Twitter Gets Into Panic Over Hoax That Cursed Doll "Annabelle" Escaped Museum
If you were on Twitter this morning, you may have noticed roughly 9 billion tweets of people freaking out that Annabelle, the cursed doll housed in the Warren Museum of Connecticut and the inspiration for the horror film Annabelle, escaped her cage is now roaming free in the northeast wilderness, ready for terrifying cuddles and murder.
so let me get this straight… annabelle escaped the warren museum??? pic.twitter.com/xSc5vLONBv
— m (@httpmga) August 14, 2020
annabelle standing outside my window after watching me laugh about her escaping the warren museum pic.twitter.com/1dTp6vkHXu
— mari (@needyzuko) August 14, 2020
just when we thought this year couldn’t get any worse the annabelle doll escaped the warren museum are you fucking kidding me pic.twitter.com/AR4zBuLX5H
— abby (@angeItit) August 14, 2020
While it would indeed be terrifying if an inanimate object somehow escaped the glass container in which it had resided for years, in the words of Jonathan Frakes, it never happened.
So what happened? While it's not entirely clear, some have speculated that the Annabelle panic started because of an interview with actress Annabelle Wallis. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published yesterday, Wallis talked about starring alongside Tom Cruise in The Mummy and running alongside him. According to one YouTuber cited by Heavy, it's possible that headlines about Wallis running were mistranslated to Chinese as "Annabelle escaped," sparking the hoax. Wallis also played Mia in the first Annabelle movie.
So it appears there's nothing to worry about. Even though the Annabelle doll is quite feared by occultists, it seems she's still safe in her glass prison in the Warren Museum. And if she's not, at least Buzzfeed Unsolved ghosthunter Shane Madej is on the case.
I know everyone is concerned that Annabelle “escaped” but I’d like to remind you that our formal paranormal investigation concluded that her raggedy Bratz ass was straight-up weak sauce.
— Shane Madej (@shanemadej) August 14, 2020
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