Location: USA, North America, Earth (Sol III), Sol
Joined Aug 21, 2015 at 03:43AM EDT
Karma Received
+2,982+3,067 (97%)-85 (3%)
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+2,360+2,360 (100%)-0 (0%)
Just a guy that loves his sci-fi and his games.
Trains may or may not leave every hour… or at all… In fact, there are no tracks.
About me:
- American
- Snarkastic
- Male
- Likes Space
- Likes Robots
- Likes Military Vehicles
- Asian-American
What I play:
- Fallout
- The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind is my favorite.)
- Deus Ex (What is this "Invisible War" you speak of?)
- Halo (Haven't completed 5 yet due to hardware requirements.)
- Mass Effect (You gotta love how fleshed out Bioware made the universe.)
- Starcraft 1/2
- Stellaris (Making Space Great Again is really damn addictive.)
- Galactic Civilizations series
- Civilization series
- Older 4X Games (Master of Orion, Alpha Centauri, etc.)
- Pokemon (Still haven't picked up OR/AS or Go yet.)
- X-COM (Haven't played the originals. Currently working on XCOM 2 when Stellaris addiction isn't in effect.)
- Kerbal Space Program (SPAAAAAACE!)
- Starbound (MORE SPACE!!!!)
- No Man's Sky (SPEHSS!!!)
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