I still cant believe how big Daisy's dick is

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Feb 19, 2024 at 02:43PM EST.
Jan 11, 2017 at 12:22PM EST
3941 posts
227 users
I still cant believe how big Daisy's dick is
If you cant be funny…
Then be the unfunniest!
Strive for excelence!
I had the weirdest dream last night.
I was inside of a gigantic, jet black-colored living dick, and that dick had balls that it used as legs and was wandering around aimlessly in a vast green desert. Until it suddenly started running, and then it suddenly pointed eastward and just stood still for a while until it suddenly started pulsating, and then I was shot out of the urethra with great force like a cannon and then collided with an east Asian pagoda-style rendition of the twin towers.
Jesus christ the bots are going wild today
I am the undisputed King of the Expand Dong Gallery; it is my domain, and no one else can claim it!
Survival of the fittest, only the strongest survive the internet.
Anyone want my dead discord server? A user bummed me out and I am just burned out of everything
Never mind I got over it…for now
Anyway: lifehack: make your own server/website/community/social-media/whatever and you cant be banned or punished, it worked extremely well for Elon Musk for example
I saw a guy asking if it would be morally right to sell your 10 year old daughter to Jeffrey Eipstein, and when people called him on it he said "ha! moralism is for the poor"
Twitter is fucking wild man ( i aint calling it X fuxk you)
I wasnt lying this is my server, its pathetically dead though so not an accomplishment lmao:
Made some friends with it so it wasnt fully a failure so there is that
I sexually identify as a degenerate
I like hate, it keeps me alive
No!! wrote:
I like hate, it keeps me alive
So, like this?
Squibblyskadew wrote:
So, like this?
Absolutely I keep myself alive through sheer hatred of everyone
Squibblyskadew wrote:
So, like this?
Absolutely I keep myself alive through sheer hatred of everyone
Do I really hate everyone or just hate myself and projecting? Riddle for the ages really
Really is probably both
I am not so much "pro-choice" as much as I am "anti-life"
I am proud to say I can now willfully shift between hatred, dark lust and apathy depending on what skillset I need.
Previously I didnt have a control over them.
I no longer hate children, now I love children
Wait…no…that came out wrong
No!! wrote:
I no longer hate children, now I love children
Wait…no…that came out wrong
Too late, fool.
No!! wrote:
I no longer hate children, now I love children
Wait…no…that came out wrong
"Today I present to you all a shocking and comprehensive list of knowyourmeme users who are, in fact, secret members of the communist party"
nuh huh
Do you trust me?
You shouldnt
Dont trust anyone on the internet, anyone
you think you know me but I bet you didnt know I am actually a big titty goth girl did you? Exactly, people are full of secrets
No!! wrote:
you think you know me but I bet you didnt know I am actually a big titty goth girl did you? Exactly, people are full of secrets
That's a blatant lie. The last goth girls disappeared from the wild back in the mid 2010s when Hot Topic moved from selling teenage angst to cashing in on nerd culture and pop references, and TV fandoms pushed out the goths from their online habitats on Tumblr. When Paramore released After Laughter in 2017, abandoning their roots in favor of a synth-pop sound, that was the end of it all.
Why else do you think the only goth girls you ever encounter these days are from artists fictional OC depictions on twitter? The world didn't know what it had until it was too late, and now we're forever stuck with nothing more than the romantic vision of the once majestic big tiddie goth gal.
I… I need a moment for myself. This is all too much.
Squibblyskadew wrote:
That's a blatant lie. The last goth girls disappeared from the wild back in the mid 2010s when Hot Topic moved from selling teenage angst to cashing in on nerd culture and pop references, and TV fandoms pushed out the goths from their online habitats on Tumblr. When Paramore released After Laughter in 2017, abandoning their roots in favor of a synth-pop sound, that was the end of it all.
Why else do you think the only goth girls you ever encounter these days are from artists fictional OC depictions on twitter? The world didn't know what it had until it was too late, and now we're forever stuck with nothing more than the romantic vision of the once majestic big tiddie goth gal.
I… I need a moment for myself. This is all too much.
[Misery Business plays in the background]
you found me I was lying…
I sometimes wish I really was a girl with big boobs
Who said that!? it wasnt me
Squibblyskadew wrote:
"Today I present to you all a shocking and comprehensive list of knowyourmeme users who are, in fact, secret members of the communist party"
How could you >:(
the power of survivorship bias
Hey guys, did you know that Eating Ass is a good alternative to drugs?
Edgar Weebling wrote:
Hey guys, did you know that Eating Ass is a good alternative to drugs?
Oh, you silly billy. People get drugs because they can't get ass.
wonder if I am a psychopath….
No!! wrote:
wonder if I am a psychopath….
No, you're just an incel.
It's not the same.
Quiet_boi wrote:
No, you're just an incel.
It's not the same.
Oh ok
Squibblyskadew wrote:
Oh, you silly billy. People get drugs because they can't get ass.
Exactly, and that is the reason why eating ass is such an achievement.
Now Squibbly would be so kind to join me in my daily masculine and sober ass-eating session?
I should just stop posting online one day
No!! wrote:
I should just stop posting online one day
Probablyy for the best.
I lost my virginity and it was awkward as fuck.
The dude was playing with my tits for like 15 minutes before trying to do anything else downstairs. I also couldn't do anything back to him cause he wanted me to lay down and have him do all the work cause he is a man.
The moment I finally started to enjoy his Cunnilingus, he stopped, saying now its time for the main show. And he proceded to full force pump into me. He started getting winded quite fast in. I told him he could slow down if he wanted, but told me he was fine.
The rough manner he was fucking me wasn't even that good. He constantly slammed his entire pelvis in my nether regions. And it made my boobs jiggle and bounce. Which also started to feel uncomfortable. So I decided to start holding my breast, but he said he liked watching them bounce, so he held my arms down.
Soon after he came, he laid down and looked really proud. I wanted to let him gloat in his moment of glory. But when he asked to do it again soon, I told him I'd rather just fuck my pillow at home and felt like that was a good enough moment to leave and go home.
You are a girl?
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