Elon's recent endorsement of antisemitic beliefs got even more advertisers pulled and it seems like a newsworthy thing that should have a page

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Nov 19, 2023 at 03:57PM EST
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Elon's recent endorsement of antisemitic beliefs got even more advertisers pulled and it seems like a newsworthy thing that should have a page
Kenetic Kups wrote:
Elon's recent endorsement of antisemitic beliefs got even more advertisers pulled and it seems like a newsworthy thing that should have a page
Elon is an idiot, more news at 10. But really, the fact his rebuttal to the antisemitic accusations was a fucking BEN SHAPIRO video of all things, shows why he should never get involved with political discourse. He needs to pay someone to slap his hand and delete any awful unsent Twitter messages.
Fine by me
what were the antisemitic posts in question?
Elon Musk going from libright to authright it seems.
From Eipstein Island to spamming the n-word everywhere….what a change
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