My profile stats say I have 3,552 comments, so I figure there’s probably a list on the backend for every user to get their number of comments. I ask because I’m saving all the images I’ve posted in comments before the Imgur purge potentially wipes them out (also Gyazo and Tumblr ones while I’m at it) and the recent activity only goes back to 2014, leaving a few months unaccounted for after I made the account in 2013. It may not be as simple as a list of comment links or IDs (and you may not be at liberty to share such data), but if a mod or admin has this and wants to help me out I’d greatly appreciate it. Or if you happen to know any “classic” comments of mine from earlier than my recent activity page 148 (April 2014), you can just post them or message me (with or without images, I have no way of finding them anyway).