Internet Meme Exchange Stock Market Report
or this year's April Fool's Day event, we launched an Internet Meme Stock Exchange in the spirit of the meme economy, a concept which has established an impressive and passionate community on the /r/MemeEconomy subreddit and elsewhere online.
To kick it all off, all users were given a starting balance of 100 KYMCoin to purchase stock in any entry of their choice. As stocks were bought and sold, their value rose and fell in response, leading to volatile price fluctuations throughout the day.
While the event has come to an end, all user portfolios can still be viewed by adding "/portfolio" to the URL on any profile page. Additionally, all price history pages have been archived.
Without further adieu, let's take a look back at all the interesting things that occurred during the event and who came out on top as the best meme traders.
Out of the gate, Twist started off strong as the first user to break 1,000 KYMCoin, but was subsequently overtaken as markets fluctuated over the course of the day. At the end of the event, we handed out a total of 2,027 Meme Trader badges to anyone who purchased a stock. Additionally, the top 10 users with the highest net worth were given a Meme Tycoon badge (listed below).

The top trader who accumulated the highest net worth of all was given a Wolf of Meme Street badge, which turned out to be our very own database moderator Particle Mare with a net worth of 22,368.

Top Entries
Samurai Jack was the clear winner in the contest, ending with a closing price of 107 KYMCoin. At 12:14pm, the entry was the first to hit a price of 101, putting it just out of reach of the 100 KYMCoin starting balance.

*Breath in* Boi
At around 4:30pm, the stock price of *Breath in* Boi began sharply rising up to a peak of 25, before immediately crashing all the way back down to 1. It is currently unclear why this occurred, but our analysts will be investigating the matter.

Internet Meme Exchange
An entry for the Internet Meme Exchange itself was submitted by database moderator RandomMan, which ended up grabbing the 7th highest price at the closing bell.

Occupy Don Street
As wealth inequalities rose dramatically over the course of the day, the Occupy Don Street movement was launched in protest of the various economic injustices that came about as a result of the Internet Meme Exchange. In a bizarre twist, the trader with the highest net worth launched an entry for the movement, which allowed several investors to make substantial short term gains before a price crash later in the evening.

Top Comments
Lord of Trite
Apr 03, 2017 at 05:30PM EDT
Stoffe Moderator
Apr 03, 2017 at 02:10PM EDT