Forums / Media / Moving Images
18,566 total conversations in 823 threads
KYM Pony General VIII: One Pony Away From a Cease and Desist

Last posted
May 19, 2022 at 09:55PM EDT.
Jul 06, 2014 at 11:32AM EDT
3763 posts
128 users
Man, this thread is already slowing down. Time to post moar ship.
The Cute Master :3 wrote:
Man, this thread is already slowing down. Time to post moar ship.
Moar ship? Got it!
Platus wrote:
Moar ship? Got it!
Hahaha! I forgot fanpop doesn't embed. Nice save! I guess my ship sank though…
The Cute Master :3 wrote:
Hahaha! I forgot fanpop doesn't embed. Nice save! I guess my ship sank though…
Wait . . . what? Are you saying that you'd embedded the same image but it didn't load?
Because I had no idea. I just wanted to get in on the pun.
"Ponies can't love sinks."
"Not with that attitude!"
Platus wrote:
Wait . . . what? Are you saying that you'd embedded the same image but it didn't load?
Because I had no idea. I just wanted to get in on the pun.
"Ponies can't love sinks."
"Not with that attitude!"
Quite literally, yes. Same image, but different source. (Proof:)
*Brohoof* /)
Edit: Seems to work in about 1 in 5 loads.

I don't have a ship right now, but I do have a headcanon. While working on my Fleur fanfic, it suddenly struck me that what if Fleur is actually a changeling who grew up in Canterlot and serves Celestia? She had like identity crisis throughout her life and shit but eventually accepted that she is who she is. Please insert this headcanon into your brain.
I bet Changelings get identity crisis's all the time. It's probably normal for them. They go through 7 identities per day and can never remember who the hell they were originally after their first mimic
Screw everything I'm going to post critters
My favorites is the ferret :3

Best ship right here
I like the jackalope
@QWERTY's Headcanon: Actually, I have a headcanon too. Based on Neon Lights' attire, I imagine him to be a mob boss/rapper. As a matter of fact, this is kinda where Anne Capony comes from.
@Ships: Your ships are so tiny. Pirate ships are where it's at.
As of this post, "Weird Al" Yankovic (voice of Cheese Sandwich) is doing another reddit AMA right now!
Just click this sentence to head on over to it. It's really filling up with questions FAST!
Remember to use the Reddit Enhancement Suite and Better Ponymotes browser extensions for optimal viewing.
Snapshots of some pony-related posts from the above AMA:
Also, it's my 18th birthday today, so that's cool too, I guess.
NeonWabbit wrote:
As of this post, "Weird Al" Yankovic (voice of Cheese Sandwich) is doing another reddit AMA right now!
Just click this sentence to head on over to it. It's really filling up with questions FAST!
Remember to use the Reddit Enhancement Suite and Better Ponymotes browser extensions for optimal viewing.
Snapshots of some pony-related posts from the above AMA:
Also, it's my 18th birthday today, so that's cool too, I guess.
Happy Birthday Dude!
NeonWabbit wrote:
As of this post, "Weird Al" Yankovic (voice of Cheese Sandwich) is doing another reddit AMA right now!
Just click this sentence to head on over to it. It's really filling up with questions FAST!
Remember to use the Reddit Enhancement Suite and Better Ponymotes browser extensions for optimal viewing.
Snapshots of some pony-related posts from the above AMA:
Also, it's my 18th birthday today, so that's cool too, I guess.
First off, happy birthday! Second…
"Weird AL, do you enjoy pony porn"
Weird Al, do you enjoy pony porn?
I cringed.
Weird Al, do you enjoy pony porn?
Happy birthday Neon
What's pony porn without a hot melty cheese sandwich?
… denied.
And all you CheesePie people need to take a backseat to the best ship ever.
Anyone paying attention to all this Dashcon stuff?
I just heard about it for the first time on Sunday and totally thought it was some unknown pony convention at first.
Turns out that it has nothing to do with ponies (and is instead a massively flubbed Tumblr convention), but with that name, that didn't last long:
Everypony in the ball pit!
P.S: Get hyped…
Time to share my contribution for today:
Necromagenvion wrote:
Time to share my contribution for today:
I paused a Terrorizer song for this. I was not disappointed.

I'd like to go on the record to say that Dashcon is the funniest shit that has happened on the internet in a very long time. The last time I remember the internet pushing out something so funny and notable was when the two dicks guy did a reddit ama at the beginning of the year.
I expected this to be a slightly amusing video, but somehow that fall at the end was so funny and strangely satisfying it really got a good laugh out of me. And now I'm in a good mood, thanks for that :)
Hey, look at the pony at the far left. It looks like Braeburn, but he has a different cutie mark. I bet he's Braeburn's straight twin. Does he have an official name? If not, I'm gonna name him Rayburn.
It looks like his CM is a guitar, so I'm gonna say that's a mandopony cameo
@Disturbed & Crimson:
Braeburn's MLP Wikia page claims that character is just Braeburn with a few changes, and also is not a MandoPony cameo nor a design worthy enough to be deemed a seperate background pony.
But that's not gonna stop our headcanons now, is it? :)
Yep, that's almost certainly meant to be Mando.
He's modified a bit, but the cutie mark is a pretty dead giveaway.
Guess that's one of the benefits of being so close to the people on staff (and I believe he actually did a little background music, too).
I do like the idea of him being Braeburn's long lost straight cousin, though…
And his name would have to be Gayburn just to be as absolutely confusing as possible.
New Funko figures coming out next month!
Yep, Rarity will finally complete the main six, Daring Do is awesome, and they actually got a Discord model!
pretty cool!
I will most certainly get that Funko Discord.
Also, anyone know what's up with the forum?
20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:
I will most certainly get that Funko Discord.
Also, anyone know what's up with the forum?
Nothing much except for shipping, critters, twilight falling off the stage, weird al and porn, and those doll things. So that's whats going on in the forums also BOOKZ!
No no, I mean what's up with the reorganization of the forum? It took me almost ten minutes to find the Pony thread.
20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:
No no, I mean what's up with the reorganization of the forum? It took me almost ten minutes to find the Pony thread.
Oh, I don't know but its easier to find the forum if you just look in the comments section of the mlp page
20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:
I will most certainly get that Funko Discord.
Also, anyone know what's up with the forum?
@Funko Figures: Oh man! I kinda want that Rarity, but that Daring Do looks really awesome too!
@20% Cooler: People were complain that there needed to be moar boards since JFF was getting drowned in shit post. Anyways, in the process "General" became "Discussion" and most of the "General" threads got moved to "Media" while all of the "Meme Research" got moved to "Discussion". Two of the worst moves IMO. This thread is nothing but discussion (when it's not "Post X") and now it is going to be harder to find "Meme Research" when it pops up. I mean, yeah "Meme Research" is discussion, but the purpose of the site is to research memes (hence the title) so I kinda feel it should get it's own section. But alas, lets make this pony related:
@scream11 wrote:
Oh, I don’t know but its easier to find the forum if you just look in the comments section of the mlp page.
You mean people do that??? Would it be easier if a link to the current thread/page were added to the top of the article?
The Cute Master :3 wrote:
@Funko Figures: Oh man! I kinda want that Rarity, but that Daring Do looks really awesome too!
@20% Cooler: People were complain that there needed to be moar boards since JFF was getting drowned in shit post. Anyways, in the process "General" became "Discussion" and most of the "General" threads got moved to "Media" while all of the "Meme Research" got moved to "Discussion". Two of the worst moves IMO. This thread is nothing but discussion (when it's not "Post X") and now it is going to be harder to find "Meme Research" when it pops up. I mean, yeah "Meme Research" is discussion, but the purpose of the site is to research memes (hence the title) so I kinda feel it should get it's own section. But alas, lets make this pony related:
@scream11 wrote:
Oh, I don’t know but its easier to find the forum if you just look in the comments section of the mlp page.
You mean people do that??? Would it be easier if a link to the current thread/page were added to the top of the article?
20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:
No no, I mean what's up with the reorganization of the forum? It took me almost ten minutes to find the Pony thread.
Discord did it.

Remember when the KYM Pony Threads were in the general section? Pepperage Farm remembers.
I should have checked the mod forum more recently. I didn't know that the TV/film board was going to be called "Moving images". Took me a while to figure out what the hell that meant.
If there's a lot of people still lost as to where this thread is, should I leave a link in general board?
I for one welcome our new forum look
no they can find it easy enough
20% Cooler than Ice Rinsankajugin wrote:
I will most certainly get that Funko Discord.
Also, anyone know what's up with the forum?
The mods have been talking about this for a long while.
The times, they're a changin'.
I miss this thread being in the General section.
It doesn't live up to it's title right now.
The KYM Moving Pictures Thread? I dunno, doesn't slip off the tongue as well.
Teddy Sadcat wrote:
I miss this thread being in the General section.
It doesn't live up to it's title right now.
It's a thread for general discussions about pony. I don't see what the problem is.
I much prefer all our media related threads and topics having their own category. Gives everything a lot more breathing room and also gives a chance for threads that were previously hidden away to get a little spotlight again
I… I have a headache…
Since there's nothing else going at the moment. I'm just going to raise a topic
Has anybody noticed that Luna always inspires the most gorgeous artwork?
Like, she's always looking pretty, always looking majestic. Art involving Luna always contains so much detail and love put into it.
I wonder why that is? Why so many good artists are inspired by Luna specifically?
Because moonbutt is best princess, yes? Anyone agrees?
I find this happens a lot with Celestia too. I think it's the flowy ethereal manes that do it. At least they do it for me, any time I see those things I want to make gorgeous art of the characters but then I never do because I'm a lazy asshole
Crimson Locks wrote:
I find this happens a lot with Celestia too. I think it's the flowy ethereal manes that do it. At least they do it for me, any time I see those things I want to make gorgeous art of the characters but then I never do because I'm a lazy asshole
I don't know if it's the ethereal manes. Cadance gets a lot of byoutiful art, too. Maybe it's a classic case of Everything's Better With Princesses?