
Cringe - mras and feminists arguing at u of t mra event

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Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast
Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast

in reply to Ganondox

If she wasn't completely accusative and calmed the fuck down (since it didn't seem the other side was being as caustic as her, at least from what I could hear), in addition to not just reading off a list and instead at least committing most of what was on that list to memory, in addition to actually explaining some of her logic conclusions (so, how is rape culture a part of the patriarchy again), in addition to actually demonstrating that feminism achieves the MRA objective in addition to its own instead of causing further inequality by not being a caustic twat and instead proving that she's an asset to nobody including herself, I'd be inclined to listen to her.

Of course, this would, in part, require feminism as a movement in the 21st century to not be the caustic clusterfuck that breeds people like these.


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