A thread for artists you like who have disappeared off the face of the planet and what happened to them
for me it's Photonoko, they drew really well done yiff

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Jul 29, 2023 at 03:40PM EDT
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A thread for artists you like who have disappeared off the face of the planet and what happened to them
for me it's Photonoko, they drew really well done yiff
I'm not sure if this counts since its a case of fraud, but there was a popular Vocaloid illustrator who caused considerable controversy back in 2010. She went by the name of Yunomi-P and collaborated with some high-profile Vocaloid producers via cover art and promos for albums/videos/etc, with her work reaching as far into one of the Project Diva Games. She was eventually outed for tracing/plagiarizing stock images, unfortunately this had a ripple effect among the innocent producers who worked with her and were forced to take down their songs due to copyright violations. Yunomi-P disappeared shortly thereafter and was never heard from again for obvious reasons.
I suppose I don't really like her since she was a fake, but I find it amusing that her cover art/music videos associated with a handful of classic Vocaloid songs stuck regardless because they became an iconic or nostalgic part of the entire work.
Fuloodog. I had them on a list of artists that I liked…then they just went VAMOOSE one day, and I had no idea until after, then I found out why long after. Turns out they left the internet entirely.
ShadowsInc. He drew a image of a character I really like engaging on a fetish I REALLY like. But closed his IB account because apparently he went to work for Nintendo and that means every creative output he creates from then technically belongs to them.
Saltyicecream. The person drew lewds like no other. Rumors of his disappearance range from death by Covid to finding animation work that pays really well.
Crow Anon. Disappeared one day and hasn't been seen since.
Vinnie Veritas did some great animations in the early days of Newgrounds.
for voice work, Dusty Old Roses (Fem Class Mods for TF2, most notably Femscout) and Durox, the OG saxton hale VA. I think Dusty got hired for official stuff and thus isn't on the internet much anymore, but Durox as far as I know just kinda vanished.
For Webcomics, VG cats is having it's longest running hiatus ever and I'm convinced that it got discontinued without me knowing.
For old TF2 gmod/sfm animations, Rubberfruit hasn't made a video since almost last decade, and we still don't know where he went
There’s a good chunk of all the famous animators and artists from Flipnote Hatena, Boss, Keroro66Gunsou, EpicGuitar, AfRo ToAd to name a few. After Flipnote shut down, a good chunk of them all either went to deviantart or tumblr or just vanished off the face of the Internet.
Boss was known for his action animations and videos
Keroro was known for her musical shorts and memes
Epic was a variety animator
Afro actually wrote his own shonen series that was sadly rushed near the tail end of OG Hatena’s life cycle.
About a month ago I would have said RakkuGuy, but he just suddenly reappeared one day recently and confirmed why he was silent for like 4 years. Poor guy got doxxed back around 2019 and it scared him off the internet, and it's only recently he finally felt safe enough to come back and start posting art again.
Soupgeist 😭
He wiped his entire online presence, his DeviantArt and his Tumblr were full of illustrations, and his YouTube account full of music.
I even sorta knew him personally, but he's just outright gone. It's been 3 years since he disappeared...
Rickard Jonasson aka DrunkenNovice creator of Two Guys and Guy .
Webcomic went from a MWF schedule to a Patreon funded pay-per-page situation.
Got comissioned to make artwork for some NFT grift a few years back, leading to the neglect and eventual shutdown of the webcomic site.
Of all the artists that suddenly vanished without a trace, the case of A-cute-nightmare was a strange one. From the little things I knew, this artist grew very popular at one point (must have happened around 2017-2018, more or less) and had a place in like ten sites at once. I don't think they missed a thing. And then, one day, gone. All art deleted. All sites deactivated. Nothing. There are some traces here and there if you google it, mostly Steven Universe art from the looks of it, but that's about it.
RedBlupi was a user in the Mega Man fandom notable for placing first in the Make a Good Mega Man Level Contest and making it to the top 10 in the second game. He helped in the making of one of the submissions to the upcoming third installment, but that's all is known about him recently. He also contributed a few tracks to fangames Mega Man SFR and (ultimately canned) Mega Man FD and was even working on his own fangame, subtitled Alpha. And then few years back he completely privated all his YouTube videos and closed comments on his DeviantArt page along with deleting big chunk of his uploads there.
I sort of interacted with him. He did plenty of reimaginings of bosses from the beloved B-grade platformer Kao the Kangaroo after I wrote "Kao: Years After" on his unrelated drawing of an anthropomorphic kangaroo on my old account. (Sidenote: I'm embarrassed of that comment, since the title is probably gramatically incorrect) Maybe he got to work on the reboot, I dunno.
GasprArt is a notable NSFW animator and artist who gained popularity around 2019 with their animation notably featuring Zootopia, Teen Titans and Pokémon. Around May 2022, they were tested positive with COVID-19 and shared their unfinished animation from the same post. After that, no new posts has been made since then. Some speculate GasprArt died while others think their taking hitaus/break.
A KnowYourMeme article already had an entry on it but I'd thought I'd share it here.
I swear, I only see or hear about Sarah Anderson (SarahsScribbles' if i got her irl name right) once in a blue moon, if that. I always enjoyed seeing her stuff around here, but I haven't for the life of me seen any of her stuff trending in ages now.
She doing okay? I don't really follow artists on their websites or Twitter, so I'm unsure what she does nowadays.
Excitebot theLEGO wrote:
I swear, I only see or hear about Sarah Anderson (SarahsScribbles' if i got her irl name right) once in a blue moon, if that. I always enjoyed seeing her stuff around here, but I haven't for the life of me seen any of her stuff trending in ages now.
She doing okay? I don't really follow artists on their websites or Twitter, so I'm unsure what she does nowadays.
She more-or-less regularly posts on Webtoon, if you're interested:
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