Seriously, it is annoying as fuck to find a thread (or new ideas for a thread) only to find such thread closed. Expand the time limit from 30 days to a more sensible limit: somewhere between 60 to 90 days.

6,918 total conversations in 568 threads
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Aug 27, 2022 at 12:46AM EDT.
Jun 28, 2022 at 11:08AM EDT
7 posts
4 users
Seriously, it is annoying as fuck to find a thread (or new ideas for a thread) only to find such thread closed. Expand the time limit from 30 days to a more sensible limit: somewhere between 60 to 90 days.
Yes please. At LEAST 45-50.
I agree given how slow the forums are
Bumping thread until time limit gets expanded
Monthly Bump
The Mod team (who, I need to note, are not the ultimate arbiters of deciding if this gets implemented or not) had conflicting opinions about this.
For some threads, I agree. With as slow as things get, and considering that it is kind of dumb to make a brand new thread over the same exact topic just because the old one closed due to no one posting for 31 days isn't great.
But having every thread on the site be like this… A dumb thread that everyone abanded two months ago reaching the top of the feed because a spambot happened to find it… isn't great either. Likewise, there are some threads that the community at large feels are a bit groanworthy, but can at least tolerate because they know it will eventually pass, and this would make it that much harder.
With that having been said, and the knowledge that mods are not actually able to edit the time limit for threads site wide, there are alternatives. If you want to make a relevant post to an expired thread that you feel is meaningful, but do not want to make a newer duplicate thread, feel free to PM me. I can manually unlock threads so that new posts can be added. In addition, if we feel certain threads meet an important enough threshold, mods can consider these threads to be featured. This removes the time lock altogether. We generally reserve this for a very small number of threads that we feel are important to keep open (such as the unofficial free games thread, the general art thread, and the politics general thread.)
Thanks for your reply!
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