual censored porn is not okay, but a image that feels like censored porn (but is unedited and shows literally the exact same amount of skin) is fine.
Would this count as "convenient censoring" in any way, or it is OK..? Asking because I come across the likes of these often and the rule mentioned here is rather recent, so I am not fully sure of how it works.
It can't just be me, but I swear the problem has just gotten worse. I'm about ready to jump ship because there's almost nothing left beyond the ecchi. The wording of the guidelines is vague enough that a solid 70% of recent uploads (hyperbole…probably) would be in violation of that.
Is it wrong if someone wants to make a comedic image and using a cropped image of a naked character?No fluids,no censored genitals.
Or that would still be against the rules?(I apologize if I missed something from this conversation).
Duke Bruh wrote:
Is it wrong if someone wants to make a comedic image and using a cropped image of a naked character?No fluids,no censored genitals.
Or that would still be against the rules?(I apologize if I missed something from this conversation).
It depends on how much it leave to the imagination. If it's a funny face, but the rest of the image the face comes from is porn, but the face is the only part of the original present, then it's fine. If it's for a specific meme (like the "Hentai Documentaries" meme) then the nature of the meme means it's less strict.
It kind of depends around the context. The censored porn rule was meant to address people uploading what served the same purpose as porn but "technically" was not porn. As long as it isn't NC it should be okay enough to post in this thread to ask and I can give perhaps a better statement.
Thank youvery much for the response.The cropped image supposed to be this,the original is just one of those "body pillow" like images.
It should be fine then.
Excuse me, but why they deleted the image that i uploaded?
It doesn't show any nipple or genital
KYM Admins who make the rules: "Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature, should be removed from the site:"
Calwings wrote:
KYM Admins who make the rules: "Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature, should be removed from the site:"
Not really surprising to see KYM's Staff re-think their NSFW guideline approach after Tumblr's disaster on the matter and Newgrounds' indirect burn towards every site in existence that is in the same position. Nobody actually wants to be in that position, let alone have people making memes mocking you for it. Bad marketing, you know.
I expect even more moves like that to come, and that can only be a good thing for the site's reputation. I just hope KYM's sponsors do not get anal over it and just let people have fun for goddamn once.
why are furries NSFW?
(insert raging cat)
meowingmemes wrote:
why are furries NSFW?
(insert raging cat)
The majority of furry art uploaded here is NSFW in nature, and furries are best known for being sexual deviants, even if that's a small portion of the community.
The quoted post has been deleted.
no u
Tchefuncte Bonaparte wrote:
What are the rules about highly explicit text?
What's the rule?
So before I go ahead and start work on this, would thisfine necro booty at (02:38) breach the NSFW rules?
I understand that we occasionally let things slide a bit if the risque bit is part of the joke, but the problem with this joke is that the backside of this particular necromorph is almost entirely indistinguishable from a normal naked woman, hence my problem.
The general set-up was going to have this shapely behind take centre stage whilst I had Isaac recoiling in fear and having a Puker doing that T-pose stance they make after the spit at you to the other side.
Is this considered to much for this website?
It's not cropped and is actually the full picture.
I would like to know why there is an image of an elderly stripper which not only does not have an NSFW tag, but has been put at the top of every page on this site for the past several days now.
Torchpost wrote:
I would like to know why there is an image of an elderly stripper which not only does not have an NSFW tag, but has been put at the top of every page on this site for the past several days now.
Oh, that's just the Porn Crusader.
He got pissy with the mods years ago and now just makes new accounts to spam hardcore fetish porn every now and then.
You're very lucky, the last time they did this, we had pages of Blue's Clues porn in the recent image gallery for an hour or so before the mods cleaned it up.
^kind of basic, isn't it?
(nvm it's gone now.)
amanda b. wrote:
NC (not cool) content
Images, Videos, Forum Posts and Comments that should be removed from the site:
- Almost any form of pornography or nudity, photographed or illustrated, even if it is cropped or censored, in a sexual or porny nature.
- Borderline NC content that may be considered explicitly sensual or provocative in nature (example) or features a bodypaint-like clothing style (example) or tactical censoring.
- Strong illustrated gore: Violent gore and shock images, censored or uncensored, real-life or fiction (example).
- Unwarranted obscenity (racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic content) (ex: posting “blackface” image in MLP photo).
- Extreme cyberbullying: personally identifiable information or defamation of minor subjects (example / example #2 / example #3)
- Sexually suggestive images of characters or people who appear underaged.
HOWEVER, in the extreme case where it is absolutely necessary for documentation (ie: Daily Dose/Piccolo Dick), please contact an admin or moderator with the photo and we can decide the correct course of action. Please do not upload a NC-rated image without admin or moderator consultation. Censored versions of these images needed for documentation should be used if available.
*Clarification: Fur on creatures that normally have fur counts as clothing. Thus, a furry not wearing clothes is not NC unless genitalia, anuses, and/or female nipples are visible, or the subject is clearly sexualized.
NSFW (not safe for work) content
Images containing partial or censored nudity or miscellaneous shock content. Content that falls within these areas needs to be properly tagged in order for it to be allowed.
Examples of NSFW that is allowed:
- Censored nudity explicitly relevant to entry subject (example / example #2)
- Sufficiently obscured bulges not in a sensual context (example, example #2)
- Sexually explicit language, gestures, expressions (example / example #2)
- Mild illustrated gore (example)
- Racist, sexist or homophobic content only if it is essential
- Fetish, gross or shock imageries that aren’t porny, violent or gory (example)
When it comes to nudity, images are OK as long as it's something that can be seen on a Major Network Daytime TV or in PG-16 / Mature Games. Images that include bathing suits, side boob, cleavage, but would still be seen on major network TV channels are ok and just need a NSFW tag. This still means no genitals and no sexual activities.
These are images that, while NSFW in nature, are fine to upload without the tag. Regardless, it is adviced to maintain a mindset of rather safe than sorry; tag it NSFW when in doubt.
- Both modern and classical art containing nudity and mild gore are allowed without a NSFW tag.
- Classical art containing sexual activities or strong gore is okay, if it is tagged NSFW.
- Modern art containing nudity or illustrated gore is okay, as long as it is tagged NSFW.
- Milder examples for entries that are NSFW in nature (ex: Senran Kagura, Cat Keyhole Bra) or when the gallery itself is already marked NSFW (ex: Hentai Quotes) are fine to upload without a NSFW tag within their respective entries, but require the tag outside of it. Also if an image is more obscene, sexual, or violent than normal given the entry topic, it should still have a NSFW tag.
- NC content taken out of context and/or edited to a point where its initial sexual content is no longer clearly visible (ex: Work-Safe or Subway Sandwich Porn).
The spirit of the law takes priority over the letter of the law. Finding loopholes in the wording when it’s known what is meant won’t be tolerated, and it won’t help you if you technically didn’t break any rules when it’s clear that what you posted should be against them.
In some cases, uploading NC content may be allowed if it entirely misses the reason the rule is there – for example, cropped porn images which are taken so wildly out of context and edited to the point where they are far more humorous than anything else.
Media Moderators can mark individual images as NSFW, and Entry Moderators have the ability to mark entire entry galleries as NSFW. When a gallery is marked NSFW, there will be no images and instead some text explaining that the gallery is considered NSFW and a button to view the gallery. The actual gallery page itself would remain the same and images would still need to be marked as NSFW individually when necessary.
- In cases where it applies to a select few images in a gallery, mark individually
- In cases where it applies to the majority in a gallery, an admin will mark gallery as NSFW
- In special cases, display ads will be removed from NSFW galleries & images.
Should a disagreement arise over NSFW marking of an image, it will be settled by the Know Your Meme Editor and Cheezburger's Community Manager.
Any questions can be directed here or to another admin or moderator via PM/email.
"Racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic content is not allowed."
Oh really then what's all this then?
Turd Sandwich wrote:
"Racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic content is not allowed."
Oh really then what's all this then?
It even specifies that it’s the UNwarranted stuff that’s not allowed. The examples shown are warranted.
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