How many times have you brought someone to some time after 1900 and they ask you why the metal bird doesn’t need to flap its wings to fly?

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Feb 20, 2022 at 05:39PM EST
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How many times have you brought someone to some time after 1900 and they ask you why the metal bird doesn’t need to flap its wings to fly?
None, I always just go to them in their time and they die of some horrible accident or commit suicide in an impractical and unlikely manner shortly afterward for absolutely non-suspicious reasons.
Ever heard of the Independent Socialist Republic of Hawaii? I didn't think so.
Avoid from 1933 to 1945 trust me on this, I know you might be tempted to kill Hitler but the problem is that ¨what doesnt kill you makes you stronger¨ seriously applies to Hitler and german scientists are really good at reverse engineering as well.
Have you ever tried changing the timeline so that the nazis dont win while also fighting an army consisting of endless time travelling Hitlers, other dimension Hitlers, mutant Hitlers, vampire Hitlers and Hitler clones? It aint easy let me tell you.
No!! wrote:
Avoid from 1933 to 1945 trust me on this, I know you might be tempted to kill Hitler but the problem is that ¨what doesnt kill you makes you stronger¨ seriously applies to Hitler and german scientists are really good at reverse engineering as well.
Have you ever tried changing the timeline so that the nazis dont win while also fighting an army consisting of endless time travelling Hitlers, other dimension Hitlers, mutant Hitlers, vampire Hitlers and Hitler clones? It aint easy let me tell you.
That’s the worst time to try and kill Hitler. And besides, I’d be more curious to find out who the minions were serving than “accidentally” making a timeline where the USSR leader’s legacy is as notorious as Hitler’s is in the current timeline.
Then again, what if that is the plan all along?
Does Hitler have plot armour? He can survive dozens of attempts on his life. You can shoot him and even blow him up and somehow he just reappears in the next mission. I think he might have an essential flag because of his important role in the World War 2 quest and
Whatever you do, don't kill Hitler, I did by going back to WWI and shooting him there, but Fascism and WWII still happened. Worse yet, a meteor was on a course to collide with Earth in 2012 and without the research and groundwork laid down by the Nazi's V2 rocket program, space technology won't be advanced enough in time for the government to covertly knock the asteroid off-course and cover up the whole ordeal, instead the impact destroys the Middle East and parts of Europe, Asia and Africa and also damages the atmosphere to the point where the 99% of Humanity that remains starves to death. Hitler is unfortunately essential to the timeline and removing him from it early causes impossible to mitigate consequences.
Same thing with Stalin, the Space Race between the USA and USSR is critical to the technological development necessary to stop the asteroid impact. Whatever you do, be extremely cautious around major historical figures, especially the main few dictators.
Kommando_Kaijin wrote:
Whatever you do, don't kill Hitler, I did by going back to WWI and shooting him there, but Fascism and WWII still happened. Worse yet, a meteor was on a course to collide with Earth in 2012 and without the research and groundwork laid down by the Nazi's V2 rocket program, space technology won't be advanced enough in time for the government to covertly knock the asteroid off-course and cover up the whole ordeal, instead the impact destroys the Middle East and parts of Europe, Asia and Africa and also damages the atmosphere to the point where the 99% of Humanity that remains starves to death. Hitler is unfortunately essential to the timeline and removing him from it early causes impossible to mitigate consequences.
Same thing with Stalin, the Space Race between the USA and USSR is critical to the technological development necessary to stop the asteroid impact. Whatever you do, be extremely cautious around major historical figures, especially the main few dictators.
Can solar flares destroy meteors? There was a big one on July 23 that year.
I’d try and avoid showing a photograph of anyone to someone before certain periods; might think you trapped someone’s soul in there.
It’s always fun, albeit risky, finding dystopias that rely on tech then going back to pre-industrial times to find potential anprims and setting up a situation the hyperpower isn’t prepared to stop.
This dude from the early 90s was disappointed when I told him "pog" in 2022 doesn't have anything to do with those bottle cap looking things.
Nigel the treasure hunter wrote:
Does Hitler have plot armour? He can survive dozens of attempts on his life. You can shoot him and even blow him up and somehow he just reappears in the next mission. I think he might have an essential flag because of his important role in the World War 2 quest and
he only dies off-screen at the end of the quest. Kind of lame imho, the main villain's death should at least be shown in a cutscene. Maybe they want to keep his death purposefully vague so he can make a surprise return as villain in a sequel, but I dunno, I don't think they'd pull off such shitty Disney-tier writing.
Imagine having someone say the line "Somehow Hitler has returned."
IIRC major historical figures always have plot armor.
"Hey, it's me. I'm you from the future. What, no, don't mind that I look like a dishevelled loser, the 2020's are a rough time. Now listen carefully!
It is CRITICAL that you buy that magic internet money called bitcoins. Yeah I know it sounds like a total scam but trust me, one of them will be worth over $50K in 2021! Please do it!"
" so what ruin my life the most? " past self asks
" discord "
" …."̈
" the social media platform discord, you used it badly (and in general)"
" … I was expecting something cooler dude"
" I know….sorry"
" … ¨
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