
Meme Constituent Meme Trader <br > Net Worth: 0


Sleuth & Cataloger & Pundit & Media Bus Boy

Location: canada

Joined Aug 30, 2012 at 11:05PM EDT


Karma Received
+3,372 +3,751 (90%) -379 (10%)
Karma Given
+412 +871 (65%) -459 (35%)


Welcome to my wall.
Main Interests:

-Warhammer 40k and various other Tabletop miniatures.

-Video games (Bloodborne, Paladins: Champions of the Realm, Total War, Warhammer video games and many various Real-time strategy games)

-History (World war 2 and ancient feudal japan era.)

My Steam account for those interested.

My tabletop Miniatures painting thread where I share my works to the public. (I need to get back on that shit, Seriously.)

About me:

I am a genuinely nice person to approach and talk to so feel free to leave a message on my wall or send a PM. Just do not come to my wall to shitpost or act like an asshole or a degenerate and we will be fine.

Take care and have a pleasant internet.

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