The past few months anything Joe Biden related or pro vaccine video has been disliked all to hell. Coincidence? I think NOT!

Last posted
Jan 01, 2022 at 12:16PM EST.
Nov 11, 2021 at 08:31AM EST
15 posts
11 users
The past few months anything Joe Biden related or pro vaccine video has been disliked all to hell. Coincidence? I think NOT!
Jeez, what an absolute mess. One one hand, I do believe YouTube's substantial boomer and right-wing demographic (and I mean the real crazy ones – bible thumpers, unironic Q followers, Ben Shapiro subscribers and the like) is destroying political discourse through dislike bombing, and yet at the same time this feels like YouTube bowing down to PC culture again in the name of "combating hate speech".
YouTube is gonna die
Griff the Hoplite wrote:
YouTube is gonna die
lol no
1. that hoe BEEN dead. what we're seeing is a zombie controlled by parasites
2. youtube's an empire at this point. it's here to stay for years to come, no matter what you or i can say about it
Griff the Hoplite wrote:
YouTube is gonna die
It's zombified. It's only popular because it is already popular.
But for Youtube to really get burned into the ground, it must either do something REALLY wrong multiple times, or it gets shut down through government intervention (which is very unlikely at the moment).
Fucking sickening disgusting corporate "positivity" circlejerk
soon any negative comments anywhere will be auto removed
i really hope people start talking about this because if not the comments go next
I'm expecting an hoping that someone makes an extension that reverses this feature.
I'd like to remind you that Youtube has a history of doubling down on their unpopular decisions.
People complained that Youtube's methods to fight misinformation and disinformation had a chilling effect and false positives? Youtube responded by deleting even more videos and channels.
People complained about how algorithms disable comments on some of the videos? Youtube responded by turning off comments on even more videos.
People complained there are too many ads on Youtube. Youtube responded by adding even more ads.
I saw AnonBlah867 suggest a January 6th style raid.
Is it wrong that I completely agree with him?
It's like Youtube is begging for competition.
The only time Youtube seems to have lost monopoly on types of videos is when Youtube has banned those types from its site.
Yeah, it's about time the founders/co-founders take back the website as a whole…this is gonna completely encourage click baits/misinformation-based videos and gonna discourage the rights of opinions across the site.
This is gonna be the first step to killing a modern website that changed everything on social media.
It is shit like this that keeps from having that much faith in the invisible hand of capitalism at least when it comes to internet shit.
A lot of products and services do indeed get better over time and thanks to the market….but Youtube sure hasnt been getting any fucking better over time.
No!! wrote:
It is shit like this that keeps from having that much faith in the invisible hand of capitalism at least when it comes to internet shit.
A lot of products and services do indeed get better over time and thanks to the market….but Youtube sure hasnt been getting any fucking better over time.
That is because the main "appeal" provided by the top websites today isn't how easy they are to use but rather the opportunity of being discovered by the general public.
Creators could choose to post on a smaller competitor only but that also implies a smaller audience. The likelier outcome is that they will post on both platforms, not leave one for the other. As such, the higher on the web hierarchy your website is, the larger it will become.
The quality of your service means nothing once you have a sufficient userbase. If it did, people who use Youtube, Twitter, etc would've left long ago. The resulting consequence is that websites have no incentive to improve after they've already "made it".
But while Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can coexist, Youtube has an especially strong stranglehold on the video sharing market. It has near exclusivity to 15 years of videos – which are MUCH heavier than text or images and as such are harder to copy. Tiktok had to offer another format to burrow its way into mainstream for example.
People keep hoping for a competitor, but there's very little chance of that happening unless Youtube somehow loses its video hosting servers – which would in turn be a huge loss for internet history.
the only chance we have is the not unlikely circumstance of google disabling anyone but their "verified" users to upload
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