Ok, we find a girl, and we give them a KYM Tan Vtuber model, and have her explain memes. Like old school KYM Episode, but now anime.

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May 14, 2023 at 11:23PM EDT.
Apr 01, 2023 at 04:31PM EDT
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Ok, we find a girl, and we give them a KYM Tan Vtuber model, and have her explain memes. Like old school KYM Episode, but now anime.
Make her get weirdly political too out of nowhere to be accurate
"Man this new Mario game is POGGERS! You know what isnt poggers though?
(This is a joke dont actually do that, I like the idea too)
>find a girl
half the mod team wears kneesocks already, this step feels redundant.
She would probably get rather intense during debates especially if they get political though:
"Mods kills that guy! shoot him dead!"
No!! wrote:
She would probably get rather intense during debates especially if they get political though:
"Mods kills that guy! shoot him dead!"
You've heard of "banned for life".
Now get ready for: "BANNED FROM LIFE".
Doeoeod wrote:
>find a girl
half the mod team wears kneesocks already, this step feels redundant.
You gotta hoist those knee-highs up, those are rookie socks.
Ann Hiro wrote:
Ok, we find a girl, and we give them a KYM Tan Vtuber model, and have her explain memes. Like old school KYM Episode, but now anime.
no. I request that you propose these silly ideas no longer.
Either that or have it be one of us and constantly talk about whatever gorgeous women we have on our mind.
How would that get attention outside of KYM?
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