hello yo dry to talk to the public of kym website…i hope not spread in any website about this question…well we go :I
I have one question of my life about the phobias(fear),the phobias are used for you have fear any stuff example: arachnophobia the fear of spider, thalassophobia fear of sea, etc of phobias
but..why do people use phobias it for "hating" anything not to feel fear in that stuff? does correctly put odium than phobia?
arachno + odium = arachnodium the hate against spiders
also hate in Latin is odium,in Spanish odium is odio…the phobia and odium are the same or archetype apart of human emotion?
is a complex on philosophy and humanity question who use the phrase wrongly for centuries, also phrase can change everything in this world, many ideas of people do incorrectly use like phobias and odiums?
thanks for reading who understand me…remember don't spread odium in this world, just ignore the derision against you and the stuff who liked or loved in your life then yolo,don't be a being of hate or war, when you grow old understand was a bad idea to feel fear and hate is unnecessary in your life, Just fight for justice not for yourself is to change the future to a better place,yep the world is a crazybatshot but you can control your tiny world of tons worlds :D
thanks for reading
-Dry Ice, one who is crazy enough to understand the craziness, the probability is not a number after all xd

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