"That said, racecuck stuff manages to make it all cringe. And while the rule34 is nice and all, sometimes it's nice to just have something that's more than just coomer bait."
Ay, there's the rub. Every time I see HMOFA or other human guy/non-human girl pairing, there's always some pant=on-head retarded shit about "coding" the non-human as some IRL race, like black chicks or Latinas or what have you, and every time males from the non-human species are mentioned, the writer or artist in question absolutely must emphasize how submissive he is to the human. It's literally all cuckshit with a thin, poorly applied, transparent varnish and it makes we wish I could spit at someone through a screen. The problem is especially unbearable on 4chan, where cuckshit and all of its memetic cognitohazards have almost universally disseminated among the post-2016 eternal newfag crowd, and fucking everything has to allude to those shitty memes and the drooling subhuman retards who espouse them. It all revolves around that stupid dom/sub paradigm embraced by non-people who, despite writing about or drawing humans getting with non-human sapient beings, are physically incapable of experiencing or understanding, let alone depicting, anything remotely resembling human love or affection. It's all about how the dominant human makes the anthro/non-human their mindbroken cocksleeve and personal property, because those are the memes cultivated in the smoothed-out brains of these unpeople in their formative years, and that is all they will ever know and express. Fuck character development. Fuck romance and affection. Fuck friendship and care. Fuck engaging stories and writing. Long live soulless coomslop, twitter numbers, and patreon paypiggy NEETbux harvested daily by mop farmers looking for fanbases and communities to infiltrate, water down, and gentrify in the name of tasteless porn before moving on to the next. It's all cuckshit and racedom, every day, all the time, without fail or reprieve or hope of improvement. If you want a picture of the future of HMOFA, imagine a boot stomping on the face of creativity and quality forever.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Now that I've got that off my chest, I might as well at least try to contribute to the original topic. I remember loving Disney's Dinosaur when I was a kid. The effects were phenomenal for the time, and arguably still look good today. The score, the sound design, all of the movie's presentation was amazing, but everything else, as I've come to discover with time, was severely lacking. yeah, everyone points out the sheer vomit-inducing writing and performance behind the esteemed "Love Monkey" Zini, but he was honestly the least of the film's problems. The dialogue is boring, the story is boilerplate, the characters are one-note. Not to say that Zini still wasn't a pox on the movie; Disney had a nasty little habit of adding annoying side-characters to their movies in the late renaissance/post-renaissance period, The Hunchback of Notre Dame being a particularly infamous example of such characters utterly kneecapping an otherwise stellar film. The effects could only take Dinosaur so far.
Also, while I can forgive some paleontological errors for the sake of artistic liberty, even as a kid, some things about this movie bothered me. Aladar and the other iguanodons having lips just looked awful, especially with their teeth-beaks. Little me wondered why Aladar and Neera didn't have actual, accurate beaks. Apparently, the official party line behind that decision was something along the lines of "making the characters more expressive and readable" and "the lips making them feel more human," but that's utter bullshit, Eema, the Styracasaurus in the film, does just fucking fine with a beak. Having no lips doesn't detract from her grandmotherly charm or prevent her from being expressive, so whoever was behind that decision can eat a bag of coprolites.
And of course, we have the icing on the cake.
Carnotaurus wasn't a massive, Tyrannosaurid/Carcharodontosaurid-sized monster with rippling muscles and dagger-like teeth.
He was a medium-sized Abelisaurid lanklet.

I knew about Iguanodon as a kid, but not Carnotaurus, so imagine my sheer disappointment when I learned the truth.