So I've been speaking to a lot of really good artists lately who don't feel like making or sharing anything because they don't feel like they're good enough.
I think people forget that there is no such thing as universally good art, as all art is personal to the viewer experiencing it.
Because of that, I've decided to share some of the terrible art I've done to help them feel more confident in doing the same; and if you'd like to join me in this, then please go ahead.
So without further ado, I'll start:

Angsty teenagers are Angsty.
I drew this shortly after my parent's divorce when I had first started university, had no friends and was practically raising my little brother by myself because my parent's stopped caring about whether he passed college or not.
That was about six-seven years ago and everything is much better now, so there's no need to worry.
(See source for full sized image)

Hands, and my terrible attempt at drawing them.
(See source for full sized image).

This is totally an original idea and not a variation of The Levellers Evil Sun logo because I thought it looked cool.
(Whistles innocently)
(See source for full sized image).

I wanted to create an African-styled tribal mask using Isometrics and I think this one turned out quite nicely actually,
If anyone wants a quick guide on how to draw isometric patterns, please let me know and I'll create a quick guide for you.
(See source for full sized image).