Semi-related topic, but I find it interesting us in the west are generally quite rigid about gender expression in particular, in that it's taken that if you go outside the norm, then that inherently means other things. Don't want to get too heavy into it, but to give you an idea, people that push "egg culture" onto others, as above, fictional femboys being pushed as trans, that stuff.
Where recently I've observed that subcultures in Japan don't have it like that.
Now mind you part of that is probably because Japan isn't exactly a bastion of trans acceptance, but apart from that, they seem considerably more carefree about gender expression in particular. I've seen a lot of japanese guys who just, enjoy dressing as women, and that's the bottom line of it. Nothing else is inferred about them, that state is just seen as acceptable on it's own. I'm cherry-picking a little here (this is in a known LGBTQ district), but I can't image this kind of thing existing in the west, not for a while at least, and if it was, it would be much more heavily associated with trans people.
I reckon this is more of a big city thing and the more remote areas would be a lot more conservative about this kind of stuff, but you have to notice even way back in the original "everyone is gay for bridget" days, "Traps" (as they were then) were not really a thing in western media really at all, and still barely are tbh.