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If there were a museum for memes, what would you like to see in it ?

Last posted Nov 29, 2023 at 12:48PM EST. Added Oct 28, 2023 at 09:51AM EDT
21 posts from 16 users

You know those areas for kids where they let them draw on surfaces for fun? That, but with meme templates. You align 20-ish of them on a wall, half from vintage memes, half from more recent or more obscure memes, with notes indicating the origin and meaning of those templates; you let color markers at the disposal of the visitors, and you clean the wall once in a while after taking pictures of the resulting drawings and labelings. The visitors can vote for their favorite photos of the previous week's memes, and those with the most votes are kept to be displayed as a best-of on the opposing wall, or on a big book nearby. Rotate between templates each week, and voilà.

I'd say maybe an album containing all the songs that became memes like Never Gonna Give You Up and Gangnam Style should be sold in the gift shop.

Also if possible, a SpongeBob section.

Last edited Oct 28, 2023 at 02:36PM EDT

Triplem wrote:

You know those areas for kids where they let them draw on surfaces for fun? That, but with meme templates. You align 20-ish of them on a wall, half from vintage memes, half from more recent or more obscure memes, with notes indicating the origin and meaning of those templates; you let color markers at the disposal of the visitors, and you clean the wall once in a while after taking pictures of the resulting drawings and labelings. The visitors can vote for their favorite photos of the previous week's memes, and those with the most votes are kept to be displayed as a best-of on the opposing wall, or on a big book nearby. Rotate between templates each week, and voilà.

Love the idea ! It would be so fun

Well, I guess one kind of already exists that I could visit. It's the Donald Trump Twitter Library.

…On second thought, I think I'd rather see a section in a museum that details the capture the flag between 4chan and Shia LaBeouf.

Last edited Oct 31, 2023 at 04:42AM EDT

A robust legal department.

This isn't a joke.

I feel confident if a physical place like this were to ever attempt to come into existence, unless you were to bar any memes that contained copyrighted material (which is nearly all of them) it would be shuttered before ever opening. Most of these would fall under fair use, as it is a museum and thus "be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder" but many of the larger copyright holders are well known to simply threaten legal action to get projects shut down.

Triplem's idea was the interactive thing I would go with and would be compatible with a more hands-on museum or a section of a more hands-off museum. Another idea I had was a photo-op thing that was a desk that would also film your your face to put it into the picture frame behind the desk so you could replicate the Masturbating Spider-Man meme.

Maybe some archived memes that have importance? Like the original animation cells from cartoons that became memes. Have the original of memes that started out as physical drawings or potentially even paintings and sculptures. Alternatively, maybe have prints/replicas with signatures from the original artist.

Wax sculptures of famous people in famous poses, like Sad Keanu, Obama giving Obama a medal, Confused Travolta. Or even people who are just famous for memes who (or whose families) are fine with their likeness being used like Kyle Craven, Kimberly Wilkins and Dave Brandt. By extension, extremely well-done replica "taxidermy" (the kind that is made 100% from scratch) of famous meme animals. Ones like Tardar Sauce (of Grumpy Cat fame), Kabosu (of Doge fame), animatronics of "get stick bugged" and Piano Cat and, well Harambe, but that might encourage public nudity…

Actually, some other replica stuff could be really fun, and not just for physical sculptures where the originals cannot be obtained, but for objects that were made digitally or just as a concept were brought to life. A model of a horse the size of a duck next to a duck the size of a horse. Maybe some life-sized replicas of scences in film theatrical cartoons or tv series could be made, as well as just life-sized replicas of famous cartoon characters that have multiple memes associated with them (Bender, Peter Griffin) or are basically memes in and of themselves (Derpy Hooves).

Okay, I get how that last bit goes beyond what anyone could consider "fair use" given my first point, but this is for "what I would like to see" and not "what do you think would be legally possible to see" lol.

I hope that gets a bit more to your suggestion. Mostly, physical copies of what started a meme, authorized reproductions/prints with creator signatures, and full replicas of things that are notable memes. Never going to happen for multiple reasons, but this would hopefully be something that offers something unique that you couldn't just get out of an online database.

Last edited Nov 15, 2023 at 03:40AM EST

A giant hand-sculpted highly detailed and anatomically correct buffed Astolfo marble statue with him holding a monster can that is roughly the same size as his massive visible buldge.

It would be a reinacance style masrerpiece

PatrickBateman96 wrote:

A section dedicated to the early days. Such as the Dancing Baby, Star Wars Kid, the Hamster Dance, and "All your base are belong to us".

The cut-off point should be somewhere in the early 2010's. Nothing 2014 or onwards.

Last edited Nov 18, 2023 at 07:28PM EST

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