Coinga Flex
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The image and meme is used as an way to joke about Coinga, or a way to call someone Flex.
Flex (An individual that is Flexionado) means to become emotionally controlled by any type of emotions, mostly anger, but the real way to use Flex correctly is unknown since it was an slang created by Firenn.
The image of Coinga is normally used in photoshop edits, such as Coinga in CSGO, Coinga with flowers on his chest, Coinga in all fours and even Coinga without clothing, there are many other HUNDREDS of edits of Coinga made by different individuals.
There are also several alts on Twitter, Steam and other platforms that are made by different users as a way to troll other people, using Coinga and Flex as a joke.
(Coinga has joined in the jokes in the past and still does with Flex, but its unknown if Coinga is still ok with his face edits)
The photo in question is taken by Breno "Coinga" Silva himself, its unknown the date of when the photo was taken, but its widespread was the reason why Coinga and Flex turned into a joke.
The image started to circulate online in 2021 or 2022.
When people mention Coinga, they also mention Flex, which is a slang created by Firenn, as like said before, "means to become emotionally controlled by any type of emotions, mostly anger", but its correct use is unknown since Firenn does not know how to explain it correctly, the joke is that Coinga is the creator and founder of Flex because Coinga has insuperable levels of Flex everyday.
The meme has since been growing because of HerbieHSSO, Firenn, Swag and Aksye Nobody.
And the slang of calling someone Flex has been growing even more, with several random individuals starting to get addicted in using it, such as Herbie, Firenn, Swag, Aksye, Masami, Allen and everyone who get contact with the Coinga edits.
Small Fame
*Coinga*'s fame has been since growing on specific parts of several platforms, such as Twitter, Steam, Discord and even in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive & Counter-Strike 2.
There are several notable of these accounts, such as Intel Hero (Jubileu Gomes) on Twitter, which got considerable attention on the technology part of Twitter, and the photo Jubileu Gomes uses as profile picture is an image of Coinga
There is also hundreds of Steam and Twitter accounts that uses *Coinga*'s name and images, the Steam accounts are mostly used as an smurf account by several different individuals to use Counter-Strike cheats, that being the reason for most of the accounts having a Vac ban.
Coinga is also banned in Counter-Strike on his main account, because HerbieHSSO borrowed *Coinga*'s 100$ (in Counter-Strike skins) account and cheated on It, causing for the Vac.
The meme is not only in Brazilian communities, but is spreading outside, with users on small game communities, such as Scram, using edits and memes of Coinga unknowingly.
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