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Knuckdith, Knuckdith Quillson, or Knuckdith The Ecwilson, is the name online users gave to a photoshopped picture of 28th president Edith Wilson with the body of Knuckles The Echidna.
The Knuckdith image originated in a TikTok on Wilson titled “First Female President” by tanman5123, at 20 seconds in. In the comments of the TikTok, fans dubbed the picture Knuckdith, a portmanteau of the names Knuckles and Edith.
In response to posts on social media, a Knuckdith captioned “this has been approved by Knuckdith” is a popular way to show support.
With the rise of learning more about President Wilson, the suffix “dith” became a positive way to denote women in power. Many Instagram and TikTok accounts ended their names in dith. It debatably may have replaced #girlboss. This later turned into an Instagram trend called Dithcember.
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