Trump Is Playing 4D Chess
Part of a series on Donald Trump. [View Related Entries]
Trump is Playing 4D Chess is an expression used by supporters of the 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump when speculating that his campaign is using advanced political strategies to manipulate and dominate the news media.
On September 15th, 2015, Dilbert comic artist Scott Adams published a blog post as part of a series on Donald Trump's persuasion titled "2-D Chess Players Take on a 3-D Chess Master."[7] On March 24th, 2016, /r/The_Donald[6] user Fire-Keeper responded to a comment about Trump's image macro tweet mocking the wife of rival Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz with the statement "God Emperor plays 4D chess while the other candidates and the media play Tic Tac Toe in the sand."
In May 2016, The Washington Post released a recording of a man named John Miller, who identified himself as a publicist speaking on behalf of Donald Trump in a telephone interview conducted by People magazine reporter Sue Carswell in 1990. Many speculated that the man in the recording was actually Trump himself masquerading as a fictitious publicist. On May 13th, Fox News host Megyn Kelly discussed the tape with Carswell, who denied giving the recording to The Washington Post and suggested Trump leaked the tape himself to generate publicity. That day, the Fox News segment was submitted in a thread on /pol/, where a poster commented "Holy fuck he's playing 4d chess on a 3d chessboard against people playing 2d chess". Shortly after, a screenshot of the post reached the front page of the /r/The_Donald[1] subreddit, gaining over 4,400 votes (80% upvoted) and 400 comments in 72 hours (shown below).
![/pol/ Finds Out Trump Leaked the John Miller Tapes Ar File: 1453574231393gif (2.01 MB, 260x260) 3-5daajOopl (Embed] No. 73938533 BestDaughter Tiffany lIFKjk6038hHO D File: 1457915689085 ing (16 KB, 480x480) ) 06/13/16(Fri)22 10 02 4:30 An s (ID: ENYA 05/13/16(Fri)22:20:16 No.7393 File: 1456513277728 ing (25 KB, 400x 386) 000000000000oooy s--- This HE F------ LEAKED THE TAPE HIMSELF THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN 73933370 he leaked it himself HOLY F------ S--- THIS MAN IS JUST A GOD Anonymous (ID: TASpASGT)= 05/13/16(Fn)22:10:17 No.73938551 Anonymous (ID O > 06/13/16(Fri)22:15:18 No.73938903 File: tnmp lapton (45 KB, 781x462) AND THE RABBITHOLE GOES DEEPER 22nasos:maoer Anonymous (ID ®/Diaw)띄05/13/16(Fn)22283 TRUMP IS A MASTERMIND The mental gymnastics the media has to play now are hilarious This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen Anonymous@D REEeee ﹄05/13/16(Fn)22:12.27 No.73938701 We're t but maybe Trump wants us to talk about it >so maybe we shouldn't talk about it about it 2273938370 syou can actually pinpoint the moment their hearts rip in half Anonymous (ID: @TRD) 05/13/16(Fn22.30: 12 h >but what if that's Trump's plan? File (185 KB, 736x751) Anonymous (ID @anew.) 05/13/16(Fri)22 17:48 No. 73939077 WE ARE NOT WORTHY 73938370 He's done stranger things You can see the lightbulb's going off in Megyn's head. I've never heard so much laughter from the off set staff Anonymous (ID CTES") 05/13/16(Fn)222837 No.73939890 1i 1 Anonymous (ID GRKO) 05/13/16(Fri)22 33: 3938370 I CANT HANDLE THIS HOW DOES HE DO IT GETTING CAUGHT WAS PART OF HIS PLAN HOLY F--- HES PLAYING 4D CHESS ON A 3D CHESSBOARD AGAINST PEOPLE PLAYING 2D CHESS ONIGHT BREA RUMP DENIES HE'S MILLERT ON 1991 TAPES Fuckng mater tol God I love Trump Anonymous (ID 02SKOS)围05/13/16(Fri)22 22:11 No 73939416トmmese OAnonymous (ID C---"一06/13/16(Fri22.3340 No.73940 File: 1455852782931 ng (307 KB, 480x454) >media starts to attack him over his tax retums >the f------ madman leaks a recorded phonecall of himself pretending to be his spokesperson 25 years ago the media jumps on it othe ONLY other person who had the recording (other than Trump) just denied leaking it and claimed Trump did it for publicity Anonymous (ID: 8NZel) 05/13/16(Fn)2 73938370 e he's done stranger things A 25 YEAR OLD TROLLING ELECT THIS MADMAN, KEK WILLS IT How can one man be so interesting? His whole life is like a movie he media is no longer talking about his tax returns HE IS A F------ GENIUS Anonymous (ID CARD)図05/13/16(Fn)22 23:22 No 73939491ト File: kek tn mping (500 KB, 728x640) TRUMP has done more than trolled the whole media and IRLbaneposting (Getting caught was part of his plan) Wait a minute He poisoned the Washington post well. All scandals will be jokes now Getting caught was part of his plan?](
On May 14th, Redditor Dasidesi submitted a comic titled "The Absolute Madman is Playing 4D Non-Linear Politics" to the /r/The_Donald[3] subreddit, where it received upwards of 4,200 votes (78% upvoted) and 80 comments within two months.

On May 26th, a two-pane image comparing Hillary Clinton playing Tic-Tac-Toe to Trump playing three stacked chessboards was posted to /r/The_Donald.[4] Over the next two months, the post gathered more than 3,900 votes (80% upvoted) and 55 comments.

On July 6th, MMO-Champion Forums[5] member darklift replied to a thread regarding Trump's Star of David tweet controversy, arguing "Trump is playing 4D chess with the idiot media that will report anything he does."
Melania Trump Speech
On July 9th, Redditor realpizzapartyben posted a 4chan screenshot titled "Trump Reminds the World he is Playing 4D Chess on a 3D Chessboard Against People Who Only Know 2D Checkers" to the /r/The_Donald[2] subreddit, which speculated that Melania Trump's Republican National Convention speech was intentionally plagiarized from Michelle Obama's 2008 Democratic National Convention speech to manipulate the media.

Search Interest
External References
[1] Reddit – pol finds out Trump leaked the John Miller tapes
[2] Reddit – Trump Reminds the World He is Playing 4D Chess
[3] Reddit – The Absolute Madman is Playing 4D Non-Linear Politics
[4] Reddit – After hearing about Trump accepting the debate challenge
[5] MMO-Champion – Trump tweets white supremacist meme Star of David
[6] Reddit – Fire-Keeper
Top Comments
goo fak ye salt
Jul 20, 2016 at 07:05PM EDT
Jul 20, 2016 at 02:47PM EDT